Everything posted by clarke
my new xvs 1300A
I wasn't planning on riding in the rain either but it happened on the motorway one day in summer and I couldn't see a thing. Was enough for me to chop it down...
Highway Hawks too Loud!
I've heard stove rope is a good packing material for wrapping around baffles...
my new xvs 1300A
Looking good Jerry... Don't know how tall you are, but watch out for the screen in the rain if you can't see over it. You may need to either tilt it or chop it?? Bet you can't wit til Thursday...
XVS1300 O2 sensor eliminator
Be glad you didn't get from Alchamy as your wallet would have been raped. You need to speak to Jack (user name = K5TGJ) at http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?webtag=vstar1300&nav=start if you PM him he may have some available The instructions are here: http://vstar1300.pbworks.com/w/page/5760698/Jack%27s%20O2%20Mod [edit: grey haired git beat me to the link]
- Engine bars v Crash Bungs
First Fazer?
I also had a Fazer FZS600 (2001) until recently. Sold it with 24,000 on the clock. Great bike, never any problems, can shift when it needs to or plod along when you want it too. There's plenty of them out there for £1,500 to £2,500 in great condition. Would recommend to anyone. One other bike to consider would be a Suzuki Bandit as they're similarly bullet proof and there's plenty available
Performance air filters. Are they worth it?
i think an air filter WITH say re-jetting and a new exhaust would give better BHP but can't imagine an air filter on its own would be noticable. Having said that, some insurance companies class K&N filters as a performance mod...
Fabulous biking weather today - so far in 2012
I've been comtemplating getting the 1300 out this week (don't think I can wait til 'spring')... its covered in ACF-50 to protect from the salt but I don't fancy the 2 hours of cleaning when I get back... decisions decisions...
XVS1300A model year identification
That bike looks nice. You could always get a cobra slip-on (below)... Not sure about panniers - I like the Yammy hard ones but wouldn't pay UK prices. If you're getting exhaust or panniers try www.sscustomcycle.com - Shane is great and very cheap too.
I've not had mine MOT'd yet - but I don't think it would. I imagine the 1300 even with an O2 sensor would give less emissions than my old 2001 Fazer. I asked about the Cobra Slip-on (no cat) and they said so long as it doesn't say 'not road legal' or isn't deemed too loud it should pass.
Proud of my girl...
Never changed my needle, but my XVS125 used to do between 60-70mph depending on the wind and hills... It would also do 60mph two up no problems. I noticed it seemed to pull better on the hills once I swapped the carb joint and changed spark plugs. As stated above 120 miles is about right before having to switch to reserve.
- new biker petition
What bike have i got?
Post a pic of the bike if you can + maybe someone will recognise it?
I hate this part!
MCE told me when I took the 33bhp restriction off my bike that they don't charge extra for 33bhp restrictions [this was after they had already charged me £300 for it on the internet when I bought the policy]. MCE also told me when I de-restricted my 50cc scooter years ago that it didn't matter and didn't charge any extra. Could be worth a call to the companies rather than just buying on the net.
Seat Gel Pads
check out - I'm sure he'll point you in the right direction
Past & Present
2006-2008 Peugeot Ludix Blaster 50cc (red) - great until 45mph or a hill... 2008-2010 Yamaha XVS 125 Dragstar (black) - if it was a 250 I'd still have it 2009-Present Yamaha XVS 1300 Midnight Star (red) - fantastic, unlikely to sell 2010-2011 Suzuki RV125 Van Van (white) - ok, bought for the other half to learn on but she didn't like 2010-2012 Yamaha FZS 600 Fazer (blue) - great bike, just wasted on my commute 2012-Present Honda SH300i (black) - so far seems ok
Washed me horse
It is for commuting Pat - just felt the 6 miles of 40mph road to work doesn't do the Fazer justice + am hoping the scooter will be easier to clean. Also hoping it'll be a bit easier on petrol too. I almost bought another Cruiser for commuting on, but thought it would be self-defeating for filtering through traffic, cleaning etc. I read this one handles similar to a bike in the corners as it has 16" wheels, but will find out on Wednesday when I pick it up. Had thought of trading the Fazer for a car, but I couldn't bring myself to sit in traffic again. I'll miss the Fazer though as its a great bike.
Washed me horse
Its this 300cc: My previous scooter from a while go was this 50cc
Washed me horse
Looking good - wish my Fazer was as shiny... still its going next week for a *ahem* scooter...
XVS125 carburetor joint
I got mine from my local yamaha dealer (Colin Appleyard). Not cheap but worth doing.
600cc first big bike
Both of your bikes are looking good! Fazer 2001
XVS1300A model year identification
Pete, that's a bargain price!! Congratulations on purchasing a fantastic bike! I know Yammy lists them as £8,300 brand new, but a lot of dealers do have older unregistered models lying around that they need to shift so bargains can be found. Its also worth shopping around as many dealers in today's economy will try and undercut their nearest rival...
XVS1300A....or classic
I've never heard of a 'classic' model only tourer and non-tourer... they could refer to the 2007-2010 models vs the 2011 models. The 2011 models have a chrome headlight bucket (as opposed to colour matched one), a gloss frame (vs matt one) and handlebars with more pull back. The XVS1300A Midnight Star aka (V Star in the US) is a fantastic bike - plenty of power and handles great.
600cc first big bike
Fair point, but if I had a certificte from my dealer saying it was 33bhp & the police decided to test the bike and it wasn't, then someone would have been sued by me... I also imagine had I been caught going a ton on my bike & said its 33bhp the police would have said b0ll0cks and tested the bike regardless of any certificate. If i was caught doing 35 in a 30 they probably would have accepted a certificate if they gave me a producer? (Of course they could still test the bike on suspicion of it not been restricted but would they bother?). Its interesting to read the MCN article as it was certainly implied to me the certificate was a requirement... I guess it comes down to whether you want to abide by the law + have your bike restricted to 33bhp which you can do to pretty much any bike (whether you have a certificate or not), or whether you just want to ride any bike regardless of any licence restriction and hope you don't get caught. I imagine from Colombo's post he wants to stay legal, and hence the suggestion he can get any bike he wants so long as he restricts it, but for anyone thinking sod it, just remember if you're caught you'll be facing riding without a licence and insurance, you'll probably have your bike confiscated by the police + good luck getting new insurance. Going back to the picture, that's the biggest grin I've ever seen!!! I bet my grin was similar when I got my first bike. That Bandit is a lovely bike.
I've used customwizard before - fantastic customer service and good prices too. Also they can get many more parts than listed on their website so if there's anything you fancy (even none chrome parts) definitely worth a call/email (or if near Sheffield pop in).