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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. ...BUMP... everyone still interested? i've been chatting with Paul with regards to getting the plates printed, just wanting to check incase some people have changed their minds
  2. I've seen the future, its custard, nothing more, just custard alright?

  3. not always, some of them have started to make the jump to civilisation, and after "avin a go on my m8s motercross bike" they appear to be gaining confidence with regards to gearboxes
  4. shed's shouldnt have cylinders, unless you use your shed for storing gas bottles... in which case its probably best not to screw with it too much incase it goes pop
  5. managed to get up-close and personal with a spitfire aswell as other weird and wonderfull aircraft when i was on guard duty at RAF Fairford during the 2010 air tattoo, hell of a beast also managed to get trapped in a car park whilst on patrol, shouted at by the americans for getting a bit too close to an F-22 and got scared shitless by a stuffed monkey when i saw it looking out of one of the windows on the vulcan, for a brief moment i was convinced it was a small violent child who was going to stab me in the throat with a screwdriver... those were fun times
  6. and its for those people i offer a free "wingmirror removal service" as a lot of the time they are seen as surplus to requirements transit van wingmirrors tend to be harder to remove, and have an overwhelming ability to disorientate you if you happen to headbutt one whilst filtering
  7. that is an awesome looking ride!
  8. i use mine everywhere i go, its easy to use and takes a couple of seconds to apply and is likely to deter any would be thieves for a few moments
  9. Darwin awards nominee perhaps?...
  10. Welcome to the forum and welcome back to biking, Mo! keep the rubber side down and have fun,
  11. Gotta hand it to the biker, he wasn't gonna let that go! Im surprised he didnt break the window and give her a seeing to!
  12. that is some badass shit... want...
  13. precisely, id rather die comfortable came very close to buying a (dodgey) GPZ900 off ebay before i got the Turbo, would have been great fun racing the merlins down the runway, no doubt i would recieve an epic aviation bollocking for doing so though.
  14. tbh i was expecting to go to some cushty places, out on the piss most nights and have loads of time off to do "adventure training" (skydiving, paragliding, waterskiing, mountain climbing e.t.c) but being on a first line squadron has resulted in 12 hour shifts, many working weekends, a total of 6 months in afghanistan so far (nearly at my 2 year point so far), would much rather be working in a bay somewhere doing 8-5 shifts with a half day on friday, but hey-ho life goes on. its slightly more annoying when i do go home for a few days/over a weekend, all my mates are either too skint to go out on the piss, off at uni or working some crap job on minimum wage
  15. well id rather have a cushty hotel room when i go away on det than sleeping under a tarp in a field, hence why i chose the RAF over the Army
  16. Take it you're old man would have been working on the merlins then?, same rig as im working on out here
  17. yep im a penguin, thinking about going back to being a civvie after a few more years tbh, get my HGV driving licences and aircraft licences and do the same work for Serco on a lot more money
  18. Aye blackhat we've had a few nasty things chucked over the fence already, one of the biggest decisions of my life to date is deciding wether to run out of the portaloo with my trousers round my ankles or sit there with a Nuts magazine and ride out the rocket attacks
  19. 2nd tour, will be out here again over xmas more than likely, on det from 28 Squadron when im not drawing comedy cocks in the sand to wind up the boss or irritating the local wildlife, i make the whirlygigs fly
  20. chased a stray cat, didnt catch it, chased a lizard, didnt catch that either, chased a camel and it spat at me mediocre day tbh
  21. it started off as an xmas temp for me, but some of the permanent staff got the 'ump when the new manager/slavedriver came in so i got offered a permanent position, i stayed there for an extra month before i decided i'd had enough of being a doormat and decided to go military, and here i am 3 years down the line and im back at the bottom of the food chain, atleast im on a lot more money than i was at currys, especially considering the afghan bonus XD
  22. there's no camels out here in my part of the desert, only stray cats, and those f*ckers are hard to catch... i may well end up f*cking a landrover :S
  23. working in the desert... still... if anyone knows anyone who could ship my fireblade out to me i'd appreciate it, ta
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