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Everything posted by drewpy

  1. probably, you have to understand that its a 600cc engine in a 400cc frame. very tight for room
  2. get the green solid tyres, no punctures
  3. i would have taken off the large nut on the adapter and kept the thing whole. But that's academic now. remove all electrics first (including that neutral wire) and alternator/starter wires
  4. I'd keep it intact as you disturb the seals otherwise
  5. not from the area, but it's a legendary event and now the council want to ban it FFS register your complaint here http://present.brighton-hove.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=410&RPID=11175561&HPID=11175561
  6. wow, nice one/ Look forward to seeing some more on this and the openface with gigs. Got a NOS goggles despite its glass (laminated I hope) should be up for some longer touring escapes then?
  7. depends, the Rd xs650/400's go regularly and I'm sure Merv has a stash or get them from ebay
  8. don't hold your breath, still waiting for the 2014 calendar
  9. JAn sales will start soon and maybe you'll get some xmas money off someone!
  10. that's just a gasket kit. a rebuild kit has all the oil seals in as well
  11. instead of running the bike, which unless it really hot, will promote moisture. the best thing to do is get a little oil heater and stick it under the bike over winter. Keeps the moisture out as it warms the bike up and keeps it that way.
  12. just seen "Charge" about the first GPX electric bikes and team czycs. the first year they did 99mph the second year 133 mph the biggest exponent was an eccentric brit called Cedric Lynch who formed a company based on his electric motor and then the company sacked him
  13. take the plastics off! yes you'll shear more bolts, but then you can get to weld a nut over the flush bolts and cool a little bit, then undo. done it loads of times no issues
  14. drewpy

    any XJ6 owners ?

    you can get adjustable ones, I have one.
  15. by then , Britten had a sponsor and had about 5 bikes. The course take 5 years to learn, going 150mph in a blind bend would certainly get the bowels moving
  16. see that suspension move. This was before we had shake cam technology, so an amazingly stable chassis. Rides it comparatively slowly compared to today's bikes, but Tyre tech has moved on so much
  17. http://host-d.oddcast.com/php/application_UI/doorId=1177/clientId=299/?mId=55469984.3
  18. Some old ones...... He laid her on the table so white and clean and bare. His forehead wet with beads of sweat, he rubbed her here and there. He touched her neck and felt her breast then drooling felt her thigh. The slit was wet and all was set, he gave a joyous cry. The hole was wide, he looked inside, all was dark and murky. He rubbed his hands and stretched his arms, Then stuffed the Christmas turkey! ~~~~~ A guy is walking on the street, feeling suicidal after losing his job and divorcing is wife, when suddenly he finds Santa. "Hey Santa! I'm so glad I found you! I would be so happy if you gave me a loving wife and a new job this Christmas!" "Sure thing. You'll have all that you want if you pay a small price...", says Santa before dropping his pants and pointing to his cock. The guy finishes-up and wipes his mouth and Santa asks him "How old are you?" "38, why?" "And at that age you still believe in Santa?" ~~~~ Tampax is bringing out a new tampon. they have replaced the string with a piece of coloured tinsel.... it's being released for the christmas period.
  19. what a bike and an engineer http://youtu.be/s2yzOCM_KSM
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