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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. all ive got on the bottom of my number plate is "one day, all bikes will be as slow as this" ... gave my mates a right laugh in McDonalds carpark when they spotted it i want to change it to something like "my other toy has tits"
  2. there should be a number cast into the side of the barrel on the engine, either 49cc or 79cc
  3. anyone had a scaffold though?, im looking into getting one but dont know how comfortable it would be under my helmet (giggity)
  4. anyone have ear piercings? what's it like using a motorcycle helmet with the piercings in?, especially if they are fresh... imparticular scaffolds
  5. hahaha!, the perfect crime
  6. failjoke is fail
  7. he just edited the quote
  8. buy it and let us know not content with making the DeLorean, you make this aswell, although i admire the handywork... maybe if i sold my Jawa...
  9. hmm, in that case maybe i just give it a jet black paint job, put some chrome on it and hang chains off the back. maybe then Goff will take an interest
  10. im now on the look out for a sidecar, and maybe a front numberplate to complete the look... should be interesting oh, but first i need to find a job :\
  11. lol, never said you were taking the piss, your one of the more supportive oldies anyhoo never mind, im gradually getting the Jawa ready for its MOT so hopefully it will be filling the streets with two stroke smoke in no time, i dont really want another of the f*ckin things
  12. i think you should since i have put up with all the pisstaking for so long i suppose i could buy it for parts... :\
  13. there should be a reflector built in to your tail-light, so its not a requirement to have a seperate reflector.
  14. wild foamy

    i want it

    im havin' that
  15. can't see why not, can you not recondition the old vacum pump?
  16. seen it before, still classic ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
  17. One thing you have to remember when riding; all the rest are idiots aslong as you arent hurt that is the main thing, the bike can be repaired or replaced, you cant. got any pics of the crash damage? it takes a lot to kill a DT
  18. as for you OG, i will break that zimmer frame of yours in half and shove it where the sun dont shine theres nothing wrong with a southern accent, you northerners are so lazy you leave half the letters out when you speak! "i'd like t' see t' lion t' witch un' t' wardrobe!"
  19. i've never tried making a bootable disk with Linux, i only started using it when my original XP machine decided to f*k itself over and not boot up, so i downloaded Ubuntu from the linux website using my sisters Vista laptop and burnt the .iso image onto a CD using Nero SmartSuite (any CD burning tool will do though, just make sure to BURN the image and not just copy it) you may be able to access the linux site and download the entire OS in .tar format, have a look on google there are probably some walkthroughs up
  20. sorry mate, the DT wont make it up there. however, if you were coming through newbury and dont mind taking a passenger then it sounds awesome take some pics and post them up 'ere if you do go
  21. can you not burn the Ubuntu image onto a removable device and boot from that?
  22. most of the 'crew at our school use adjacent roads to park their peds, especially the residential sideroads because you can safely leave the bike(s) on the side of the road with no fear of it being vandalised.
  23. f*ck knows mate, i dont get involved with netbooks. like i said, get a real PC , im dualbooting Linux Ubuntu and a cracked version of Windows XP. only real problem with Linux is you can't run games reliably on it, sure you can download emulators such as wine but even then you get some problems trying to run high-end games on a system not designed to work with it. Ubuntu is really just my plaything.
  24. oh no, those horrible little blue things? it will only take the pre-installed OS, had atewws workin at currys andc ouldnt get to grips with it, get a real computer, much better
  25. ya see, if i were prime minister it would all be different... discount roadtax on bikes, turf out the asylum seekers and give the british people back their country and later bedtimes...
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