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  1. cidered666 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    did anyone else get this pm'd to them yesterday or day before?.... From Lizy Benson. Abidjan Cote D' I voire. Please reply to : [email protected] For my safety and security of my future I am making this proposal to you for our mutual benefit. This however is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour it against your will. I am Miss Lizy Benson., 19 years old and the daughter of late Mr. and Mrs.Benson. My father was a highly reputable busnness magnet-(a cocoa merchant)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days. It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously during one of his business trips ,Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle who travelled with him at that time. But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 4 years old, and since then my father took me so special. Before his death, he called the secretary who accompanied him to the hospital and told him that he has the sum of Ten million, Five hundred thousand United State Dollars.(USD$10.500,000) deposited in one of the Security Company here in Cote D'Ivoire which he use my name as next of kin . He further told him that he deposited the money with my name as the next of kin, and finally told him to tell me where to find the documents of the deposit which he said was in possession of his lawyer in sealed documents held by him and asked me to collect it from him and all the necessary documents to this fund. but since I am 19 years old girl and a first year university undergraduate and really don't know what to do. Now I want a trust worthy person who can help me get this money transfered out from the Security Company here and provide an account overseas where I can get in this funds.This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast. The death of my father actually brought sorrow to my life.I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards. Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded. Now permit me to ask these few questions:- 1. Can you honestly take me as your own and help me. 2. Can I completely trust you? 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account? Please, Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible so that i can forward the documents to you after we have agreed on the conditions for your assistance. My life is not safe here and i need to be out of here as soon as possible because now that my father is dead and with me only as a female child, my uncles will be seeking to kill me so that they can have all my fathers properties. i really don't want to struggle anything with them in terms of properties but my presence will still be disturbing them. thank God they are not aware of this fund in the Security Company here, I want to leave here as soon as you help me to lodge it into a safe account in your stable country and then send me some amount to enable me prepare to meet you. Without your help, I will find it difficult to travel and transfer it myself alone with my little or no experience. I am waiting for your urgent reply with your contact phone number so that I can give you the contact of the Security Company were my late father deposited this money for you to contact them as my late father's partner. please dont forget to write me back with my private email address: [email protected] Thank you so much. My sincere regards Miss Lizy Benson. .......do these twats really get people to go for this???
  2. cidered666 replied to JOEY D's post in a topic in General
    I would also say to soak it wd40 1 hour before.
  3. cidered666 replied to YamaHead's post in a topic in The Bar
    I think that although the R1 would be my dream choice a more sensible choice (as the R1 WOULD kill me within an hour) is the new fazer....
  4. I just looked out and guess what - it's pi55ing down again. Still it gives you practise on wet-riding! My gear just about dries before it's next daily immersion. I bet Pete is pig-sick he's missing these wonderful opportunities to put his beemer through it's paces on slick, wet, pot-holed roads in the freezing rain.
  5. cidered666 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I am currently reading The Police Rider's Handbook to Better Motorcycling. Every time I read it there is always a bit that I think to myself 'from now on I'm gonna do that'. I think my riding/attitude (now 20 years+) improves with every re-read too. It should be compulsory reading at CBT level. There is so much mental stuff you have to do when riding not just park your arse on it and go. If you haven't, read it, and if you have read it again. It'll save your life one day.
  6. cidered666 replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I use a dark pin-lock insert in my arai which is great and because it isn't permanent is completely ok. This has another use as it stops it misting too so you don't have to lift it when ever you're stopped at lights etc.
  7. cidered666 replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in The Bar
    I was reading on another forum this berk advocating clutchless shifting as if it were an advanced motorcycle technique. He fell into the 'berk' category, however, when he went on to state that he regularly wheelied as a demonstration of his 'total' control of his machine. I, at that point, decided that clutchless shifting anywhere than in a race situation is for dickwads. As was pointed out it's ok for moto gp riders to do it as they have their bikes totally re-built after every ride - a luxury not all of us can afford!!
  8. cidered666 posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Take a look at this..... http://www.break.com/index/brandnewbike.html what a pr*ck
  9. cidered666 replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Nice one Merv I just noticed that whenever you post a gag all I ever reply is 'nice one Merv', so I'll add a bit more. This one made me larf till I wept esp. @ the bit where novice judge sh*t himself. Keep trawling the gusset of the internet and keep us posted with your finds. Much appreciated
  10. cidered666 replied to cidered666's post in a topic in The Bar
    I don't know what it was but it touched the floor when on the centrestand so the profile was app 2" too tall at the back. It doesn't sound much but the difference to the handling is shocking - it was so twitchy when off bolt upright and now it's like it's glued to the road. Cheers, Steve.
  11. cidered666 replied to kias's post in a topic in The Bar
    No, it's a bit too far from home. I'm getting back into biking following years of car ownership and the xj is my 1st step towards an r1/r6/new fazer/thunderace. Maybe then I'll start going further afield. This is mine after my off end of last year sporting new lights/mirrors etc all fitted whilst in a plastercast... Cheers, Steve.
  12. cidered666 replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    hehehe nice one merv
  13. cidered666 replied to PaulE's post in a topic in Naked
    Hi, I had Bridgestones put on mine for commuting/fun - goes like it's on rails
  14. cidered666 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I had an off end of last year resulting in broken wrist etc etc. It turns out that the bike shop had fitted the wrong tyre to my Divvy. I hadn't noticed until cornering on a wet bend. I had assumed what they'd done was a-ok because they were a reputable main dealership - how wrong was I!!! Still, like someone said elsewhere biking is a continual learning experience.
  15. cidered666 replied to a post in a topic in The Bar
    I like my naked xj600. Ok, it's not a sportsbike or classy like pete's german big-bird but it's very reliable handles well and will knock out around 90mph.