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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. drewpy

    the wife

    that, was funny :biglaugha:
  2. birthday greetings to you both. Have a great day
  3. next Sunday (fathers day) is the annual Show with go at the Wombwell cart track , Barnsley. Hopefully the weather is going to be good again, its a great day out and your not overcharged for catering either.
  4. yep, booked the time off from work.
  5. to the forum Manx GP is more my liking
  6. what's wrong with the carbs, can you rebuild them with a keyster kit? why do you want to change the wheels? don't say for wider rims as the bike won't handle any better
  7. you know who you are....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt9zSfinwFA?version=3&hl=en_US">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt9zSfinwFA?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">
  8. drewpy


    I smoked quite a lot, then i realised i was on fire and someone threw a bucket of water on me. I'm ok now thanks for asking
  9. I know, Port holes for clutch windows
  10. drewpy

    TT history

    didn't get them, he snaggled the before. but got to read the papers.
  11. congrats mate, I didn't know what happiness was till I married the missus! but by then it was too late
  12. did a quick google and they seem to have titanium pipes which absorb heat quickly. Apart from checking the carb mix and valves, its seem quite normal. need to ride rather than sit idling http://www.dirtrider.net/forums3/text/topic/157945-1.html
  13. use machine oil to stop the sparks and put a wet towel over the tank too
  14. I stopped the excel spread sheet thing when the wife started asking questions. I don't like lying so buried my head in the sand instead!
  15. YOC chess pieces. Alex as King Kev as porns Airhead as a Queen etc etc
  16. good luck mate, Spa sounds good and I'd love to do that one day. (certainly the classic spa) ride safe
  17. drewpy

    TT history

    Just been to my friends house and he was giving me a load of bike mags. Luckily (or unluckily for me)he found a load of old TT stuff from 1957 to 1960 in the pile. He's got a load of timekeeping information from a guy called Davis who passed away some time ago and he was the timekeeper for the BBC. Amazing stuff, all hand calculations with famous names like Surtees, Redman, Hailwood etc. It looks like he got involved in 57 with him being chief timekeeper in 1960. whats more the chap got invited to the Metropole Hotel for the TT soirees and another soiree for past TT winners. To top it all off on the back of the Metropole invite are a few signatures; Rem Fowler - 1907 TT winner Hailwood, Surtees, duke, Williams (snr I think) and Minter. If your into cars he got the autograph of E.R.A motor racing, Leslie Johnson the then owner and racing car driver. Loads of old programs as well as the time keeping info (top ave speed calcs set at 102 mph)and some steam packet letters and hire of Austin for £6 1S 0D for the week. amazing to read and had to share with you peeps, coz I had hairs standing on the back of my arm at the time.
  18. to the forum. I'm a young 49 and get out as much as possible with or without mates. I use it a therapy for getting away from it all, into my Zen zone so to speak!
  19. YOC medallions, either for badges or chains for Kev!
  20. or motoward if you have the parts #'s
  21. your welcome cheapest i've seen http://www.bearing-king.co.uk/bearing/tla-1412-z-iko/5618 £2.83 + vat and P+P each
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