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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. wild foamy

    NEC 2011

    Hopefully i will be there along with a few members of the Benson MCC
  2. wild foamy


    i run whatever i can pick up on ebay, continentals tend to be the best for me imho, i dont get my knee down on the XJ so i run a harder compound to get more miles out of them
  3. Congrats bud! Bikers are not safe, you're right, riding on the bus isnt safe, crossing the street isnt safe either, only thing you can do is cover your own ass and take precautions (riding with lights on, high vis jacket, good quality riding gear e.t.c), pass on your knowledge of biking to the younger generation in he hope that they are better prepared to deal with the common situations we find ourselves in, education is the best form of prevention but its still not going to be 100% safe and never will be
  4. This thread is relevant to my interests good job bud, you'll have that finished before ive even started putting my XJ back together!
  5. wild foamy


    My other toy has tits
  6. depends which one you're more likely to ride on a regular basis
  7. wild foamy


    i have a theory... every baby is born with a meat and two veg, and when the baby is born the doctor holds them up by the meat and two veg and slaps the baby on the ass, if the bollocks drop off and the baby lands on its head, its a woman.
  8. Filters in the fuel tap have been stripped and cleaned, carbs have been stripped and cleaned, bought another generator today which sprang to life after a bit of the usual persuasion so i used the plug out of that one in the stubborn SIP unit and although it kicks and farts when span over with a drill it isnt quite running under its own power, im ordering some new plugs today and hopefully that will be one less thing to worry about
  9. i was bored and drunk, what else was i going to do? theres only so many times i can service the missus...
  10. tried several different plugs, even ones that i knew ran in other generators
  11. 60/70cc big bore kit, performance exhaust, larger carb, cone filter and aftermarket reed valves
  12. Cheers MRR!, didnt think of that
  13. Check the float valves and lower them, the floats are not cutting off the fuel supply so the excess fuel is coming out of the overflow
  14. Hi everyone. its been a hard day, i now have a new hobby where i buy and sell generators and petrol powered equipment, basically i bought some generators ars spares or repair, most of them run but there are two that as of so far have beat me... 1:) SIP Medusa 950 generator, two stroke, spins over, has spark, has fuel, will not start 2:) SIP Medusa 950 generator, two stroke, spins over, sparks, used to run if petrol was put down the spark plug hole but now it doesnt start at all even if span over with a drill,. im at my wits end with these two, the other units i bought used to come to life after a few pulls and a bit of persuasion with some petrol down the plug 'ol, but these two have caused me nothing but trouble, what is it about these two strokes that im missing?, ive blown the carbs out with an airline, checked the reed valves and they have compression, so what am i doing wrong? any advice appreciated as usual, i've had too much to drink already so bollocks to it, im off to bed - Foameh x
  15. i agree with all the above, my condolences(sp?)... almost got taken out by some tw*t on the B4009 today, im wearing a full sleeved high vis jacker, riding a XJ with the headlights on with the addition of LEDs around the headlight, how fucking stupid are you?... anyhoo, if you happen to see an '02 plate Kia sportage in your travels dont worry, it is your friend, piloted by a very unforgiving foamy (to car drivers that is, it has a bullbar and spotlights, instead of people thinking "ah its just another car, doesnt matter if i pull out/cut it up" they start to think "f*ck that, lots of metal, that could hurt my replacement hip")
  16. signed but too dammed long, what about my 26 yer old XJ? surely thats a classic?...
  17. The DT was "Donkey", it always got you where you needed to go but wasnt particularly fast or pretty. The XJ is "Rattler", it rattles and shakes like a sh*tting dog The XJ Turbo is "That rusty piece of crap" for obvious reasons i know its not a bike, but i call the my rover mini "Mumbles", 'cus when its idling it sounds like its mumbling
  18. cheers bud, far as i know its never been to beirut? O.o
  19. the pipe coming out of the crankcase into the airbox is a breather, dont block it off, leave it pointing downwards somewhere out of the way (tuck it between the frame, for example). the airbox is a pain to get to, and im not 100% sure but i think its also part of the battery box,
  20. had a closer look at the turbo and it seems the exhaust coupling is just a flange that bolts on to the turbo housing itself. work on stripping the bike down hasnt progressed very far, the exhaust is still being a pain to remove so the engine is still sat in the frame, the sooner i can get that out the sooner i can get the frame off to be painted and the sooner i can start putting it back together. i have, however, stripped the clocks completely down and cleaned/reassembled them, aswell as attacking the shaft drive assembly and cleaning up the rims (still hunting for a rear tyre, if anyone has a 120/90/18 or 130/90/18 let me know, ta i have now got an increasingly big pile of painted/prepared parts sat under my bed ready to go back on, its just these last few jobs that are holding me back Clock mounts: im surprised at how well the PJ1 comes out when dry, its miracle stuff! (this was after the first coat, i wasnt happy with the results so i reprepped and sprayed it again)
  21. Just thought I'd chip in... Blackhat: I have no such desires, in fact I'm planning to have a sex change, ive watched enough internet porn and been to enough pissups to know that lesbians get laid easier.
  22. No, i think up.yours has been at the happy pills more so than drewps, its possibly due to the fact that Beanz has put her profile picture up and U.Y has taken a liking... im just here to maintain the equilibrium,
  23. haha, legendary...
  24. i second the above, adjust it on the clutch side first and do the fine tuning with the adjuster on the lever
  25. nightinvader: bought mine off ebay for £175
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