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wild foamy

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Everything posted by wild foamy

  1. like i said the spring is nothing to worry about, be carefull if you plan on taking it off though, its under a lot of tension and is likely to fook off on its own, be sure to use spring compressors of some sort
  2. can't say for sure as the bike is at home and im away for the rest of the week, my guess is probably the ignition gubbins, cant say for sure without looking at my haynes manual (if you havent got one then get one, saves a load of messing around when you cant figure out where something goes or what to do with it)
  3. eBay, there atleast 4 people breaking bikes from what i can see, best thing to do is if you see an advert like "XJ600 brake caliper - breaking bike" or words to that effect, contact that seller and ask them if they would sell a rear shock, i've used that method to find all sorts of parts for my bike
  4. Rust on the spring is negligable, as the spring moves and flexs the powdercoating can flake off or get stone chips, and once the powdercoating breaks the water gets under it and it starts peeling off, if its rust on the chrome rod that goes through the middle then theres a good chance the seals are knackered and it needs replacing/refurbishing, There are enough people breaking XJ600 pre-divs for you to get a second hand one in good condition (ebay breaker), alternatively, find one from a bike of similar weight (230kg if i remember rightly) with the same length and width shock, perhaps an early fireblade? may need a stronger spring though as the fireblades are about 180kg, and dont expect it to ride the same as the rebound and damping settings would all be totally different, my advice is stick with a good second hand one or buy a new/refurbished one, my '89 XJ is still running its original rear shock and its still in good condition
  5. 650s and upwards had a shaft drive, possibly the 550 aswell but all of the 600s' had chains Haynes manuals are good or alternatively just start a thread in the relevant section, these XJs are still rather popular and chances are whatever job needs doing on your bike has been done before by myself or someone else
  6. bought myself another mini with the intention of cutting it in half, turning the ass-end into a trailer for my other mini and the front end into a BBQ, but its too good to cut up, im just gonna sell it on if anyones interested?...
  7. if you get it insured with swinton they dont ask for the certificate, failing that if you want it to be legit youd be best off contacting your local yamaha dealer through the yellow pages
  8. PRI stands for PRIME, basically if you run your tank dry and run out of fuel turning the tap to this position will let the fuel flow even when the engine is off, your fuel tap uses the engines vacumn to turn itself on and off so no need to worry when you disconnect it
  9. Hi Kevin! first of all i see your a new member, welcome to the forum and please PLEASE go and post an intro, chances are the other members wont reply until you do, doesnt have to be anything special, just a little bit about who you are, where your from, what youve got and what you want to do with it, takes 5 minutes and it will get you in the loop with us regulars. congrats on buying a pre-div, they are the fastest of the series no matter what anyone says, the notch at dead centre could well be the head bearings, its worth taking the top forks off and having a look just incase they have worn a "dead spot" into the race. viscosity? 10w/40, be sure it is a MOTORCYCLE oil and not a walmart special offer oil, if it contains mobylene then leave it well alone, putting a general purpose car/lawnmower oil in it will cause the clutch to slip and cause you no end of headaches, the sump plug is on the very bottom just behind where the exhaust manifolds go under the engine, it can be a right bastard to get off and if your bike is fitted with a Motad Neta system you will have to take the exhaust off to get it out, be sure to fit new exhaust washers when you put the exhaust back on or it is sure to leak (you may get away with using exhaust sealent in the headers for the first couple of times, after that its definately worth putting new washers in) MOT checks, definately check the rear tail lights, there are two dual filament lights just incase one blows you always have one left until you get home, if the cables are a bit coroded these can blow within 5 minutes of each other due to high resistance so check them both before the MOT, other than that check the rear suspension linkage moves freely as they are prone to ceising up let me know how you get on, im madly in love with the pre-divs, especially when they piss all over another young sod on a suzuki SV650 at the traffic lights. regards Foamy
  10. Theory 4: Do not wind the handle whilst your balls are in the mangle
  11. Well peeps, slight set-back, Foamynet required a fresh install of Ubuntu after some gremlins got in through my internets, meaning i have now lost the templates (should have made a back-up ) thankfully the templates of those who have already ordered are still available online and will just require modification
  12. Oh Shush Sacha, you are a respectable person if ever there was one. right, now... what was i saying?, The girl with the dragon tattoo is on TV and i got distracted... yeah, bike may be seized, see if it will roll when in gear and then try and get it bump started
  13. Hey Realrayzor, if you are interested please PM me with your full address as i see you are over in ireland and postage may be higher than mainland UK, u believe matty D and elmmet have recieved my shirts, elmmet has posted a photo in the thread "YOC t-shirts" thankyou for the pic
  14. wild foamy

    Piss test

    i totally agree, us military types are subject to compulsary drugs testing, you've only got to turn on the TV and watch a bit of jeremy kyle to see just how many potheads are claiming benefits :|
  15. if its even remotely similar to the XJ600 its likely to be a high oil level
  16. Awh cmon, you build up the suspense and then you drop that on us No problem dude, im like a robot waitress, i live to serve
  17. Congrats dude and welcome to the forum, I'm restoring a turbo myself, are you stripping one for parts?
  18. One less noble warrior Congrats dude, hope you enjoy it, there's a few years yet atleast before me and the future missus foamy tie the knot,
  19. monopoly pieces...
  20. medallions and YOC merchandise would be cool, we could give them away as prizes in YOC competitions lol
  21. more than likely going to be a carb leak or missing gasket if the carb has been off a few times to be "fixed", also unscrew the top of the carb and make sure the slide has been put in the right way round (with the small tapered cutout facing the idle adjustment screw)
  22. welcome to the forum RoaringMuffin, please post an intro thread in the newbies section, it's only polite we know a bit about you and your bike my '89 DT was comfortable to ride, my only suggestion is that you strip your front forks down and treat them to a new set of seals and oil, the whole process will probably cost you the $ equivelant of £20 and will be well worth it, as for the rear shock they should still be available from your yamaha dealer or an online supplier
  23. I am confused yet somewhat arroused, all at the same time...
  24. T-mobile did the same to me the feckers, the blackberry they gave me at the start of the contract a year and half ago hasfallen to pieces, so i borrowed my mates old HTC, then they wouldnt let me get an early upgrade, as soon as this contract is up im moving elsewhere Rory if your reading this i will return the phone some time in february... burn the memory card
  25. common fault with an overfilled engine, my xj6 pre-div used to do that if i overfilled it
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