Everything posted by mark h
- tiltshift
how fast is fast?
Had my GS 500e up to 110 last summer, then started to lose my helmet, (open face), So i thought, WELL you can`t see now so slow down, That`s why although i love my YAMMIES, I`ll always keep the GS, We can all do with a little terror in are lives, But it`s each to there own really, I don`t know what i was thinking that day, I prefer to cruise, Must be an age thing, O G Will know. LOL. But we all like to know what are bikes can do don`t we. Think i`ll E-mail age concern now, Thinking back to that day i`m becoming quite concerned.
Bikes in bus lanes victory
Am i the only one not sure about this, I ride through London often (Daughter visiting) And it could turn into chaos, Will you be happy to sit behind a bus, or will you say "I`ll just overtake this one and get back in lane, weaving in and out of traffic to do so, The bus driver heart attack rate will double, Don`t forget the huge amount of riders all trying to do the same thing, And i`ll not mention all the scooters (spit) piddling about, getting in the way,(as they so often do), Now I`m a born optimist but still... I`ve nothing against Scooters, My youngest daughter has one, Devils spawn from hell. (I must get a D.N.A. test soon).
Hello hello hello.
You know Queensferry, Nice quiet sedate town nothing untoward ever went on there, After a freezing few days sweeping, (round and round bass rock) I still feel giddy sometimes, Once ashore it was two beers, fish supper and back on board, YA RIGHT, more like DODGE CITY. Great place for a young man,
Well Hello
Welcome Kev, ya lot`s of stuff to look out for on a bike, That you might ignore in a car so "keep em peeled" And don`t assume cars can see you, Thats just what they want you to think, Good luck, Mark.
Hello hello hello.
Hiya Pabz, I spent many happy years in Queensferry (port Edger minesweepers), 1974 till it closed, Used to be some town, Had many a dance to the camera`s under the brigde on my way back to the boat, Don`t know your mum do I? L O L. Welcome, Mark.
Numberplate recognition
Pulled over yesterday, "Just a quick check sir" No great shakes, gave me a chance to have a fag (the ash tray on my bike was full), Whilst one officer walked slowly round and round the bike, Probably wishing he had one, The other was reading my papers, And having a chat (as they do) AS IF, Probably checking for signs of alcohol / hangover, It being 8 ish new years morning, who in there right mind would be cruising in the bitter cold, (well i would), My query is, Don`t they just put your index number in there computer, And receive Bike / owner details, Strait away?, I know they were probably checking ME out, Any insight into this GAS-UP?.
happy newyear !!!!!!!!!
Wecome Golfdub, I lived in FIFE for 12 years, Zooming across that bridge in a high wind was the best fun i`ve had, Extra bonus, all my kids (7) have a Scottish education, For those not in the no, they take no crap off the kids up there.
In 2009, May all your troubles be in your rear view mirror.
Drink and ride
Please DON`T drink and ride tonight, Put her in NUTRAL first, YOU ALL have a good time out there.
Another thought
I have to tread lightly for a bit now, the wife is still looking at me with a face like a "slapped arse" from Christmas, Oooopps.
Another newbie. It's ugly...
Hi KFunk, I have the same deal with the fuel tap on my XS, Scratched my head a bit with that one, Good luck with the old girl.
yzf 750r have a look at me pics..
I`m more of a tourer man myself but non the less, SWEEEEET.
i done it! :D
Be careful out there foamy, Tarmac is awfully hard, But most of all keep being enthusiastic. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Mark.
You haven't seen a XS400 like this.
NICE WORK Proto, Shame about the paint job, High gloss black would really make it stand out,
waving of the leg
When God created France it was a most beautiful and wondrous place, The other countries complained because of this, So to appease them he created the FRENCH,
lights or not in the day?
lights on every time, With Bright yellow tabard, plus a red bike, That roars, IF YOU CAN`T SEE ME, YOU AIN`T LOOKIN...
The Dream Garage
SIMPLE, A garage would be nice, Should never have moved, Garden of England?, HA HA HA HA.
stupid or just stupid
What a prat...
silver paint
Get the real stuff, I`ve used Hamerite in the past, both on crank case and down pipes, Nice Finnish but dose Peel in the end, Mark.
xs 250, the clean up
I managed to squees the old girl in the shed to start the clean up, Many hours later the wife pops in, "there's a funny smell in here" she say`s, NO SHIT, might be, Petrol, Oil, Turps, Paint, polish, OR ME, There's bits of bike all over, I bet she`s in there tomorrow with a duster, New of course, God love her, And all such girls, Mark.
Server Hacked
Cheers Alex, 3am is my time, i like to spend a little of it here, Well done, Mark.
XS400 slight fueling issue. Suggestions?
Don`t worry if it seem`s your turning out too much, mine are way outside the usual, MAKE SURE there nice and pointy, Took me days in the end, Just a tweek here and a tweek there, You`ll sort it in the end, Cheers mark.
lets travel
Ya, Can do any time really, Understanding wife, ( I hope ). Mark.
Yamaha XS250SE Special
Hiya, Again, I`ve just finished my restoration, Just clean up, Paint job now, (What a bitch it has been), See "me and my bike" .. mark h. Car auto suppliers seem to have a large selection of O seals, Decals i have made, E-Bay. GOOD LUCK, Mark.