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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. amazing lyrics, so deep and touched the heart....
  2. upsetting footage of drunken louts being recorded on CCTV fixing a bike rack, after a night on the town. full story here http://bbc.in/17PWYmb
  3. well it was uploaded 15th of this month, that's all i can say
  4. about 3 days ago, it was uploaded 15th
  5. that bike sure shifts, love the first turn where he fluffs it and looks down at the bike
  6. he did say PM which means don't post it here, Personal Message him
  7. drewpy

    Meme challenge

    that film was crap, only saw it last week and i couldn't figure why all the fuss. the cars and bikes were great though
  8. theres' a big car in front of your escort foamy, better pikkies next time eh?
  9. can't believe how heavy it was though.
  10. in truth, I've never been that way before. It was Paul who went that way and said its the way back for him. I though it was going to be a dead end at 1 point. It will be better when you get your brakes sorted, did one side go or is it the MC?
  11. your not touching my piston, you dirty bugger
  12. more pictures from the book of faces https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.579361852127563.1073741857.100001612607806&type=1&l=6e0d200a75
  13. Nobby on the 2 stroke forum who set up the ride out had this to say We're glad you guys come along.... its become a tradition and helps to make the rally what it is..... Same thing goes for blackhat and his bunch from Scotland...... its great to have folk coming from far and wide, hope you keep it up for many years to come.. Read more: http://www.the2strokeforum.proboards.com/thread/8679/2-stroke-gathering-2013?page=3&scrollTo=94366#ixzz2ezhIXnNz
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