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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Pah, who needs safe jokes?, just as a bit of a guideline blank out the c-bomb,
  2. wild foamy

    Ha ha

    Hey, i own a honda...
  3. Will have a look on my SR after work for ya bud, im assuming yours is the front disk model
  4. Just the top yoke bud, from what ive read online it should be a straight swap, did you send the full set? Cant really make the airbox twin channel as space is unbelievably tight under there, have maybe 25-30mmmm of clearance above the rear carb and about 40mm on the front carb if i run without the rubber manifolds that go from the carb to the airbox, may just make a lower airbox with louvres in the top and panel filter running the full length/widht of the airbox
  5. Bit more work today, i stripped the battery box and electrics out of it, i can fit the reg/rec and starter solenoid under the seat without having to extend any wires, Fusebox will be mounted on top of the inner fender, Battery just behind it and will probably move the indicator relay and various other little boxes up under the headlight, here's how it is right now Fibreglass is at home and hopefully by the weekend i will have a top yoke and maybe some bars ready to go on it aswell as some universal headlight mounts, once the yoke is on i can mount the clocks and maybe see about getting it started, will run the stock tank until after squires, may fibreglass a new airbox aswell although because the box will be taking air from the front of the bike im concerned about the vacuum from the front carb causing the rear carb to run lean
  6. root type supercharger feeding both banks of carbs... would be eic... its on my watch list
  7. horray! , im gonna have to pull out all the stops to get this cafe racer sorted before then though, got my fibreglass kit on the way, another couple of lamps aswell, may run with the tank i have for now and sort out a new one over the winter
  8. wait... what the feck?... Where was our feckin summer?!, we've had a good few days this last week/weekend and a good few days a few weeks before. fuck this im moving to Oz... go pester Alex a bit methink
  9. Appreciate the link, but nah, want to learn to do my own fibreglassing, that way there will only ever be one of that kind in the UK and it will be mine, the whole point of this bike is to tailor it to me
  10. My old man had 3 of them, struggled to get £5000 for the last one and now they seem to be going for silly money!, lots of them got broke though, usually a low-speed drop would be enough to crack the cases, crash bars were an essential add-on apparently. Oh, and i forgot to add, i would leave the military, start a biker cafe somewhere down on the south coast, finish my XJ650 and Project FUCR with no expense spared and get rid of that fireblade
  11. Fucks sake peeps... getting sense out of you lot is like trying to get honey from a dog turd isnt it?.
  12. could use the first pattern to make a tank... then turn the pods into airscoops to go into the airbox under the tank...
  13. Second pattern: Also included one of the lucas stop/brake lenses to get an idea of what its going to look like, mounted from the inside and will have a small retaining plate that slides in behind them to stop them falling back through, If i cut it down any more im going to struggle to fit my lights in there aswell as my battery and other stuff, what size battery are you running on the tracker drewps?, i dont want to cut down on the capacity too much, it originally had a 12v 12ah same as the XJ, the Fireblade runs a 6ah which i should be able to get away with, also need to make a new rear inner mudguard to double as a battery box
  14. Huh?... O.o Also i offered up my cardboard mock-up and you're right, its fucking huge!, looking at some other cafe racers im probably going to to for a combined seat/tail unit, that way i can keep the XZs' original side-hinged seat design to allow access to the battery and other gubbins, going to be a pain in the ass working everything around the shock and everything else though , also for now im keeping the original loom, may chop and change it to get the parts moved to where i want but once im happy with it i may think about making a new one from scratch
  15. only a 12v8ah :S going to offer it up to the frame tomorrow and see how it looks, like i said this is just a first draft, may cut the top down a bit for the next one, im working my way through a crate of carlsberg to get more cardboard
  16. Its not THAT big, just big enough to hold all the electrical gubbins when i move them off the frame. replied to PM
  17. I had an empty budweiser crate kicking around and some tape, so i made a mock-up of the tail piece Thats the general idea of what im aiming for, will probably have to form the two sides and top seperately and bond them together afterwards with the rear inner mudguard forming the base (also housing the battery)
  18. My dad had the 4.0L falcon when he went to Oz back in about 2002, epic car for sure . May park the FTO up until next year, sort out the bodywork and other bits and pieces and instead crack on with the cafe racer project for squires, then once i get a years no claims and reach the magic age of 21 i may be able to insure it
  19. that rear brake arm is on upside down though. but great job bud, if any of my bikes ever turn out half as good as that i will be a happy foamy
  20. Well peeps, today i was at the Wiltshire steam and vintage rally over near marlborough with my old man, and in amongst the auto jumble i picked these up... £10 the pair with a crappy homemade mount and some lights/switches, these clocks are pretty much brand new with not a mark on them! M&P are selling the near exact same ones for £25 each , Also found some red lucas stoplights to match the lucas indicator lenses (well, the one lens that survived the postmans wrath anyway) and a brand new impact wrench for £15
  21. Nah it doesn't, there's no oil in that side
  22. Peeps this is the artwork thread for April 2014 in the YOC calender Will be closing this sometime before the end of the month. So far Blackhat250 has offered this: Lets get some more in and start a poll
  23. Shit, sorta forgot about this... im closing this one and adding blackhats to the new thread
  24. i dont think i can be arsed to break it anyway tbf, i had it in the workshop this morning and had the radiator out, epoxied the leak, took the central locking apart and made it work again, if the SR goes next week and i get to clear out my backlog of DT50 parts which are on eBay i may have more of a chance of insuring it, im currently waiting for a call back from Sky Insurers (official insurer of the FTO Owners club) as they tend to do a lot of these so may have a better chance of getting insured on it, even if its £1500 im not too fussed but £2000 for a car i paid £350 for?, thats taking the piss. massively
  25. Always nod, unless im busy laying down some serious rubber, then its eyes on the road. its mostly the ones riding beaten-up old winter hacks that return the nod, not these fair weather wankers
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