Good idea, proof of the dole money usage usage would be ideal (reciepts e.t.c) or why not go back to using foodstamps, seems to work on the other side of the pond
Why should it be that way?, you should have the right to defend the things that you have worked hard for and be allowed to deter people from your property,
example, if i walked outside and discovered some shithead trying to start my fireblade with a screwdriver, and being in such a placid mood i say "go away", to which he replies "no, im going to stay here until it starts and then steal it", would i not be allowed to beat him round the head with a spade until he decides it is best to leave?, because chances are that would be what i would do,
and to those people i say good luck and keep at it, those are the sort of people the JSA was introduced to help, unfortunately not all of them are like that