Well peeps this weekend was spent mostly working on the XJ, often heading down the shed at midday and not leaving until 1 the next morning, but it paid off and this is the current state of play with the 650
only a few minor problems...
exhaust (or whats left of it) is ceised on, the nuts that hold each branch of the manifold onto the collector/turbo inlet are rounded off so now i need to buy myself a disk cutter... on the bright side, i did manage to drill out the rounded fasteners holding the remainder of the fairings on, also in the absence of lifting equipment removal of the engine is going to be a pain to remove as im only a wickle bloke and its a big lump.
other than that, the bolts that hold the turbo on are ceised on solid and i managed to round one off, and because they are in such an awkward place i cant get at them with an angle grinder, need something like a dremel with a tiny cutting disk on it