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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. looknig good, brass would be the one to go for.
  2. get the bug, its great fun building and just as fun as riding sometimes
  3. if the above don't cure it, smear a dap of copper grease on the BACK of the pads. All disk brakes squeal, just that the high frequency they normally operate on, we can't hear it!
  4. drewpy


    lolz :biglaugha:
  5. is it me your looking for? <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/35055590?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/35055590">Hello</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/ant1mat3rie">ant1mat3rie</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
  6. I think its ok, the wobbly bit is just the rubber O rings before compression. once tightened down the oil will flow through the filter with the O rings providing the seal. That's how I read your thread. Old Timer had one, shoot him a PM
  7. drewpy


    its for methane production to run the bikes!
  8. that's good, get that carb soaking in coke, apparently it's great for de-gumming the old fuel if that's the case!
  9. looking good Pat. Does the engine run or is it a rebuild?
  10. coke and foil is good for cleaning rust!
  11. bleeding 'ell. its a 50 FFS be quick , grab a bargain it says. Oh and there's a bubble under the fuel tank, so it leaks too!
  12. I got 3, we use them at scouts still
  13. drewpy

    how much

    Kin'ell Brownie, mines £130 for two bikes one modified to buggery. I hope that when renewal comes that mine has not gone up that much. what's with this daytona 675 you just slipped in the conversation eh? that fz's looking more like mine every year
  14. yea, I think it is the E model. I used the gear lever shaft from that model for my bike
  15. there's some stainless one on ebay from germany. they come up. try "the tired kraut"
  16. drewpy

    Site down

    great news and now we can get our YOC fix
  17. '78 can be C or D, calipers you can use are some xs650's some Rd's xs400 sohc models except later ones xs750 and 850 xs 1100
  18. maybr use an easy out very carefully. its a reverse thread so you can unscrew the pilot jet.sometimes they are just an interferance fit so a bit of gentle heat may help too!
  19. drewpy

    Sad Times

    Oh Dear Nets, not good!
  20. to the site Jay, Post a pikkie up of your bike and see where its at. Also check out xs400.com
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