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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. what? intro's are your first post, cryptic questions maybe your second
  2. try and find out what the bike is based on. Yamaha usually use parts to interconnect with each other from the same time period. bearing factors are your friends
  3. i used to own a blue cortina, the most stolen car in the uk. I got stopped all the time. As soon as i see cops behind me, I'd just pull over, open the boot and glove compartment and wait.... nowt to hide and was sick of doing "producers" at the local nick (remember those?)
  4. nice job Mark. resto pikkies would be good too. we like to see progress/how to's etc
  5. you wearing out trainers Kev?
  6. Its worse for students who should know better. They happily step out in front of you sending you in a full wheel slide and trying to avoid their oblivion on this planet, then smile at you along with a cheeky wave and carry on their merry way!
  7. some peeps hang the bike off the rafters using strong rope.
  8. never had a switch and I have always managed to flip it. I think its some thing that is natural. now for leaving the ignition keys in the bike and walking off is a different matter.......
  9. someone stepped out in front of my car from behind a van. Luckily I was in 2nd gear so just knocked her over as the car lurched when braking. Trust me, the police were everywhere (must have been a quiet shift) and they were lapping it all up. The whole road was shut off and as it was local, was quite embarrassing for me. I got put into the police van, breathalysed, cautioned and had to make a statement. luckily the girl was just a hysterical mess (30yr old) crying for her mum. I also got witnesses that said it wasn't my fault and the girl did say it she made a mistake. I wasn't prosecuted (what for?) but was a load of hassle and time.
  10. seen that before, but props to you for coming up with it yourself.
  11. buon compleanno Foams, keep off the drink as you can't afford any more eBay purchase yet!!
  12. Test Your Brain This is really cool. ALZHEIMER'S EYE TEST (I love this part.. Its absolutely amazing!) Count every "F" in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS..... (SEE BELOW) HOW MANY 'F's? Count them again. WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.. READ IT AGAIN ! Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 'F's before you scroll down. The reasoning behind this is further down. The brain cannot process "OF". F INISHED F ILES ARE THE RE SULT OFYEARS OFSCIENTI F IC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OFYEARS..... Incredible or what? Anyone who counts all 6 'F's on the first go is a genius. Three is normal, four is quite rare.
  13. the neutral switch is just a live connection. its exactly the same as the xs400/RD's. you may have a relay associated with your though which may be causing the issues.
  14. its the carousel at Southport, but rivvy is the better one IMHO. some good roads around there. Devils Bridge is also a good ride from Preston as is Ponderosa cafe in wales there is also a sprint meet at Houghton tower a few times a year, which is a good blast to the YOC
  15. It wasn't fun hitting the boost on a corner either. From 60 to 80 bhp in an instant not fun
  16. I'd gone by 2:30 (best time to see a dentist) Sunday was a better day weather wise as it was foggy on Saturday near Stone! got meself a nice fuel filter and mike got some tinted lenses for his goggles. Paul, did you find your studs?
  17. you can get petseal remover from here try a few nuts and bolts in the tank first and shake around, it make come off. if someone has gone to the trouble of sealing the tank,I would suspect it would need redoing with ethanol proof sealer.
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