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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    The Wind!!!

    you did shit your pants!
  2. well I was there and Brownie turned up. He's been in hospital lately and could have lost a leg tried to get Paul to find us but he didn't know where the sprint was here's a few pikkies any way before I went, had to affix compeittion numbers This what I went for, MotoGuzzi V8 and here's Mike on his CB750 F1 cafe
  3. Guys, My Son and Daughter, Luisa and Enzo have entered a songwriting competition and are in the top 5 please vote for "what we do now?" http://talentpoolstudios.co.uk/blog/voting-has-now-begun/ cheers Drewps
  4. why not check the VIN number online?
  5. ah '76, ran out of beer and more importantly for me at the time, ice cream
  6. will see you there, Mike is shooting off straight after to see City win the cup
  7. that's twice you've copped out Kev
  8. have you been over to xs400.com ? lots of xs's on there
  9. the policeman will make a judgement of you when you get off your bike, demeanor, attitude etc. its in their training. I've always played the humble person and have been polite and sorry my mistake etc. This usually gets a ticking off not to do it again and I'm on my way. never got a speeding ticket from the cops
  10. drewpy

    eyup again

    hats off to ya, get out, just do it and to hell with the rest!
  11. So you southern types have squandered all your annual water quota while we northern types can relax in steaming hot baths and sprinkle the rain soaked garden just because we can. here is something you can do with your now redundant hosepipe.
  12. I use tags which tell the web page there is an imge there. use them either side of the http: address the end tag has a / inbetween the first [ and IMG I can't literally write it or the browser will assume there's an image and you won't see the text
  13. my oil pressure gauge goes up to 100 psi. its 70 psi cold and once dropped to 5 on the toy run ( it started to overheat due to standing traffic and started getting vapour lock) normally ticks over at 10 - 20 psi
  14. drewpy

    YOC T-shirt

    who is actually doing them now?
  15. very nice, I like it when parts turn up, especially NOS ones
  16. drewpy

    Scottish Soldier

    A Scottish Soldier in full dress uniform marches into a chemist shop. Very carefully he opens his sporran and pulls out a neatly folded cotton bandanna, he unfolds it to reveal a smaller silk square handkerchief, which he also unfolds to reveal a condom. The condom has a number of patches on it. ... The chemist holds it up and eyes it critically. "How much to repair it?" the Scot asks the chemist. "Six pence," says the chemist. "How much for a new one?" "Ten pence" says the chemist. The Scot painstakingly folds the condom into the silk square handkerchief and the cotton bandanna, replaces it carefully in his sporran and marches out of the door, shoulders back and kilt swinging. A moment or two later the chemist hears a great shout go up outside, followed by an even greater shout. The Scottish soldier marches back into the chemist and addresses the proprietor, this time with a grin on his face. "The regiment has taken a vote," he says. "We'll have a new one."
  17. erm........................................................................................................................................................................yes
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