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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    YOC T-shirt

    the front badges should go on the left tit! you can use the cloth badge graphic I did if you want Paul, was only pulling your plonker! not sure about the big yam logo on the back, too American for my liking! I think you should all have your forum names on them, woosies
  2. drewpy

    78 xs400

    presumerbly just use bloke (i assume its black) and red, use a 12v battery to see what the other wire does!
  3. he's too busy muff diving off the coast of Manchester. hopefuly he'll come up for air soon. HB to vez anyway
  4. to the forum ST There's quite a bit to polish on an xs400 (SOHC), this is where you start a restoraion as you clean one bit up which shows up the rest of the bike. The next thing, its stripped down into bits awaiting cleaning!! For general bike cleaning, I got recommended the Castrol bike cleaner for Halfords, Its got acid in it and it works a treat. I just picked up some xswheels (the make, and its appropriate to have xs branded products on me bike)and I'm sure it has the same contents but cheaper. Drewps
  5. if you click on this link, you can find all the part numbers you want http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha_model8287/
  6. drewpy

    YOC T-shirt

    I'd be interested mate. You have to pay me royalties on the design though Just for comparison, I got 24 t-shrts done last year for scouts and they cost £10 each. logo on front and a patch on the arm. Individual logos might be prohibitive price wise. I'll pin the post Drewps
  7. sounds like a ground(earth) problem and the earth is running through the lamp. or the switch is knackered lighting the lamp up, just disconnect the front and rear switches they are easy to get at. You sure its a jack plug?, they are used for guitars etc, prob mean a multiconnector. For condensors, there are two but they are joined together in a single body, I think you may be refering to the self cancelling unit. It can be disconnected which just means you have to cancel the signals yourself.
  8. use a socket, or do you mean studs? two nuts together real tight should get them out,or if replacing, weld a nut on them or use a stud extractor (about £15)
  9. yep, there was nothing there anyway
  10. tadpoles and blackpool rock
  11. I think its there to allow any excess under high revs to disperse. if you keep the bike upright, you can change the gasket no problem.
  12. yes mate, posted twice already
  13. yea, saw that inbetween the TT report
  14. I'd turn down the 750 spindle and put a sleeve insert within the "closed" end of the lower fork leg.
  15. you should piss the MOT OG, especially with your mechanical ineptitude prowess
  16. in my parts book it says X-8 for '78 xs250 type 1U5
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLsgjTEvt_U
  18. yamaha always fitted different size jets, they must test the engines at manufacturing stage and offset any descrepancies. try Allens preformance, granby's, motocarb, nrp
  19. I think we sjould encourage innovation, he would probably know the limitations having gone to the trouble of designing and making something. It does need testing though, I suggest we start with Dt's SV
  20. それは私が考えたものだ
  21. drewpy

    black hat

    no hand on chin though
  22. not sure what to say about this. Its Japanese and it mad
  23. aye I'm from the area, but judging on your moniker I don't ride like a nutta so you might be bored riding with the drewps
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