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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. I dualboot my laptop with XP, Linux Ubuntu and windows 7, only problems im having with windows 7 is running a lot of the old 32-bit games (Apache 95, streets of simcity, proper old skool stuff) and it wont run the johnny castaway screensaver
  2. Well its bound to be worth a shot, was the finish okay and did you have to clean up the finish afterwards? Like paint running or anything?
  3. It gets cold in winter, was 55'c in may 2011 when I was out here and it was great for sunbathing but we had to pour water over the steering wheel and gear stick of the landys or your hands would burn Stopped at cyprus atm, spent the last 5 hours wedged between 2 f'cking huuuuge royal marines, why do I always get the middle seat
  4. Yeah, that one looked at the weather last week and it was -2'c at night and 12'c during the day, so no chance of sunbathing this year, i even packed my mankini and everything (Im seeing a girl who likes tanlines, thought i may aswell make an effort) Last year i adopted a stray cat and a pet lizard, the stray cat was there on my first tour aswell so would be interesting to see if he's still there, he was a ginger tabby and i called him fluffy :3, the lizard was called stickyfeet
  5. Well well well peeps, the snow is clearing so for the second time, im outta here! . see y'all in a couple of months, i will be floating around on the boards but internet access is not guaranteed.
  6. Ive identified some of the "bits" That airbox looks well and truly f*cked!, i bought a K&N air filter for my turbo but as it turned out its intended for the 650/650 non-turbo bikes personally i would re-assemble and run it before trying anything else, as the old saying goes "if it works, dont f*ck with it"
  7. Well this project is now on the back burner , ive already got rid of one of my minis but i am now moving base up to wolverhampton after a final short tour in the desert, the turbo is confined to the shed for now, there's already a DT50 waiting for its turn aswell, i may look in to getting the wheels done professionally but i cant see them being cheap i dragged my ass out to the shed today and finished off the forks, took me a while to work out how the pressure fittings went on to the forks as i gave them to Rolling Art to rechrome/reseal e.t.c but after a quick look at the parts catalog i think i got it worked out. here's how they look now Was going to get the handlebars on and start reassembling the switchgear/levers but i cant seem to find the bar clamps anywhere, i suspect they are in the box under my bed at work -.-, i think its safe to say this bike will NEVER wheelie, these forks alone are hefty feckers!, hopefully after i've finished moving in April i can get to work on the engine, then get the engine in the frame and from then on it 'should be' plain sailing...
  8. May be worth considering something like this
  9. oh no sash, the only faggots we have over here are served with chips and peas
  10. What's the big problem? it can be eaten as part of a STABLE diet
  11. well my flight got cancelled... so i am now a week behind schedule and minus £150 bonus pay... brilliant...
  12. its snowing in my little borough of hungerford! XD enjoy your shite weather peeps, im outta here tomorrow!
  13. Welcome! XD
  14. wild foamy


    what was the question again? O.o
  15. Yeah i've been meaning to change that :/. Whilst you're all freezing your tits off i wont be here! HAHAHA!
  16. everythings still frozen over here , no snow though
  17. throttle off (engine braking) on a patch of ice? :s thats how i ended up doing the upside-down superman whilstmy DT went sliding down the road
  18. wild foamy


    Shouldnt she be wearing a harness and a hard hate?, i bet she didnt even read the risk assesment for working at height... tut tut
  19. In reality the only two likely outcomes of that are as you say, either he legs it or tries to lamp you. BUT, in the event that he does neither, and instead refuses to get off your property and simply stays where he is trying to get the bike going, the correct thing to do is probably call the police, by which time he may be long gone with my pride and joy, if i shut the gates at the end of my driveway it becomes entrapment, if i pull him off the bike it becomes common assault. imho, its just a no-win situation :/
  20. well presented point there, there's only so much you can help some people though imho
  21. Good idea, proof of the dole money usage usage would be ideal (reciepts e.t.c) or why not go back to using foodstamps, seems to work on the other side of the pond Why should it be that way?, you should have the right to defend the things that you have worked hard for and be allowed to deter people from your property, example, if i walked outside and discovered some shithead trying to start my fireblade with a screwdriver, and being in such a placid mood i say "go away", to which he replies "no, im going to stay here until it starts and then steal it", would i not be allowed to beat him round the head with a spade until he decides it is best to leave?, because chances are that would be what i would do, and to those people i say good luck and keep at it, those are the sort of people the JSA was introduced to help, unfortunately not all of them are like that
  22. There are numerous ways to dispose of a body without risking detection, but that's another topic i wouldnt go as far as to amputate limbs, if a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family, would you chop off his hand?, i would say probably not, hard manual labour would be the key, they could be rebuilding our pot-hole ridden roads, pulling weeds from our cemetaries, public parks or streetsweeping e.t.c, but if they come onto your private land which you have pay taxes for to steal your hard earned possesions, i would want to see the use of deadly force authorised in instances where you honestly believe there is a threat to your life of those of your loved ones, otherwise a less-than-lethal alternative to subdue the criminal until the coppers can get there i dont think they would let me into downing street anyway, i got thrown out of the house of commons last year for flipping the bird at the chiev of air staff
  23. there are plenty of "less than lethal" ways to secure your bike, trouble is if the scumbag gets so much as a scratch then you maywell have a lawsuit on your hands... what the f*ck has happened to this country? I say bring in drugs testing for people claiming benefits (if your smoking dope with our tax money, you dont get any, simple as) remove the compulsary seatbelt wearing law (natural selection will take its course, its there for your safety but if you choose not to use it then thats your decision) alter the laws for trespassers (aslong as you display signs and warn that your property has security measures in place, if they choose to break into your shed and get an ass full of rocksalt then its their fault for going there) Dont even get me started on imigration... Join the revolution peeps!, Foamy for prime minister!
  24. ive seen it used in Killbill vol 2,but assuming that you cant buy them you would have to make them, and unless you have the nescessary licence to make them it would probably be illegal :/ the same reason the military cannot alter or tamper with their ammunition (used to score the head of the bullet with a cross, idea being when it left the barrel and opened up into a petal shape it would rip through whatever was in its path) time to hit the google, methink
  25. Peugeot Partner, spares or repair just read the Q&A, methink some people are taking the piss :/
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