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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. THey dont slow down for corners because they can't afford to!, it takes too long to build up the speed again. 20,000 RPM for how long?, if i tried that on my peashooter it would most likely spit the big bore kit back out. Jawa may handle the abuse though... Hmm... got me an idea for my next road trip...
  2. not really, just want to get it running right. ive had the DT 4 months now and im 17 this October, so thats only 8 months away, i dont think there really is much point in me getting another 50 if im just keeping it for 8 months. and after im 17 i will be taking my full test and playing with the Jawa instead, the DT will either be sold on or tucked up in the corner of the garage to be exhumed in a few decades. plus it is my day-to-day bike and needs to be running right, and apart from sending the first big bore kit into meltdown by not jetting it properly it has been reliable and i want to keep it that way
  3. hi there. it is a legal requirement for a brake light in the UK, as far as rigging one up is concerned its not hard but you will need electrical skills and a lot of patience. it does involve modifying the wiring loom and a fair bit of tinkering, so only attempt this if you know what you are doing or you are likely to mess it up. you can buy lighting units on the net, these are 3 wire units with one wire going to earth, one going to a microswitch so that it activates the main (usually 21w) filament on the brake light bulb when the brake lever is pulled and the microswitch is released. it also has a third wire which goes into the same circuit as your headlamp so that when your headlamp is on the secondary filament (5w) illuminates on the brake light. its common practice to use bullet connectors and if your a dab-hand at DIY you could have it done over the weekend Busters accessories did some 12v/6v brake light units but i can't seem to find them on their website
  4. Hi everyone. Have fitted the big bore kit to my DT50 and this time added a bigger jet (#115, from the #98 that was originaly in there) and now it seems to be overly rich, starts on a light kick first time every time and idles very nicely, but in the low-to-mid range it feels very slow, if im in 5th gear at 30/35mph on a flat, it will barely pull me and only when i change down a gear does it accelerate. at first it was bad to the point where in the mid-range it would bog down alot, but i dropped the needle one position and it seems to have solved that. there is a large powerband high up the RPM, it can be physically felt when the engine reaches this as it really takes off but as soon as you change up a gear you loose allt he power and its back to square one. so whats the problem?, too rich?, too lean? i had a fiddle with the idle mixture screw a while ago to get it to idle nicely on the standard bore. regards Steve
  5. would so love to do that need something with more poke than my DT to do that though...
  6. Love the smell of two stroke already, lol only 4 stroke thumper i really like is the Honda Dominator, i would prefer something tall as im quite a lanky bugger and dont like being squashed up on a tiny bike. even that DT of mine feels a bit small when i sit on my mates Suzuki RMX50. just had a thought... would it be possible to streetfighter a Jawa 350?
  7. chances are ten years down the line i will be riding an R1 instead Someone has just emailed me about the DT and said they are interested in buying it, i admit i will be sad to see it go though... just giving a bit of thought to the forks on the Jawa, had a look on ebay and forks tend to be a bit pricey so its probably more worth my while going to a breakers yard and sourcing spares there
  8. lol, only real difference is that Volvo would be a Ford Capri theres loads of people making little trailers specificly for bike use, just typing "Jawa trailer" into google image search and its come up with a Jawa 250 towing a "Rav" trailer are there any guidelines for trailer dimensions or is it just limited to your bike being able to pull the trailer?
  9. ah right, lol will be picking it up on Friday in Swindon, it will be in the garage safely under lock and key before 'er indoors gets wind of what is happening saw some pics on google of a Red and white Jawa towing a little trailer! ... is that actually legal/possible? would be handy for carting some of my crap around...
  10. why?, whats in stafford? :s
  11. ooh sh*t... wont want to try that on my DT :S
