Everything posted by steve 46
desperate help needed
what do i do guys and girls. had to borrow cash that needs to be paid back asap the bike is the only thing i have worth anything worthwile being out of work dont help i am gutted
who has had the swine flu leaflet then??
not bad leathlet considering it cost us tax payers 14 million quid
who has had the swine flu leaflet then??
i called the helpline and got scotland yard
- mcn forum
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
there ssome seriously violent people on this sit im discusted NOT the wood yard sounds good but slowly let them suffer a bit... not sure i want to buy red wood chippings for the garden. then again it would match my brick wall
Lookey what i finds!
- new one
cleveland guys
cheers drewp i give them a try
bike stealing scumbag vigilante group sign up!!!
im in.. had my car stolen once and found out who it was, see him 6months later and i fink there as somthing wrong th my steering if you no what i mean?the suspention on back of car worked well telescopic trunchon for me.. and paint ball pelets if they in car they are great with windscreen wipers
cleveland guys
hi guys got puncture the other day had ride back flat now its knackered i have been quoted 108.00 from national in redcar for 180/55 zr17 73w dunlop qualifier d209 is there a cheaper place? or can i put on anything else with similar tread patten? seriously pissed off and ain ridden for 2 days thanks for ay help
Bike Stolen :(
sorry about your bike being stolen but if you do find out who nicked it the you will have 15000 yam fans behind you also stickin the boot in hope you get it back in 1 piece. fuggin scum
Insurance Price
Try Express insurance very very good quote i had only 200quid full com on same bike th 0 no claims they well worth a try
- HI guys
cleveland ride out
hi guys weathers gettin better how about a meet up i spend a lot of time at saltburn at the ship of a weekend if anyone interested
New Member
welcome mate i went to canada once and there was a sign outside the airport saying...drink canada dry...so i did very welcome to the yam site but no talk about farty davidsons
coulor scheme
my yzf750r has an m.r.s paint job of world super bikes probebly from the 1990s its red white and black but i cant get hold of m.r.s to get touch up paint for stone chips.... i have serched the web to find out what year the paint job was from can any one help I would put a picture on but the pixels are to high and wont accept it
yamaha owners club stickers?
ok, there are are a few posts on here that could possibly help. did you have any luck with yamaha to use there font? it would be good to advertise this site to more yam owners
- Hi Everyone!
yamaha owners club stickers?
just wondering whats happening with the stickers? how far have yuou got with them?
My 2006 r6 camel colours
She lookin lovely mate ROSSI fan i take it? where in essex are you
xj600 takes ages to start
sound like the battery to me. i have a simily problem with mine. dont strart it for a few days and she refuses to sytart until battery stops. i put the charger on it for a couple of hours and it bursts into life. hope this helps
cleveland ride out
xlent news..im in brotton i have only lived here for ayear and half.. im a east londoner long as you dont mind riding with southerners i will keep in touch
cleveland ride out
is there anyone out there in cleveland and love the north east roads i would love to arrange a ride out (when weather gets better) all welcome from 50cc to 1600cc/all will be welcome. learners also anyone interested? praps we could co somthing for a local charity?
[im North East saltburn by the sea. the roads are fantastic over here if anyone aranging any ride outs inthe summer. whitby road and surrounding fantastic some will possibly know of the roads. i well up for meets and ride outs
The International Council of Man Laws.
youl have to email me that one