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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Who has 1gb RAM any more, man??!! Even my little Netbook has 2gb... Okay, I do have 64mb RAM on my MicroPC, but that's designed for Windows Mobile 5 and even then I've flashed a massive upgrade onto it. If I were good at soldering I could double it.
  2. Really? But my Win-7 is already hella-fast! How well does it hold up with all the older software like, say, a game from 2003 designed for XP at best?
  3. Nothing wrong with that. I keep my Netbook on XP and it does very nicely! The desktop gaming one has to have Win-7, although I still have it switched to the old XP style interface. No silly pretty graphics for me, thanks!
  4. I have an old machine that still boots in about 20 seconds under Win-7. That's faster that any of my phones or indeed anything else in my house! What I understand from all my techie-in-the-industry mates is that Win-8 is fairly pointless unless you have a touchscreen device. Win-7 is pretty sound, pretty solid, pretty-well proven and does the job pretty damn well IMO. The only times to really look elsewhere are: - If you're an über-über-geeky techy-type, in which case you'll already be using Linux anyway. - If you're a Guardian-reading bean-munching writing-your-novel-in-a-coffee-house fashionista snob, in which case you'll already have a Mac and will give me the chapter and verse bullshit on why Macs are supposedly better. - If you're genuinely into photo and media manipulation, video editing and computerised design work, in which case you'll already have a Mac and actually know it's better for your specific requirements.
  5. Heard this and many other variants over the years, along with the "stop to help an abandoned baby cot at the side of the road and Irish Gypsy Honey-Badgers will rob you and rape you" type, usually with the scanned letterhead of some local police force and a demand to forward this to everyone you know. Such things usually do the rounds annually, with values and injuries increasing each time. Check the relevant local police website, check Snopes and check message history itself. Likely just a scare-mongering hoax.
  6. Possibly reg/rec not charging properly? Definitely check everywhere for loose wires, including fuses.
  7. Same here in UK. they call it the PDI - Pre Delivery Inspection. Saves lawsuits and things if the rider is a twat and does something that gets him splatted (which has happened). Plenty of info and chatty people for the Dragstar/V-Star inclined here, including MEEEEEEEE!!! Welcome to the nuthouse, mate
  8. You not read Bravo Two Zero? Gets fecking cold out in the sandpit!! Take care, stay safe and have fun wherever possible, mate!!
  9. You called? Welcome to the forum, Ausibatla!! Please stay - It's better than you think
  10. Don't touch it unless you have already found an engine in good nick that you can slot in. Dragstar engines are actually hard to come by and usually have massive import charges accompanying them. I'm still looking for one myself, if you know where to find 'em!
  11. Quote of the month!!! I recall saying this a few times early on, when explaining to the 'Knee-Down Knob-heads' why I'd not gone out and gotten a Hayabusa for my first bike. They actually understood!
  12. Both. 650 = Dragstar 950 = Midnight Star Interesting review... I may try a Midgie out one day, if ever they become cheap enough and I have some cash lying around! I do feel they're pretty much two different classes of bike though, or at least at the extreme opposite ends of the mid-size Cruiser bracket. The 650 was never really, honestly, truly meant for all-out 2-up touring, although with the correct set-up it can do very nicely. It's probably starting to show it's age though, especially as the 1100 is only marginally better
  13. Best choice! Also, if you are sure you want to pick it up, be *sure* there will be no snow at all that day. Last thing you want is to get caught halfway home in snow - What was a perfectly good road will suddenly fill with panicky morons!
  14. Another reason to get the saddlebag supports - More tie-down points!! Cargo nets are OK, but I prefer to bungee big rucksacks down tight (be careful and hold tight while doing so). You end up with a handy backrest for long journeys, too!
  15. Faster acceleration, yes, but only through a greater power-to-weight ratio. Still the same top speed and the Drag has higher low-end torque, which means it spins up easier at the slow speeds (hence high gear low revs). New rider on an unfamiliar bike that weighs 37 stone and has a surprising amount of low-end kick for 40HP, first ride in snow... Might as well be an R1 unless he's sensible about it. I'd rather he was cautious and safe.
