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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. i dont know what to say... its a good idea, but its still quite gross
  2. i managed to pick up a good used set off ebay for £12, cost me £10 each way in fuel to go and collect them on the bike though (90 miles each way...) its just a case of keeping a lookout for used parts on ebay and the like,
  3. on my XJ600 pre div, if you try and start with the killswitch activated it will just show the oil light, or could it possibly be refusing to start because of a problem with your oil system?
  4. big help that mate, will get it sorted during the week, judging by the position of the carbs on this bike im assuming i will need hands like a gynecologist to get to that screw?
  5. i have access to a set of carb balancers... not completely sure how to use them but will figure that out as i go along. idle can be erratic especially when cold, i figured that was just due to the design of the engine and cams.
  6. heya peeps. been using the XJ for almost a month now without too many problems, sorted out my regulator, got my heated grips installed and all is now well, however there are a few little problems i would like to get sorted out. firstly, at around 5000rpm there is a noticeable increase in vibration, this goes away at around 6000rpm but the bars still vibrate at any revs and after 3-4 hours this makes my little finger go numb, is there a cause for this and how can i fix it? second, the bike has been stood for a bout a year before i had it and about 8 months after i bought it, i suspect the carbs may need balancing, would age cause them to go out of balance and could this be the cause of the aforementioned vibration?. thirdly, when i open the throttle to overtake the bike will hesitate before powering up fully, im thinking its a tuning issue, is there a way to test this theory or is there another known cause? (bike has a motad neta exhaust system if that makes a difference) cheers peeps, once i get these things sorted this bike is gonna be sweeeeeet! -Foameh
  7. give it a good service, filters and oil, but before changing the plugs take them out after high speed run and check the colour of the electrode end, it should be chocolatey-brown but sounds asif yours is running weak (lean)
  8. There is slightly more to it than that but in essence that is the general idea. i had some experiance port and polishing glow engines (used in model cars and aircraft) best left to the pros on bigger engines though, my first couple of glow engines didnt go quite right
  9. exhaust gaskets?
  10. you mean like the SheWee?
  11. Mines a 1989, got 37k on the clock, does 120mph and it's unique, not seen another one in the 1000 miles I've been riding it. Plus It's cheap as chips to repair, does 90 miles on £10 of fuel and makes women smile at me... Kinda makes me look like Maverick from top gun...
  12. She wouldn't... She's a good girl at heart... It's lies, all lies!
  13. that would be so awesome, could get a load of those in one of our empty hangars, some bangin' tunes, some booze and glowsticks... would be an awesome rave
  14. wouldnt be clutch rattle, deffo coming from the head on the front just above the exhaust manifold, (which i assume is the outlet cam/valves)
  15. Wouldn't be the chain, the bile does it when it's at a standstill aswell
  16. Hey peeps Been riding the XJ for a few weeks now and I'm happy with it, however, I've noticed when pulling away under load it taps or clicks, however when decelerating it doesn't tap. Is there a known cause for this and is there anything I can do apart from stripping and rebuilding the engine to fix it? -Steve
  17. actually it does look something like that, only theres nettles growing up between the swingarm, exhaust and back wheel, lol still an awesome pic though
  18. sorry to drag up an old thread... would it be possible to use JUST the silver fescalised portion (RAF terminology there, lol), running inside the original jawa stanchions?, that would save me so much work and also keep the jawa looking original
  19. ive tried hunting it down... but where can i go?, i have no information about its new owner
  20. battery has been removed from said jawa, topped up and now on a desulphating charge cycle. still dont know what to do with those forks... :/
  21. haha, good one drewp
  22. they are now amongst us... trust nobody... not sure what they would have said if they pulled me over with my mates 18th birthday pressie on the back (it was an inflatable doll, got some funny looks going through town...)
  23. 1: Track down the DT and buy it back, whatever the cost... 2: Rebuild the XJ, that tap in the top end is getting f*cking annoying... 3: Worldwide party 4: ...? 5: Profit
  24. Dont say things like that drewp, i still miss it badly , not even the XJ can satisfy me as much as the DT did...
  25. I find your spitefull comments hurtfull... besides, the jawa hasnt been started since... february?... its currently under a tree at the bottom of my dads garden getting lower and lower into the grass, headlight smashed, covered in cobwebs with various critters living amongst its nooks and crannies...
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