Everything posted by Imanupstart
de Menez
LMFAO! Oh lord that was brilliant
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Aye its a weight off my mind, cheers goff. I felt like a child who had been cheeky to his mum when I got to work this morning and thought about the message I had left Thursday was one hell of a day though, my crash was just the beginning. Dad got his lorry stuck inches away from a 30ft drop onto a farm house below and some nutter threatened to stab my girlfriend in town If there is a god he sure likes watching me squirm
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Thanks for all the comments guys and I know you wasn't trying to lecture me goth, I do appreciate what you said as it cleared up alot of the grey areas in my legal system knowledge So after getting to work and having a think about what goff said I decided to report it when I got home. What the lady said (after being on hold for ages) was there isn't much I can do if I don't know his details and once I said I didnt want to go through insurance she lost all interest. If I must report it then I'll have to go to the station
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
I come on here looking for sympathy not a lecture I know its naughty and I should report it but I really think nothing will come of it. He knew he was in the wrong, wouldn't stop apologising and only decided to scarper once I told him the damage to my bike,that it was a brand new bike and had a go about actually looking when you cross the road. If he does have a change of heart and wants to make something of it then best of luck to him, I have done nothing wrong and stayed on the scene for 90 minutes waiting for bloody recovery. Sure not reporting it may look bad but even in our fucked up legal system I doubt anyone in there right mind would see me as anything but the victim.
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Dont intend on making a complaint. The police won't do anything, they didnt when my mum was ran off the road by a nutter with a criminal record so they wont really give a toss about this. They guy who knocked me off was in no fit state to take my number plate down, no one witnessed the accident and no details were swapped so if it does come back round to bite me in the arse that's what i'll say.
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Just read on a website not reporting can mean 5-10 points or a 5k fine. Going to give them a bell later lol
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Was thinking about reporting it but knowing my luck I will end up getting in ten times as much trouble. He was on his way to work and as I have to walk tomorrow I should see him, assuming he's walking.
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Thanks Shokz, I know I'm in the right its just the police are bound to think the opposite! The guy seemed very apologetic though, probably because I was seconds away from breaking his face but strangely eager to get away from the scene. The bike isn't that bad after calming down and looking. All the fairings are scratched (£280 alone for the front one) but hopefully my girlfriends dad will be able to respray them for me. Gear leaver is bent pretty good and the indicator is smashed, foot peg snapped off and the tail tidy is looking a wee bit wonky but it the number plates moved so that could be why. Mechanically it starts and rides but only a service will tell if its all good. Got payed and a tastey christmas bonus yesterday, guess what thats going on
Stupid f*cking thick c*nts
Some fucking idiot dressed in a black suit with his face shielded behind his umbrella while he lit a fucking cigarette decided to walk out right infront of me today on my way to work in the pitch black. Strait out from between the tree's without a glance at whats coming, what kind of thick cunt walks out into a busy road without looking. I was about 15 feet from him when he walked out, he carried on strolling out and didnt see me or hear me until I came to a complete stop and dropped the bike. £200-£---- godknows repair bill for my beautiful new bike, he buggered off hobbling home despite the fact that I, the person who just dropped a new bike offered to phone him an ambulance. Not one fucking person got out of there car to help me, not one. One man decided to get out and see if the guy was ok, despite the fact that he had walked off the road. The best part is that he walked off before I could get any details off him so tonight I sit and wait for police to phone/arrest me despite the fact that it was in no way shape or form my fucking fault. THEN I had to wait 90 fucking minutes in the rain snow and hail for recovery. So I have a nice patch of road rash, a swollen calf I can feel my heartbeat in (so cool but so painful) and a complete hatred of people. AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the pass! Great bike shop that, after some serious shopping you can go drool over the ducati's
The Shannon Matthews commemorative plate
Well they banned handguns to stop gun crime and look where that got us
The Shannon Matthews commemorative plate
class! "Please send this completed order form along with your payment and a 9 year old child to"
^ Aye. "There's no point complaining if you're not prepared to act"
Signed and re-posted on the 125 bikers club forum. Good find merv
Another YZF R125
Damn right, can't wait till I pluck up the money/courage to get on a plane and ride my way round your beautiful country
Another YZF R125
Urgh dont post pictures of roads like that, it rained on me all the way home and got pulled out on twice I would stab a baby for roads like that
Another YZF R125
Thanks for the comments guys And i've heard that before from Americans, saying there are very few lower powered bikes for beginners and as a result lots of 600's end up wrapped round trees
Another YZF R125
Tail tidy and double bubble fitted, crash bungs and rim tape stuff waiting to be fitted, exhaust waiting to be purchased Complete with lots of overdone photoshopness Hopefully be able to part exchange her for an MT-03 or 250 ninja when I do my test after christmas.
MT-03 - Not popular?
Think its a beautiful bike, its what I'm hoping to get when I pass my test (or a 250 ninja)
In one sentence, can you ???
Because i've never got off a bike without a bloody great smile stretched across my face
Welcome to the forums, nice looking bike
How to test ride an R1
Something like this, gets you a proper feel of how good the bike will stand up to day to day use. From 2:45 onwards I was in stitches Found on another forum so it could be a repost
my max
That my friend is gorgeous Must way a tonne though!
YZF R125
^ For a new exhaust for this bike your going to shell out around that price. Unless you go for the non carbon scorpion option.
Hi New Owner :D
Welcome from a fellow R125 owner