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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. nope i use an MX style helmet with a flip-down visor but prefer to ride with the visor open. thankfully never swallowed a bumblebee... but the midges can still be pretty unpleasent despite their small size
  2. 3rd party F&T, '90 Yamaha DT50MX, first time ride = £223 next year, '94 Jawa 350 3rd Party only = £115 (from QuinnDirect, i think) hmm, i think the Jawa is going to stay ... dont much fancy paying £330 for 3rd party insurance on an FZR400... told you there was method in my madness...
  3. hi everyone just a quick question wil and RD350 clutch fit a Jawa 640 style? alternatively, does anyone had a RD350 clutch they would be kind enough to measure? (basket depth, diameter, no of plates, shaft diameter) e.t.c
  4. "Its okay, that pizza has only been on your bedroom floor for a week or two, the mould just adds flavour"
  5. ... miserable old b*stards...
  6. if i remember rightly it was the YPVS ones, yes. there was some on ebay last time i looked
  7. as far as i have researched, the later RD350 exhausts are a straight swap for the jawa expansion pipes... ... probably easier to get the RD exhaust than it is to get a Jawa one
  8. i f*cking do!, worst part is yawning and swallowing a bug... thankfully i had my visor down when i hit the bumblebee... left a big orange smudge though
  9. tried that and it ceised up... ride safe out there, its all too easy to get carried away... in unfortunate circumstances sometimes in an ambulance on a lighter note, i have also been enjoying the sun by cruising through the local green lanes, getting used to being hit in the face by flies now
  10. wild foamy

    more jokes

    Lost my job at the pet shop today... ... apparently Polyfilla isnt parrot food...
  11. that'll be me next year on the jawa
  12. i got my craptacular 2ghz single core intel plugged into my 22" LCD in my bedroom... its okay for downloading music and films, chatting and surfing but heavy gaming kills it. im going to build my own one next time... much more options for pimpification...
  13. But to be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid... so by the time im his age i should be a f*cking genius! XD everyone always tells me im very special...
  14. Wrong thread, i think mate ^ Politicians... load of wankers in my opinion, i would have thought atleast one of them would have some common sense between the lot of them
  15. if ever an example was needed of the female figure, this would be it, if a picture says a thousand words then this photograph has a language all its own. indeed, a marvellous bit of modelling , im not sure OGs pacemaker would be able to keep up when he see's that...
  16. im 5'8 and 8 1/2 stone... i fly further when i fall off the DT...
  17. something of the XT variety? or maybe a TY... but they two stroke...
  18. a custom tail tidy could be made if you are handy with a welder and hammer...
  19. er... i can write things on Microsoft Word if that counts?... Nvidia graphics would also be a bonus... what sort of price range are you looking to spend?
  20. Hi everyone just wondering, what was the stupidest thing you've ever done on your bikes?, even if by accident?. for example, sneezing with your visor closed when stopped at the traffic lights with some other mates on peds, then taking your hand off the clutch lever to wipe it forgetting that it was in first, stalling the bike and then the light turning green whilst you are still fumbling around with the kickstart and your mates have rode off into the distance. just silly little things like these
  21. ooh, cheeky swine... i will show my displeasure of this comment by soiling myself and sitting down in the middle of tescos supermarket
  22. i use swinton and never had any problems... so far...
  23. ooh, resorting to name calling now eh? aint a wise idea to lock horns with the foamy... if its photos of good looknig women in tight fitting leather you want, there are many specialty sites available on the web, alternatively have a word with our wonderful Mistress Goff
  24. Now now OG, i dont think your pacemaker would be quite up to that... the home closes at 8PM, better get you back i think...
  25. cor'blimey, thats a nice one! my dad had a 1000 Exup and also a Genesis but that was a bit before i was born, lol i REAAAAALY want a FZR400, are the bigger ones any good to ride (comfort/handling wise?)
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