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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. well yes but i just assumed it was because it was a small bird, you could probably say the same about a hamsters arse
  2. If i was driving the mini to work today i would have drowned! nice weather for ducks though, i suppose and on the subject of ducks, there has been a theory developed at work, it started off just to wind up the Navy boys that have infested our hangar, but basically, if a ship gets a hole in the bottom it sinks, right?, then why dont ducks sink? therefore they must have a watertight ass just a thought...
  3. the 2-stroke bike you have will have ports within the barrel to draw in the fuel/air mixture, wheras the four stroke big bore kit will not have as the fuel/air is drawn in by overhead valves and will not have the ports in the liner you require thats just how it is im afraid dude, save your money for the DR400, they are good bikes and i nearly bought one until i got my XJ600
  4. thats the last message i sent after being called up one evening and being shouted at by the phone, after 3 messages in one day asking where the item was despite the fact i told him i had sent it standard parcels the day before and it would take roughly 3-4 days
  5. salaam alaykum, please post an intro, it helps us know a bit more about you, your bikes, where your from e.t.c, more a friendly approach . Google is a very usefull tool for manuals, i found one for my DT50 on there
  6. could create havoc at Benson with that
  7. we have similar problems with helicopters, one of the fault logs submitted by the pilot was "Tapping noise in cockpit, sounds like troll with tiny hammer", to which the engineers report was "Tiny hammer removed from troll"
  8. old news oh for fucks sake... cant get it to embed
  9. I run LPG in the car 69.9p a liter over at Benson... haven't bought petrol for about 3 months, i havent ridden the bike(s) since the summer and i run pretty much whatever i can get hold of in the generator
  10. I'll try anything once, just ask the missus. i draw the line at sodomy though
  11. sure, the XJ is at www.project-turbo.blogspot.com, tbh i have forgotten the DT one, but i havent really even started it yet there's just one intro post
  12. Hi there bud, welcome to the forum and congrats on purchasing what is most probably one of the most bulletproof bikes around as for the blog, use blogspot.com, i have a XJ Turbo rebuild and a DT50 rebuild blog on there, its free and really easy to use
  13. oh its not the same donkey, i fear i will never see the original one again , but this one came about after another post-pub ebay "browse", and sure enough i found in the morning that i had won it for about £70 if i remember rightly, cost me maybe another £70 in gas to go get it
  14. nothing more to say really, my towbar wiring was ass about face so i had to take it apart to get it in the boot Drewps, that is a brilliant photo!, luckily im on the ground floor so no chance of it going through the floor
  15. Was gonna say get out!... -.- DT's are definately going up in value especially the 50MX, my good condition '89 reg DT was sold for £350, but now to get one in the same condition you can expect to pay around £500, and as for the parts, they are worth their weight in gold some of them
  16. that is true, biggest thing i would have to hide would be the wheels, although i could always stick them in the car if someone comes to have a look
  17. not worth the hastle, just shoved it in a box and sent it
  18. its a bit late for instablock, hence why i have 2 DT50s, 2 classic minis and an XJ Turbo :/
  19. yep too true, just hope there arent any alien eggs on this one like there were on the XJ650
  20. Hey peeps, Was outside the block having a smoke earlier when i caught a glimpse of my poor DT, sat over in the car park covered in shite, long story short its now in my bedroom. ive taken the tank/seat off and started running the wires through to make a new wiring loom, other than that this is the condition it was in when i loaded it into the back of my Kia all the way from Colwyn Bay to Didcot . It's just like a little puppy that looks at you with a cute face after taking a dump in your bed, you just wanna give it a cuddle :3 behind it there's a rear window for a classic mini, two mini exhausts sat beside it, a weight bar i never use, a guitar that i seldom play any more and about 5 number plates from vehicles which hav elong since moved on, on the plus side i now have more incentive to work on it now that its in the dry, the downside is that if at any time my room gets a surprise inspection i may aswell bend over and beg them to use vaseline oh, and er, excuse the mess... everything just got pushed aside to make room for the DT
  21. Shit, sorry to hear about the bad news dude, im sure Karma will reward you sooner or later though. As for the clocks im pretty sure i have an old set kicking around here somewhere depending which parts you want, i had 3 spare sets at one point but i think i gave them all to the new owner when i sold my XJ :'(
  22. personally, i think that most of the drivers just lack the brain power to breathe and indicate at the same time not bitter or anything, just saying...
  23. more than likely a loose wire or the bulb is loose in its holder, take your clocks apart and check all your electrical connections as for the speedo fault check the cable that drives your speedo from the front wheel, chances are its broken
  24. i will admit up until this point i havent had any trouble, most of the other people who bought things from me were really nice people, just this one absolute tosser
  25. +1 for polishing, or alternatively just a nice good clean, if you can remove it and mask it up before sandblasting it before giving it a coat of black enamel then i strongly reccomend it, since buying a shotblaster for my XJ turbo project i cannot praise them enough, although they are a bit messy
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