Everything posted by clarke
vintage plate?
I see plenty of new HDs with them on. Not legal, but they use them.
What do you use as a bike stand?
You could, but you don't want it to roll over too easily otherwise you could knock it back down by mistake. I stapled some old carpet to it as well to reduce chances scratches. When I jacked up my xvs1300 on one of those jacks tasks pictured, the bugger started to rotate sideways. Make sure you tie the bike down!
What do you use as a bike stand?
It was simple to make, big block of wood, drill a hole then use a long metal pipe as a lever. I had a pipe lying around and got an off cut block of wood from the local timber merchant for about £10
- Mod 1
- Yamahead
Yamaha xj6s to claud butler?
ugly number plate
I thought the XVS125 numberplate wasn't too bad looking as it is mounted at the bottom of the fender The 1300 is ugly as it sticks up from the fender.
xvs950a accesories
Looks good
What do you use as a bike stand?
I made one of these for next to nothing http://vstar1300.pbworks.com/w/page/5760709/Motorcycle%20Lifts Though I have a lift like the one Tasky posted for wheel removal. If you get one that lifts 300kg that'll lift a 650 easily
clutch cable snapped, what would you do?
West of France Route Planning
The breathalyser has been abandoned in France. http://www.theaa.com/motoring_advice/overseas/driving-abroad-whats-new-2012.html Ride magazine says bikes are exempt from having to carry spare bulbs, warning triangles (and I think hi-viz??). They also say the stickers on helmet aren't generally enforced however if your caught for another offence e.g. Speed then they'll fine you for the lack of stickers too
e-petition for fairer motorcycle tax
I just came here to post this - good to see we're already on the ball
West of France Route Planning
MacD have free WiFi too... Ride magazine have a load of downloadable Satnav maps on their website, even if you're not using a Satnav I think you can view the routes to make some plans: http://www.ride.co.uk/Routes/ E.g. June 2012... https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Calais,+France&daddr=48.65884,3.69587+to:48.04072,3.03327+to:47.8801,2.38532+to:47.41879,2.27745+to:46.327003,1.4845941+to:46.07326,1.68988+to:45.71774,1.72627+to:45.56539,1.75375+to:45.57951,1.77056+to:45.5239976,1.7395819+to:45.44014,1.61428+to:44.836167,0.529577+to:44.60114,0.60826+to:43.6235,-0.62784+to:43.02084,-1.32508+to:N-135+to:42.7523842,-1.3727399+to:42.557,-0.70211+to:42.61673,-0.21008+to:42.47921,0.55958+to:42.50988,1.54811+to:42.6992011,1.8344845+to:42.97658,2.26317+to:D118&hl=en&ll=43.115019,2.237091&spn=0.21854,0.432243&sll=43.462887,2.26593&sspn=0.869176,1.728973&geocode=FXp0CQMdflwcAClj4_HXdT_cRzH0edKM4Nm-rA%3BFZh55gId_mQ4ACnzc4vYstLuRzFxEKequV8KEw%3BFRAL3QIdtkguACmXjpHmhnXvRzFk9qwu5f-l1g%3BFaSX2gIdqGUkAClbrrUZRm3lRzFORAkviReD4A%3BFaaN0wIdSsAiACmTJP1tMcv6RzFlA3nvNJLvXg%3BFdvkwgIdMqcWAClT2IB0vOX7RzHAm1FRktMFEw%3BFawFvwIdGMkZACkLtXGVsWX5RzGlwt5pAD8GMQ%3BFeyYuQIdPlcaAClJyEypRwX5RzETdM6xj8Fc0A%3BFc5FtwIdlsIaAClvf1Chof34RzHR3u1QktMFEw%3BFfZ8twIdQAQbACkD2ZAtjf34RzH47YiJ0CWovw%3BFR2ktgIdPYsaACkHC2fxjvz4RzEh2EtVktMFEw%3BFYxctQIdyKEYACmhq_TeAub4RzGhttZQktMFEw%3BFUclrAIdqRQIACntl86-9tmqEjGQZiE8F2UGEw%3BFTSPqAIdBEgJACkbPw2IjB2rEjGhC-o3F2UGEw%3BFUykmQIdgGv2_ylbUBYFcohWDTFezJvtTkTlBg%3BFShykAId6Mfr_ylFZSPTS9BQDTHAl80IZYwBEw%3BFfYFjgIdxvzn_w%3BFYBZjAIdvQ3r_ynhz_M1cbpQDTFgn_kHZYwBEw%3BFUheiQIdYkn1_ykPNya3j31XDTFxDn4JZYwBEw%3BFZpHigIdYMv8_ymja4-uqPZXDTEQDekPZYwBEw%3BFWouiAId3IkIACkDjPZpbtSnEjHAuiYJZYwBEw%3BFTimiAIdTp8XAClDpGcP5YqlEjGx_Aj2bZQAEw%3BFcGJiwId9P0bACmfPpp-Vp2vEjGQxgwlnPYGEw%3BFUTFjwIdgogiACmvhu6_oMWvEjFTwuFWJoV3Yw%3BFSkFkwIdj0sjAA&doflg=ptm&mra=dme&mrsp=24&sz=10&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,23&t=m&z=12
xvs950a accesories
Glad you got sorted with the seats etc. I have to say I'd always consider importing from the US against buying here, as much as I'd love to support UK companies it can be much much cheaper to import. As for the Breakaway, I've not used one but I know many XVS1300 riders love them. If you buy one here are some excellent instructions on how to install (inc pics): http://www.1300tourer.com/node/1437
datatag stickers
Boiled water inside a washing up glove works better than a hair dryer. In this weather just leave it in the sun for a few hours, it'll probably just peel off!!
What Can I Expect From a Cruiser?
My XVS 1300 was brilliant, fantastic bike and wish I never traded it. It'll hit 70 in 2nd, is a bit slow in the bends (I hear changing away from stock tyres improves this) and will do between 130-150 miles on a tank. One downside is it takes a lot of polishing to keep it looking good compared to tourer type bikes, but is worth the effort!
It does help in strong winds at speed and when it's cold to keep the chill off you. Probably don't need it in this heat.
New XVS1300 Owner!
Welcome, fan bike - am sure you'll enjoy it
Where do you / have you parked your bike?
Leeds council free bike parking spaces can be found here http://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/Pages/Parking-in-Leeds.aspx click downloads at the bottom.
Ride of Honour 2013
Here's the beginning of last year's ride out http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=90m_0qNQ-wc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D90m_0qNQ-wc I'm 4:29 on my good old red XVS1300 (the one with the trunk).
Ride of Honour 2013
22nd September - Squires Cafe to Catterick Garrison. Great day out. Info here: http://www.rideofhonour.com/
Panniers for XVS950a Midnightstar
Not sure for lockables aside from OEM. You can get loads from the US if you're willing to pay... Some lockable ones here... http://www.metriccruisers.co.uk/acatalog/saddlebags.html
Too Hot For Comfort
I also use vented jacket and trousers but it's still hot. At least the Strom doesn't put out the heat the XVS1300 did... Feck me, that bugger nearly cooked me alive stuck in a traffic-jam in Germany a few years ago!
Do you wear Ear plugs
I use ear plugs all the time, still can hear scala rider, engine, music and traffic however it cuts the wind noise down loads.
Biker hit and run
This is COMPLETELY the fault of the twats on the bikes period. I have no idea why any one thinks different??? I hope the little girl makes a full recovery and those on the bikes get the book thrown at them.