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  1. clarke replied to Cynic's post in a topic in The Bar
    I had Dunlop Roadsmart 3s on my 650 V-Strom. They were good tyres in all weather. The rear lasted just over 19,000 miles (I changed the front at the same time). I ended up with Road 5s due to cost, but only put 200 miles on them before lockdown (the bike is in bits now for maintenance)
  2. Fowlers lists the front caliper/seals kit but they're not in stock so have to be ordered from Japan (I think) but you can buy them. Alternatively, it might be worth asking Powerhouse ([email protected]) if they have any kits as they are a brake refurb specialist. Good luck
  3. clarke replied to slice's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Take care folks. My wife (respiratory nurse) came down with it two weeks ago and it's taken its toll on her. The fever lasted 4 days, but the tightness in her chest is still persisting. She's ended up with antibiotics for a secondary infection (which I understand from my doctor friend is common) and she's still not 100%. If you get it and it continues to bother you in week two, seek help sooner than later as this may prevent you going into hospital. Out of the two of us, I thought it would be me that gets it worst, as she never gets ill and is one of the healthiest people I know (long distance runner), whereas I get ill if I speak to someone on the phone who has a cold... but me and the kids seem to have dodged this one so far (fingers crossed). Stay indoors and stay safe folks 👍
  4. V5

    clarke replied to Ben Andrews's post in a topic in General
    https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-log-book?step-by-step-nav=58fad183-27f5-4dd9-b51e-696c992373d7 You need to follow the link above to go through the the DVLA's guidance on getting a new one.
  5. clarke replied to Kim8916's post in a topic in Cruiser
    Metriccruisers.co.uk or CustomCruisers.co.uk may be able to sort you out
  6. clarke replied to ljr05884's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Late reply, but you'd be best to speak to a tyre fitter... whilst it might fit you'll be changing the profile of the tyre which may impact handling/braking etc. You also need to be mindful of the insurance implications of fitting a non-standard tyre size to the bike.
  7. clarke replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Ah, I didn't mean LHS of my lane, but rather it was suggested I could ride on the other side or the road, where appropriate, to give me an observational advantage or help me go straight/progress, rather than staying in my lane. Completely agree about riding being the best way to improve your skills
  8. clarke replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I did a Bikesafe course a couple of years ago, was a great day. An hour or so based in the classroom, followed by an observed ride out and decent feedback. I was told I'm a safe/cautious rider, but could improve my riding and observations by not staying to the left hand side of the road as much (as appropriate). I keep meaning to do IAM or similar when I find time.
  9. If the rest of the bike is in excellent condition then I'd dispute any environmental factors and supply appropriate pictures of other parts of the bike to show that it is a manufacturing defect rather than any storage issues. I had some webbing on the front forks of my XVS/V-Star 1300 but the dealer took photos of the rest of the bike and close-ups of the chrome etc which was perfect so Yamaha replaced the forks under warranty.
  10. clarke replied to slice's post in a topic in General
    I really need to get out more this year. My bike hasn't moved over Christmas, and most of my riding this year was up and down the motorways for work I'm going to see if I can sneak out on Saturday...
  11. clarke replied to slice's post in a topic in General
    Hope all had a great Christmas & may 2019 give plenty of great riding weather
  12. Great read. Pleased the bikes performed flawlessly and you had a great time. Makes me want to head to Ireland...
  13. clarke replied to Mackiesis49's post in a topic in General
    Yamaha UK seem to show that colour as a 2018 model only (not on the 2016 & they don't list 2017 to compare)
  14. clarke replied to jimmy's post in a topic in General
    If it was me, I'd end up replacing the lot only to find it was none of the above, and eventually be just a loose connection somewhere in the loom ? Fortunately you don't have my luck, so am sure you'll be sorted soon ?
  15. clarke replied to Tommy xs's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    It is good. He looks absolutely knackered & his mate is really sympathetic to him struggling