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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. First one of you to tag me in this gets a punch in the throat.
  2. Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster Common mistake lpl
  3. Yeah, mine was a pain in the arse to start if you left it more than a week, used to hook it up to the car battery to give it a bit of a boost and that'd get it going. Trick I found was full choke, don't touch the throttle at all and let it pick up on its own. If it is genuinely hydrolocked Id check your carb slides, diaphragms and petcock
  4. Speak to predator exhausts (Google them), they're tooled up for one-offs and patterns, hopefully doing my XJ Turbo (possibly June, watch this space)
  5. Why does everything i love leave me?
  6. You can borrow the (now not leaking) FJ1200 if you need a bike man. It's parked up for winter at the moment
  7. shit man, that sucks balls perhaps you slipped on an oil patch left by my poorly FJ on the bournemouth outing?. all joking aside, glad you're okay bud
  8. Helicoil kits are around £5-10 bud, I've got a couple over here which have saved my bacon a few times, give it a shot!
  9. Ah, I built a DT50MX from the frame up in a weekend, depending how brutal you want to be, a wedge between the cooling fins may loosen it or just break the fins, either way of you aren't using the head again it doesn't matter
  10. Read somewhere that the scottoil is more eco friendly, I use turbine oil because it's free. Theoretically I don't see why you can't use something of similar viscosity that is safe for oring chains
  11. Drink lots, eat lots, try and be civil with the family, avoid answering phone calls from work
  12. Fucking hate Christmas music, Carol singers, silly lights all over the town, shit films on TV, decorating a dead tree with shiny tinsel and balls and stuff, windy shitty horrible weather, the horrible creatures that swarm into all the shopping centres with their screaming little brats to get more cheap materialistic shite, it's basically a massive corporate sellout. I do however, like compulsory holiday (seems to be the only time I get off), drinking all day and not feeling guilty, eating a shit ton of food and the occasional days we get proper decent snow. I used to work in Currys retail store back in 2008 and we had the same Christmas CD playing over and over... Basically just psychological warfare
  13. Should have posted sooner man!
  14. If you've got a useable base, i have a contact in purton that does some great seats
  15. Ah, rollercoaster tycoon... i still have that game
  16. I just sold a set of pod filters from an FJ1200! >.<
  17. wild foamy


    Most things from there come with meat and two veg attached no doubt
  18. do you have a clear inline filter? if there is water in it you will see the fuel and water have seperated in there. as for the pump, only thing you could do is disconnect it from the fuel pipe at each end, attach it to a good fuel supply (some petrol in a can) and power it up to see if it is pumping correctly.
  19. Definitely drain the float bowls using the drain screw, water is heavier than fuel (0.8 or there abouts) and will sit at the bottom of a body of fuel. Try that first and see how you get on.
  20. im surprised they havent brought in a legislation for LPG mopeds like they did in shanghai... I could actually import them online...
  21. Horse shit, the whole country is going down the pan
  22. All the more reason to stay away from the place!
  23. Saw this on ebay, its like a real TDR but smaller!
  24. its unlikely you will find something with the same mounting points, had this problem with project FUCR. although tbh i did away with them completely and mounted the riders footpegs straight to the frame underneath via extensions and spacers
  25. Not just any oil, the most expensive f*cking oil in the world! (i mean cmon Shell, £20 for 1L of semi synthetic??). and its like you said, every leak has to start sometime!
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