Don't be offended bud, if anything I am an admirer of feet, it separates us from the apes does it not.
You can tell a lot from somebody's feet, those with a strong work ethic will often have thick calluses and hardy skin, those of a lazier state may well have dainty feet prone to swelling.
Those who do not trim their nails often wear holes into their socks long before those with well-tendered feet.
A person's temperament may also be worked out through their feet, tickling the arch of one's feet will either bring about an outburst of rage followed by an 'uncontrolled' reflex kick to your face and/or genitals, whereas a person with a more gentle and timid personality will often giggle and recoil into the foetal position.
If anything, feet are fascinating, from your photos I'm guessing there is a trend of either lower-body based martial arts, or possibly free-diving.