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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. latest: just been sent a pikky by Airhead, weathers not too good there
  2. the key-copter, why Foams never thought of this when he works on the things I'll never know
  3. save the best camping spot for me please? (i.e. away from Kev's bike)
  4. Oh Pat, never mind. Hope the missus is OK? I'm coming down on Saturday Morning now as I have something on Friday night, see you all sat morning
  5. Harris performance will make you a pipe, but they need the bike for reference. I have seen little bits of pipe pre bent and you choose the bits you need. A bit like a jigsaw. http://exhaustpartsuk.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=88
  6. drewpy

    I win!!!!!!!!

    I prefer the 650, you have a lot more options for that bike. tune to 850cc rephased crank etc etc.
  7. Little brother Frapes big brother's facebook profile. Payback is merciless, thorough and extremely pink
  8. drewpy

    shaming dogs

    this cracked me up can't see Kev's dogs in here though
  9. very nice, and really tidy example
  10. you might have the same floats as the xs400, 650, 750 and 1100 and there's still NOS stuff on eBay. is you post a picture with measurements i can let you know if they fit. otherwise try sirrus conic in Canada, which looking at their needles looks as your in luck
  11. drewpy

    New Gallery Live

    click the link Alex put up top right there's a black "box" which says upload click on that and follow the steps it takes you through it all
  12. another point chaps, where are we camping, same spot? If others are joining us that haven't been there before I think we need to specify
  13. I love the way he's very careful with the stuff. oiling and checking first. I see a lot of peeps on vids get all excited and just fire them right up with catastrophic results.
  14. drewpy

    New Gallery Live

    click "upload" in the top right corner, create an album and upload from the PC.
  15. I'd get a new lid etc off the dealer if your stuck on buying from them. get a knowledgeable mate and go round the private sales, this is a buyers market ATM
  16. great write up, I got 3 issues for £3 on offer I'm sure airhead and myself have seen that MV in Stalybridge as well
  17. looks great, won't miss the "orangina" in the car park!
  18. I'll be there either Friday or sat depending on what's happening in the drewpy household. pray for good weather. It'll be the XS ATM and not the tracker as I am still waiting for the battery to arrive from USA. It was sent USPS 14th August so hopefully arrive this week
  19. drewpy

    Poor Clop

    can Clop get the fair maiden? only you can doit http://www.foddy.net/CLOP.html
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