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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. wild foamy

    Diet advice

    you're all a bunch of dirty old men... -.-
  2. Welcome Harleyjayne I had a DT50MX myself, not quite the same animal i know but ive never quite got over that crave for a 2 stroke
  3. Well peeps went over to Rolling Art in Swindon earlier to have a chat with Glenn and see what their work is like and i gotta say they do some pretty good stuff and are very knowledgeable, im tempted to go with a powder-coated frame because the finish is more flexable and resistant to minor knocks over the more brittle stove enamel. Im planning to drop the frame and wheels in to them middle of next week, have also ordered myself a shotblasting gun and some glassbead so i can hopefully get the swingarm serviceable and get this thing on its wheels before february
  4. well peeps i have finally found a local and reasonably priced place willing to work on the frame, check out Rolling Art Motorcycles, only based over in swindon, can get the frame acid-dipped and powdercoated for £140, im just waiting to hear back a price for enamel coating but at that price powdercoating is sounding like a nice option aswell the forks will be going off to Philpots in luton, going to have to package up the stanchions and run them over there on the bike early next week
  5. Welcome to the forum. mike that was cringeworthy... just... no
  6. Seems like the ideal kinda bike if you fancy racing a F-14 down the runway or going off to roger your teacher
  7. i second the above usually there are businesses who do brilliant work but never advertise it, start talking to other biking/engineering people and see who they know, visit your local car modification shop, if they can't do it they may know a company or bloke who does
  8. id settle for a missus who is a brilliant shag...
  9. wild foamy

    Diet advice

    i usually take the piss with the whole "urgh, was that you?!", but a man has a job to do, ya know
  10. Cheers for the input lads its much appreciated, there was a GPZ600 on ebay not long ago that failed to sell for £205 with less miles on and the same kinda problems that this GPZ has, i understand that a battery is very much a consumable item (the XJ has averaged 1 a year, batteries are £20), panels are available for £20 and less, and its a 1987, does this change the standing with this bike?
  11. wild foamy

    Diet advice

    haha, well atleast after that her farts wouldnt make a sound
  12. Hey peeps. a Kawasaki GPZ600R has just cropped up and it could be mine for about £350, it needs a side panel, a battery and the calipers rebuilt, is it worth that money or not? - Foameh it ahs 55k on the clock
  13. wild foamy

    Diet advice

    tbh, aslong as it has long hair and tits im not too fussed, who hasnt porked a few chubbies eh? no matter what they look like if they fart in bed they're out, end of... only i may fart in my bed... (Laura you dirty bitch...)
  14. the only things i want are a fast bike, an endless supply of workshop tools and a missus whos a super model/brilliant shag
  15. What has been seen cannot be unseen... my whole childhood, gone, what the fuck...
  16. 3 words up.yours anger - manage - ment. chill the fuck out, smoke something if you have to...
  17. wild foamy

    Light mods

    TBH, with simple engineering skills (a disc cutter, a bit of 1.5-2mm steel plate, a bench vice and a hammer) you could make your own tail tidy and incorporate whatever you want onto it, you can buy simple "pod" lights for next to nothing off ebay to function as the stop/tail, as for the angel eyes you can buy LED strips which can then be wrapped around the existing headlamp and wired in to the sidelights to light up on the sidelight and/or headlight circuitu
  18. the police have "instant" access to two rolling roads in the UK to prove a bike is/is not restricted. my bike was never restricted, i passed my test at 17 and i am now 19... insure your bike with Swinton and keep your nose clean, thats all im sayin' - Foameh x
  19. GDSF is basically an excuse to spend 7 days getting wasted and shagging.
  20. The XJ6 is a small bike, mines the pre-diversion and whilst its brilliant for town and short-distance use motorways tend to be a bit uncomfortable due to its small screen and lack of plastic, the later models may be better but having not had one i cant comment
  21. no can do for me im fraid peeps , it always clashes with the great dorset steam fair which i go to every year as an exhibitor (the old man builds miniature steam engines)
  22. thats pretty much how it came apart lol, layed the frame on its side and lifted the frame off around the engine, still a fecking tight fit though lol
  23. Yeah, bangin' fuck out of those engine mounts and missed the chisel, its started swelling up quite bad now, had to get my old man to help me lift the engine out i was that crippled after it was very tempted to split this thing for parts, theres a set of clocks on ebay for £100 on there own! but now i can finally see a tiny little bit of light at the end of a long and booby-trap-ridden tunnel full of gremlins and gnomes witing to bite me in the ass once again Frame: Engine: How the heck those japs managed to get that lump in there in the first place in one piece is a mystery to me, it requires removal with a can opener and fitting with a shoe horn Met a guy down the pub whos willing to do the glassblasting for a minimal fee, friend of the old mans from waaaay back apparently, havent seen him recently though so no idea when i can get the frame shotblasted lol
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