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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. Honda , have an electronic dampening field around the engines now. It consists of a small Black hole field generator which absorbs the mnemonic waves and passes them through a generous micro wormhole to be deposited on Jupiter. the phenomenon has been witnessed by astrophysicists via the hubble telescope and have written to Honda to complain
  2. posted this before but had to refresh it enjoy
  3. Whilst we in Britain enjoy the German festive Markets, our German counterparts enjoy the British Festive market. You can count on us brits to enter the spirit of the occasion.
  4. blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah, reminds me of the wife
  5. drewpy


    can you keep grandma alive in the winter? I couldn't http://toys.usvsth3m.com/granagotchi/
  6. i got one from Aldi and it lasted a few years. even had the sandblaster attachment which I blasted all the wheels and empty cases, just got messy with water and sand everywhere
  7. looks better than the alternative
  8. made from sticks and tape and coat hangars. It delivers not only bacon, but in fact an entire cooked breakfast of bacon, egg, sausage, mushroom and tomato ketchup. All that Amazon stuff about drone delivery is pretty crappy compared to this amazing technological triumph. It's intend to continue develop as it should be able to operate completely autonomously from laptop-created waypoints given a bit more work.
  9. drewpy

    petrol pump game

    Jack didn't do it for me, died in ME2, Miranda wouldn't say no
  10. looks the same as a FZ600, which might the same as the RD350YPVS.
  11. well done boys and nice one Paul I wasn't too far out at 116
  12. drewpy

    petrol pump game

    its a lot smoother as i think they tweaked the game engine better. load times are a lot quicker too. I'm just chatting up Liara T'soni to give her one story is epic and they've done away with the mining bit which was boring and tedious and there's extra dimensions with the war room in the uprated Normandy. I had to dlc on Origin for ME3 as steam didn't have it cheap
  13. drewpy

    petrol pump game

    I'm just starting Mas effect 3 having gone through the first 2. beauty of playing older games is; a) cheap = £5 games already come updated c) loads of wikki support if your stuck
  14. that sounds exhausting.......... I'll get me coat
  15. powder coaters will blast it anyway. I learned that if you are getting people to do some work, let them do it all or any issues will be down to your prep!
  16. drewpy

    New bike at last

    wow, nice bike. A keeper IMHO especially for the city streets
  17. that CX brought back a few memories for me
  18. drewpy

    xs250 rebuild

    shame Beef, would have been an interesting build
  19. look who's on the GIF image for the together trust (dt version) http://togethertrust.org.uk/fundraising/fundraising-events/events-calendar
  20. I forgot about the cyclist, he kept up with most of us to Cheadle
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