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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. awh bless ya beanz, i luv youu *hic* yah, am pished. bed now, nite xxxx
  2. I had a Jawa! XD sold it, thank f*ck... welcome to the forum
  3. that anti-fog spray from ProBike in newbury is good, and you can have a ganders at all the pretty shiny new bikes in there aswell, failing that theres Newbury Motorcycles down by yhe clock tower (down past dominos if your heading through the town centre, not sure exactly where). failing that cut a potato in half and rub it on the inside of your visor, worked the last time i tried it
  4. up.yours, i know you are lonely, but this is bound to be in violation of your bail conditions
  5. *facepalm* and they say there is intelligent life in the universe... im not so sure...
  6. dunno up.yours, not seen him since he offered to rechrome the jawa fork legs, from what i remember he was having a lot of trouble with his phone and internet
  7. wild foamy

    foamys 19

    Cheers everyone, was quite a mess night last night, going for "a few beers with some mates" turned into a feckin pub crawl, oh, and i bought a lottery scratchcard and won (only £2, but thats still half a pint...)
  8. i second the above, i have found the transit van wing mirrors are hardest to remove... tried an XJ600 yet?...
  9. Beanz, please excuse up.yours, as mentioned above he is pretty much a social hand grenade, atleadt i have the decency to whack off and not admit it... im sure i was going somewhere with this... ah yes, i had a similar problem on the XJ when i started riding it after a year of it sitting in a garden unused, it was difficult to find neutral and i often found myself going too far down with the lever and hitting 1st or staying in second resulting in a poor start when i was racing all the rudeb0is off the lights in their corsas, turned out the clutch was dragging (not disengaging enough), there should be a small nut on the clutch cable (im guessing... left hand side of the engine?) which allows you to adjust how far out the clutch is pulled when the lever is engaged, in effect you want to make the cable slightly "shorter" (wind the nut in 1/2 a turn a time towards the casing until the symptoms you describe are resolved) if that doesnt work check back here, or drop in to RAF Benson if your local and either myself or one of the other MCC members will take a look at it for you.
  10. Prices: Free, although a donation to HELP FOR HEROES would be appreciated, failing that a pint of ale if you see me Examples: will try and find some of my older work EDIT: found my old top gun sig, but most of my older artwork is either on my netbook or my old photobucket account Please note, im in no way affiliated with H4H, i just enjoy tinkering with artwork and photoshop and choose to use my powers for good, not evil, like spiderman
  11. More turbo pics: The exhaust coupling from the wastegate has snapped/rusted away to nothing, gonna need some creative thinking to find away around that... next task is to get the exhaust off, i REALLY dont want to have to cut the downpipes off but that may well be what it comes to
  12. wild foamy

    foamys 19

    Cheers guys, I find myself becoming more and more disgruntled, complaining about the youth of today and all the immigrantgs and chavs, I'm also starting to suffer from short term memory loss... Now where was I?... Ah never mind, I'm going to go and watch countdown. X
  13. Hey peeps! I have finally got round to installing photoshop on my new computer and have continued my mischief making in art form including my "mini adventures" scrapbook (photoshopping my mini into all sorts of weird and wonderfull places), so if anyone would like any custom artwork done drop me a pm and I will see what I can work Love to all Foameh x
  14. i second the above, it happened on my XJ
  15. wild foamy

    Diet advice

    they'd all get a good serving from me, dont you worry 'bout that...
  16. watch this space people...for within the next few days i may well have another project...
  17. My moneys on an air leak, check the gaskets
  18. Hey peeps I'm looking at another DT... Drawn like a moth to a flame, and anyway I have found one in need of a little tlc... But its an automatic with a chain drive, I was unaware this type of bike existed, how do you think it works? Some form of centrifugal clutch and variator I guess but how can they fit it within the cases?
  19. im just thinking forward to when the XJ Turbo goes for its MOT... oh dear... :/ still, i have to get it stripped down before that day ever comes... im just gonna hack the dowpipes off as close to the head as i can methink, its a shame to waste them but looks like im going to end up getting a full new system anyway
  20. that sounds bad dude, hope you're both okay though, its nice to know that some car drivers arent complete wankers.
  21. as mentioned at the start of this thread, it was in a garden (no tarp or cover) for 12 years until the guy who owned it died and his widow ebayed it, and after staggering home from the pub filled with alcohol i put a bid in on it and won (note to self, ebay and alcohol dont mix...) i hope theres no aliens living behind my clocks... they could be hiding anywhere in here... what if theres one behind me... oh shit...
  22. Just found something nesting behind the clocks... what the friggin hell is this? obviously something was living here at one point but havent seen anything crawl in or out of it... and this is how the bike looks right now, need to get these downpipes off, then engine out and the frame can go off for painting, but the clamps that bolt onto the head and hold the downpipes on are ceised, seeing as im probably going to end up replacing it with a full PREDATOR EXHAUST SYSTEM, it may be easier to cut the downpipes off and then remove them with the engine out, idealy i need this thing on its wheels for february, im due to move base soon... Any input appreciated peeps, love to ya all - Foameh x
  23. Hey, theres no bodges here! i did quite a profeshunel job on it and feel quite happy with the results. so southerners, beware of a low-flying foamy, closely followed by an XJ
  24. Cheers for the advice lads but i now have a key that fits the ignition, and... i FINALLY got the turbo off!!, and f*ckin hell did it ever put up a fit, ended up splitting the mounting nuts with a chisel and prising the manifold off with the a chisel aswell came down the workshop after work yesterday about 6pm and didnt leave until 1am this morning, and today i plan to do the same, i got my laptop and speakers so will get a few tunes going, jobs a good'un (Y)
  25. And its passed! woop woop! XD
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