  16. Decent 2-man tent, you're looking at about 2' long and 5"dia when properly packed. Weight, maybe 2-3kg. Cost £25. Sleeping bag, I use my old '58 pattern which is a good 12"dia by maybe 14" long (tenner at army surplus, I expect). You can get nice ones that pack down very small though - Yes, loaf of bread size with a stuff sack. You get what you pay for with these. £60 for the really good tiny one is a solid deal.
  17. Wait a second... you said you tour 2-up? I assume the pillion is female? Have you tried ditching her, or getting her own bike for her? That'd eliminate most of the luggage woes right off!!
  18. Having just done your test, you will know all the general stuff such as braking distances and the like. As for specific Dragstar stuff: Wrap up nice and warm. You are new to this bike and it's handling characteristics, so make sure you have as few distractions as possible. If you need to pull over and stop for a bit here and there, definitely do so! Keep in a high gear with low revs, especially when going round corners in low speed limits. The torque on this thing is down the bottom end, so whacking the throttle open in a low gear (or anything akin to that) is more likely to spin the wheels up. Start braking as early as you can, being gentle and progressive. Generally take it easy, go at your own pace, don't feel or let yourself be rushed and pay close attention to things around you. Read the road and watch for other people who might do stupid stuff, to avoid being surprised. If in doubt, let them go, wave them out or hold back to let them do whatever and be out of your way. Lastly - Have fun and enjoy the ride!! Also, welcome to the forum. Great choice of bike and hope to see you returning here soon!
  19. Draggie with sub-20K clocked in good nick and all - Plan for £3500 and see what you find. Shop around. I got mine with just over 17k for £1700, but that was a special moment... and it wasn't in utterly amazing nick, but has lasted a good while. Take especial care to properly seat the sealing ring when changing oil filter, though! Is there another kind of 'opinionated' that isn't selfish? And I thought that's what forums are for, anyway? Don't take it so seriously, dude
  20. Nah, Saddlebags are great - From the back they make the bike look like it's got rocket boosters or missile pods!! On your Bobber they'd look a bit odd, perhaps, but when they fit the rest of the bike, they're brill! Eazy - Look for luggage that can be removed easily, like the zip-off or clip on type. Not as cheap as the sling-overs but you won't have to take off the pillion pad to remove them and are dead handy when you stop overnight. Especially great if you're stopping at a hotel or like packing indoors.
  21. How big is this patrol sack? Mine was that 165L PLCE thing, which works great for long trips but is fucking HUUUUUUUUGE in daily use when everything you need will fit in 1 or maybe 2 of the little clip-on daysacks (or a '58 Large Pack if you don't mind the rain). Viggies aren't gay.... Any more than Cruisers generally, anyway. They're designed for women and smaller riders in general. People *make* them look gay with all the shiny accessories, but that's different and their choice. If you want to talk gay, how 'bout them colour-coordinated Power Rangers! >Ok if i only had a bike to live with with out the use of a cage And therein is the rub! Saddlebags are for the long touring trips when you don't want a rucksack dragging on you for a few thousand miles and for when you do the weekly shopping. Use the bike for everything and suddenly you realise just how bloody useful these things are. Not like they affect the performance of a 40HP bike, or anything! Then again, all my mods have been purely functional additions. Not a single cosmetic consideration.
  22. Rocksalt and modding your ammo is really not likely legal in the UK. But then, neither is trapping your bike with ammunition either, so...
  23. Bitches please, put the handbags down..... Rucksacks are gay? Tell that to the next soldiers you see, then... Ruckies are good for daily stuff, especially if you ride to work, but saddlebags let you buy a lot more shopping and/or carry a few litres extra fuel for those unplanned countryside ambles. I have both 'bags on the bike for those large shopping moments and a 65L for the daily bits. Also, Chainmaille paneling does not look gay, it looks fucking hard and yes I will make you some, for a fee. Please note: The only things that actually look gay on a Cruiser are tassles, conchos and studs. Avoid these and you're good.
  24. Nah, trip-wire mechanism with blank shotgun shell. Cheap as, can make yourself and does a great job of convincing 'em to just fuck off, while they still can!
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