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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Well peeps, its that time of year again, the trusty old xj is going through its mot as I am writing this, the exhaust putty put on last night has done its job, the dodgey indicator has been cleaned out and repaired and the leaky fork seal has been wiped down, so here I am sat in the carpark with a cigarette and a cup of off-smelling nescafe waiting for the result, contemplating life and the mysteries of the universe, are we really alone? Are cats actually robots? What did batman and robin get up to in the batcave when they weren't fighting crime?... I need to stop thinking...
  2. she could be the new Goff <3
  3. Well ive decided to spray the frame in gloss black enamel, as per the original spec, have managed to get my hands on a dremel so hopefully will get the turbo off and the engine out next week along with the exhaust (or whats left of it atleast...) started spraying a few bits and pieces aswell, the rear frame that holds the tail light assembly, the calipers, the airbox, sidestand and a few other odds and sods. stay tuned for more info...
  4. Another point to make, after a lengthy chat with one of the bike club seniors i am starting to look for alternatives to powdercoating as ive been told when the powdercoating becomes damaged it leads to eggshelling and ingress of water under the powdercoated layer, has anybody ever tried any other alternatives and how did it work out?
  5. Well peeps this weekend was spent mostly working on the XJ, often heading down the shed at midday and not leaving until 1 the next morning, but it paid off and this is the current state of play with the 650 only a few minor problems... exhaust (or whats left of it) is ceised on, the nuts that hold each branch of the manifold onto the collector/turbo inlet are rounded off so now i need to buy myself a disk cutter... on the bright side, i did manage to drill out the rounded fasteners holding the remainder of the fairings on, also in the absence of lifting equipment removal of the engine is going to be a pain to remove as im only a wickle bloke and its a big lump. other than that, the bolts that hold the turbo on are ceised on solid and i managed to round one off, and because they are in such an awkward place i cant get at them with an angle grinder, need something like a dremel with a tiny cutting disk on it
  6. Welcome bud, ask around if you need any help there's always someone around who can lend a hand.
  7. Crash bars are a good idea, I picked mine up cheap from the clearance section of an internet shop and not only do they look good and protect your engine and whirlybits if you ditch the bike but I think they offer a bit more protection for your feet\ankles if some muppet was to bump into you whilst filtering Grips are also good and make a fair bit of difference, use with handlebar muffs for best effect, I have mine wired into a relay which picks up the field current from the alternator (bassically they won't work unless the engine is running) Lights are personal preferance tbh, I think more about being seen
  8. Neversaydie; the car was built in 1992 so I doubt you have your arse against my dashboard! Its a 1275 and apart from an aftermarket exhaust its all standard, and that's how I want to keep it
  9. Cheers trumpetdude!, although alcohol was my main inspiration for getting it stripped down, And cynic the mini wasn't free, so now I'm even more skint
  10. Work hasnt progressed very far at all, had a couple of evenings spent on it since the last update, have since got the carbs off and stripped/taged/bagged most of the other parts such as footrests, levers, cables e.t.c, still need to get the rest of the front fairings off but due to having no powerdrill and a real lack of funds i have no means for removing the stripped screws. had a quick look at the turbo and it seems in very good condition, quite a lot of oil in it but that may well have been what saved it from corroding as the vanes and bearings seem to be in very good condition considering. a few pics attached, didnt really take many photos this time, more updates to come
  11. Well well peeps, ive given into my urges and bought another turd to play with, it seems to appeal to the ladies a bit more than my old sportage aswell so i guess thats a bonus, not much room in the back for lovin' though I call it Mumbles, it has cushions on the back seat with a union jack embroided on them , im running out of space for all of these toys now...
  12. Drink lots, get miserable, wake up with no recollection, repeat process
  13. Got a 1989 DT50 2 years ago at age 16, rode it for a year backwards and forwards to RAF Halton (75 miles... 2 hours non stop riding each way!) sold that to get a car in october, met a very nice lady on here in february who happened to have an old XJ600 in her garden which i later bought, then got my bike licence in august '10, MOTd' the bike in september and have been riding it for almost a year now
  14. Another day another slight step closer to finishing this, removed the coils, switchgear and various other bits and pieces including the surge tank which appears to be filling with congeled oil/petrol and contains a small mesh filter (needless to say, caked in crap), trying to figure out an effective way to clean the surge tank and replace the filter mesh as during its removal i managed to pierce a small slit into it (stop giggling at the back) also managed to drop it on myself whilst moving it from the storage shed to the workshop... f*ck me that thing is heavy even with most of it stripped off, nothing was damaged but im walking with a limp now... i can tell this is going to be an emotional restoration...
  15. well peeps all the parts are pretty much here, got a few bits and pieces stripped off but not got particularly far with it because most of the fasteners in the fairings are ceised, but hopefully in a couple of weeks it should be ready for powdercoating, im trying to find some cheaper places to take it as triple S is a bit far to go
  16. i have you know my seed is well recieved by all who have the privalidge of sampling it...
  17. bought a chain and sprocket set from M&P about 3 weeks ago whilst i was away, it turned up shortly after i arrived back and had a little postcard in the box with a photo of the fire and a paragraph explaining a bit about it.
  18. best advice i can give is keep the rubber side down
  19. be carefull when you take the end caps off the forks, theres a big long spring behind it and if your not carefull you may end up looking like a pirate
  20. Cheers for the video Monstro that was exactly what i was looking for
  21. cheers OG, any idea what the focus has to be or where i can find out?
  22. ah shite, i nipped down in the car with my dad last wednesday and there were maybe a dozen bikes there, unfortunately the XJ wasnt in roadworthy condition though, we need to rally the troops and get the numbers up!
  23. this is relevant to my interests
  24. Hey everyone. what are the regulations with regards to headlights on motorcycles. i.e do they need to be a specific height above the ground, do they have to focus on a specific point at an exact distance from the headlight itself?. basically im planning a front-end (temporary) modification to the XJ600... basically a deadmau5 head with eyes as headlights, if i can upload a few pphotos from my sketchpad i can give you guys and gals an idea of what im after, but ideally i would need to get to the bottom of this headlight dilema before i can settle on a design cheers all - Foameh x
  25. wild foamy


    look at the grammar, the pronounciation... i think that post may have been the result of a pub session...
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