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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. pah, you old farts dont have the stamina nor the charm to pull effectively , times like this us youngens have the advantage... And the party doesnt start until Foamy enters the room
  2. i must admit to having done a few mirror slaps on occasion, and once on the way to thatcham with my 'crew one of our peds was still restricted and some prick in a merc decided to undertake and cut up my mate on the ped almost taking him off, me being the cocky shit i am overtook the merc and gave him a brake test, put the DT into neutral, stand down and casually walked over to the merc before menacingly tapping on the window (reinforced glove knuckles make for great effect!) and went through the routine of "think thats a f*cking good idea do ya?, i catch you doing it again i'll have your f*ckin mirrors off alrite?", the look was priceless, a cross between "WTF?" and "oh shit". yes, nobody dares fuck with my little blue dragon
  3. ah... reverse the polarity to the frog... that should make him croak
  4. many thanks Jim, i think last time i tried plugging a multimeter inline with the genny i was getting about 2 volts, so if the genny needs to be changed that aint a big problem, there are/were two used ones on the Jawa/CZ owners club website for £8 a pop so i'll give the guy a ring tomorrow and see if he still has them
  5. thanks for the input jim, im at a loss with the electrics now TBH, any chance someone could explain what no load checks i should be doing?, preferably with referance to the wiring diagram as i am just tieing myself up in knotts
  6. ah yes, but now the question is what do i do with the frog?
  7. checked my oil and it was very low, topped it up and all is well
  8. it only seems to do it when the bike is warm, possibly clutch overheating? i will admit last night i was thrashing my little DT, racing starts, letting the clutch slip off the line to keep the revs up e.t.c
  9. try heating the stand with a blowtorch around the nut, this will cause it to expand around the nut and may loosen off some of the rust and shite, making it easier to then remove the nut
  10. wild foamy

    tyre fiil

    woah, furthest ive ever had to push my DT was about 5 miles uphill on country roads :\
  11. wild foamy

    tyre fiil

    ive heard of it, a mate of mine has a bottle of Holtz Tyre Weld stowed under his seat for such events and he says its good stuff, wish i had some when i got my puncture , wasnt far from home but still was unpleasent
  12. hi everyone seems my little DT has aquired a mouse... if im coasting to a stop the clutch seems to squeak... what could be the cause of this? :S have only just noticed it on the way home tonight and the clutch w/ springs were replaced around March/early April time... input appreciated Steve
  13. eh, yer maws got bawz en yer da loves it
  14. You guys have way too much time on your hands made me laugh though
  15. Considered it?, on the DT?... no... ... on the Jawa perhaps... maybe next year when i goes over to the vaterland to see my mate
  16. tested the diodes in the rectifier and they are fine, but unable to test the reg as it is a pcb based unit and not a zener diode as first thought. So its got to be either that or the alternator, and i cant get it out the shed until ive rebuilt the forks and got the front wheel back on
  17. i dont know what you're all complaining about, my mum still pins my mittens to my jacket
  18. ah yes, i've read about those, quite fascinating creatures...
  19. or atleast dont rip the old one!, i ended up cutting up a cardboard box and making a gasket out of that... it worked for a while
  20. wouldnt have thought so if you are just using it the one time. in my DT i do get a lot of oil and carbon build up in the exhaust but i am running a very rich mixture to keep the temperature down.
  21. this ones got about 13,000 on the clock... or 113,000... not 100% sure which currently im having charging problems so i doubt it will ever be roadworthy
  22. I dont understand... why were those two men hugging?... Where's Goff?, she will explain it
  23. doubt it would make much difference, ive been using comma branded two stroke since ive had my DT and i really do thrash the hell out of that, if you were using it just the one time then i cant see any harm in it
  24. springs usually, if the plates look okay then you dont nescessarily need to replace them. as a short-term fix you can put washers on top of the springs to hold them down tighter, but its best to just replace the springs
  25. i run a 1:40 mix on my Jawa, some people run 1:50 in garden equipment which seems to work rather well. start off with an oil-rich mixture and see how that goes, i would think 1:40 would be sufficient
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