Now, before we all fly off the handle about Police 'bashing,' my father is a Police Sergeant, a very good one at that!
But, lately the Police 'hiring policy' seems to be letting more and more morons into 'the force.'
Maybe it is because anyone in their right mind would not join the Police for warrant of not wanting to be 'castrated' by "political correctness" bullsh*t and assorted H&S b*llocks that seem to run the Police these days.
Anyway, there is a reason this rant has been started...
Apart from my own instances of seeing the Police using their ‘powers’ unjustly or just being plainly idiotic, this case was something that happened to my mother today;
On her way to work my mother has to make a 15 mile journey south to Cardiff, she has a set route she follows as she has found it quickest then other possible routes she has tried.
Anyway, this involves going along a two lane road which is ‘broken up’ by a round-about mid-way along it.
Usually the traffic flow here is slow, but, constant. So, she is normally through this section in about 5 minutes. Today it took her 30 minutes! Six times longer!
And ‘Why?’ I hear you ask… Well, someone had either had tried to take a wrong exit and correct themselves (and failed) or was going too fast around the round-about and had subsequently crashed into the road sign on the raised ‘island’ off the main round-about, but, is used to divide the carriageway as it approaches the round-about.
The Police arrived at the scene and instead of directing traffic to keep the morning ‘rush-hour’ traffic flowing they decided to block the lane behind the crashed car with their car and stand around.
This meant all the traffic coming in the opposite direction of my mother had to turn right on the round-about. Well, this mean the lane my mother was in had to give way to all the traffic coming from the opposite direction and as everyone was so considerate (!) they jammed up the round-about and let no-one out.
But, you got to hand it to the Police officers, when a biker came to the scene and asked if they could squeeze through the gap between the Police car and the car in the road sign they were more then happy to let them through.
When my mother got into her work she phoned to try and critic the Police’s handling of the situation she was ‘hung-up’ on four times! When asked to speak to a Police officer (the receptionist was a ‘civilian liaison’) she was left ringing a phone for four minutes and then told to write in…
What a joke! Cheers for reading