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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. Search universal motorcycle tool kit on ebay, that's what I got on the xj
  2. Well peeps its in the station now...
  3. Its all been solved peeps, as luck would have it i picked up the 2500w one for £0.99 , then picked it up whilst i was out picking up another smaller generator i bought, still meant a 200 mile round trip and £50 in fuel
  4. i ended up splicing a new HT lead and cap onto the old one to get the old XJ turbo to run before stripping it down, i cut the head off a brass screw and screwed the new HT lead onto one end and the old HT onto the other with some insulation tape around it, that did the job and it fired but if this is going to be a permanent thing my advice would be to take the coil out and strip the existing HT back, as mentioned above some coils such as the ones on the XJ have the HT lead moulded in but i am sure a way around it can be found
  5. Well peeps, the XJ is now sporting a custom made bottom suspension link, non-leaky fork seals and a new back tyre and my finest wiring repairs (no twisted wires and insulation tape here!). it is absolutely beautiful motorcycle weather over here, but alas no doubt when the bike has been MOT'd all the weather will turn crappy and i will be confined to the lumbering 20mpg Kia for the rest of the year
  6. Im more familiar with the AH-64s' Longbow system tbh, got a pic of me somewhere sat on one during my Afghan tour, brilliant piece of machinery
  7. it felt like someone had thrown a watermelon at me! and made a terrible terrible mess...
  8. depends how much its likely to cost me, theres a 2.5kw unit on ebay that is sold as "assumed to be working", currently its 0.99p but in bournemouth which means £70 in petrol...
  9. XJ600 one with 30,000 miles on ebay sold for just £155... i bought mine because its smaller than most other bikes and still gives the "sit up and beg" position the others refered to and have never had any problems with back pain, apart from getting a bumblebee under my visor, that hurt...
  10. Radar range is classified, and in peace time i doubt they would have had live ordinance...
  11. too right i would have fired LOL . hate to be a killjoy, but those radar guns have a maximum range of around 1 mile... so how they managed to lock on to a tornado is a mystery...
  12. Hi peeps it seems my generator has packed up, and im having trouble finding another (reasonably priced) alternator unit, it still runs but provides no power, and this is the only form of power i have for working on my mini which means that for now all work has stopped on it i need to find a 2.2kw peak/2kw nominal alternator but i dont fancy paying £240 to machine mart for one, the whole generator itself cost me £30 but a new one of similar spec is about £300. does anybody know where i can find a unit that will fit?, im kinda racking my brains about it atm... cheers all - Foameh x
  13. thats a shitter mate! , i will keep an eye out around my area (berkshire), hopefully it will find its way back to you.
  14. I got told off during my riding lessons for "thrashing" the YBR i was learning on... but as previously mentioned with a bit more experiance you will learn where the powerbands are, what revs are more economical and what sort of gears you need for the road conditions and gradients, the XJ will go up most hills in 6th at 30mph, then work its way up to the full 130 (er, i mean 70mph...) but having not ridden a YBR for over a year now i havent got much of an idea of what they ride like, aim to change around half way through the rev range as a rough guide
  15. Up Yours: behave yourself or we will put you back in the old peoples home!. good to hear atleast somebody is still riding, my XJ is still sat under a tarp with various assorted MOT failures
  16. ive found Carol Nash to be absolutely terrible!, Swinton seem to be good, Bennets arent very good for me and have a nasty habit of adding "auto renewal" onto your policy, so when your renewal comes up they slap on another £200 and dont bother telling you about it... cheers bennets... could have insured my XJ600 for £125 this year, but the company i went with needed to see proof of restriction, however swinton dont ask for proof of restriction so i ended up going with them
  17. its a case of stripping them down, changing the seals and replenishing the oil, ive got one needs doing on my XJ
  18. cant we all just sit around the campfire and sing coombaya?
  19. The kids dont like it when the parents fight ...
  20. wild foamy


    or an XJ650 Turbo?... gonna need a new exhaust for that...
  21. haha, dont give me ideas...
  22. Haha, you both need professional help... there was one product on that website that caught my eye though... LINKY
  23. Nothing wrong with the YBR, i did my test on one before getting my leg over on the XJ600... bit too much vibration in the 125 for my liking if im honest though, but like you point out its a good riding position. and remember, keep a leg down each side and your mind in the middle...
  24. wild foamy

    DT50MX 1989

    Awwwwwh!!, brings back memories of my DT50... if your has the registration number of G237MYA name any price and i will buy it back... Conical filter fits on the carb, if you take the rubber pipe off your airbox it should fit in (bit of a squeeze though) big bore kits are also a good idea, mine had a 60cc big bore kit, BigOne exhaust system and the largest front/smallest rear sprocket i could find, it was good for 55 on a flat but realistixally 40 was a comfortable cruising speed
  25. LOL, some peoples stupidity is actually fun to watch...
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