  12. Its not something you would see everyday on the streets, and aslong as it goes i dont really mind... there was an FS1M on ebay a few weeks ago went for £277, i would have got that if i'd had enough money... Just doing a quick google search, a few people have put RD350 front suspension on their Jawa bikes, so that maybe something to consider instead of getting the originals ground and re-chromed. also they have added Delorto 28mm carbs... could put a nice new colour scheme on it aswell, maybe flip-paint, Dark green to dark blue or a fade...
  13. Just aswell your not in the Navy
  14. This is a 94/94 (M reg) bike, and if my 1990 DT is autolube i would expect the later Jawa to be aswell, only time will tell, lol couldn't pick it up today though ice was too bad and we wouldn't have been able to get up the drive, so im in the process of arranging to collect it from swindon mid-week
  15. wasn't aware you could do the SORN declaration on the web. im making little notes of what ive got to check/do to the bike when i first get it and sending away for the logbook is the first priority, then delcaring SORN once the logbook is recieved... not quite sure where starting it should come into the equation...
  16. eh, good point... it may not be the fastest of the geared mopeds, or the quietest, or the most reliable, or the prettiest, or the most fragrent, or the easiest to start in cold weather... but cor'blimey does it put a big grin on my face when i ride it , ive had a few "mates" from school offering to buy it for considerably less, but i want it to go to someone who would look after it and not trash it, it gave me my indipendance so the least i can do is let it go to a good home . Blackhat: where abouts is the staff show? if my DT will make it that far then sounds fun
  17. lol, inbetween breaking things, flirting with Goff and scratching my head a lot, i do like to contribute a bit of humour to the forum ive been watching a lot of videos on youtube and these little Jawas dont look that bad, could always put some trail tyres on it and thrash it around the fields, tkaes the same 18" wheel that is on the back of my DT
  18. Robbing bastards... will keep my eyes open down here in the south, best of luck with finding it, it wont get far now us lot are looking for it
  19. the bloke i bought it off is going to call me tomorrow and let me know if the ice has melted and he can get it down from his dads garage. it does kick over and the kickstart is present (doubles as the gearchanger) so i may be getting somewere here ive got 8 months to play with it as i only really bought it as a long-term project for when i turn 17 and want something with a bit more poke than my little DT. i will be joining the Jawa owners club as they have a wealth of spares and knowledge for these old bikes... hopefully i will be able to get it running by the end of the week, then just make sure its structurally and mechanically sound, then new tyres, brakes and a chain/sprocket set already got the V62 form to apply for a new V5C, and the V89 Form to declare it SORN until i am ready to ride it, will print them out tomorrow before i go so then i can get cracking as soon as i get back
  20. The kickstart on Jawa engines is also the gear lever, you push it in and twist it upwards about 120* and kick it, then push it back around to the normal position for gear lever usage. i didnt buy it to make a profit, i bought it to tidy up so i could use it for when im 17 and have taken my full test, ive ridden a CZ180 and that was LUVERLY, if all else fails i will streetfighter it My DT was a money pit, spent about £500 on it since ive had it and i will not see that money again, but i do it because i absolutely love to tinker! Goff; dont s'pose you've got a spare room you wouldn't mind renting out? , i'd kip on your washing line if needs be
  21. NEED to sell the DT now, big mumma wont let me have two... and apparently the Car is going in the garage, so i have to clear all my tools out and the DT will be cast out on the streets like a stray...
  22. wild foamy

    More Ink

    Life is full of surprises
  23. hi everyone. erm, ive bought a Jawa 350 off ebay, need to phone the "ol' man" tomorrow and see if he will take me 50 miles to gloucester in the van to pick it up on sunday... far as i know its a Jawa 640, 350cc "Blue Sport" its... erm, well lets just say its a restoration project, it needs tyres for a start, front forks need rebuilding, no doubt a battery, brakes, chain e.t.c but it gives me something to work on for my 17th. but hey, bought for the sum of £172.99, can't be THAT bad... oh shit, only now do i realise what ive done... JAWA 350 SPORT
  24. wild foamy

    More Ink

    and not a wrinkle in sight... wow... you can't be much older than about... 25/30?
  25. ... wish i'd thought of that...
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