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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Tasky is fine Yep, as DDT says - Avoid the 'mixed' sets, but get those that are specific sets, as in screwdriver set, pliers set (flat, snub & needle), angled pliers sets (BLOODY useful!!) and so on. Draper, on the other hand, I personally am not a massive fan of. They've done well enough, but feel cheap and do sometimes break in the hands of heavy-handed thugs like myself...
  2. Hey all, I need to find a road bike for a female rider who is 5' 4", not particularly long in the leg, can cope with around 27-28" easy enough so could probably stretch to . Looking for something like a Bandit or Fazer, will need a good 4-600cc on the engine, reasonable performance, easy maintenance, cheap and/or plentiful parts, decent fuel economy. Shaft drive an advantage, as is "nice colour" but neither is essential. Brand preferably Yammie, will be fine with Honda, Suzi and *maybe* even Kwak. So... what's out there?
  3. Halfords do some great starter tool sets. They do great medium and large tool sets (screwdrivers, allen keys, socket & wrench sets, plier sets, etc) for reasonable money. They cost a little bit, but much less than the fancy Snap-On stuff and for the money are damn good quality. Perfect for a newbie/intermediate rider with one bike, zero to reasonable mechanical skills and will last many years. Even some professionals use Halfords parts, either the sets or buying that one-off piece that has finally worn out from excessive daily use. Aldi/Lidl are good for disclocks and waterproofs. The disclocks usually have the disc detainer type lock, with is a fecking BITCH to try and pick open even with the correct tools. The shank bolt is well shrouded and inacessible to bolt cutters. The only way to get it off is with a plasma torch or removing the expensive-to-replace brake disc, in which case you're looking at proper pro thieves anyway. Lidl waterproofs will probably last you a year or two, but at £5 a go, it's far better to keep buying those than the fancy £50 Lewis Leathers ones and find that they leak after two uses and the main zip craps itself after three!!
  4. Or make friends with a mechanic and get his old air compressor for free when he decides he needs something three times as big, 'just because he can'... !!
  5. That may well be, but we prefer not to post that information on a public forum as other people could use it to nick bikes - No sense in helping them any further. It could get us into trouble as well. As I said, your fitter or the manufacturer are the best placed people to help with this one.
  6. THIS EXACT ONE? NO, I JUST GOOGLED FOR IMAGES AND PICKED THE FIRST ONE, REALLY... And what with the TYPING IN CAPS, dude? That's Internet equivalent of shouting!!!
  7. The exact question a bike thief would ask... and since this is your first and only post, I certainly won't be giving out that info. Sorry. If your query is genuine, you'd be better off speaking to the fitter or the manufacturer.
  8. Heh heh, good luck!! And post LOTS of piccies!!! Incidentally, for you and others who were asking - blokie still hasn't started on sorting the spares from the bits he wants. The 650 is a sideline project for when he isn't inundated with bikers and Supra drivers (as well as general car owners who can't change their own oil) queued up for work doing.
  9. If you're going to order a part, is it not a good idea to know what the suppliers call it? Call it what you like, Scottoiler will be far more efficient if you use their terms.
  10. It's called a Scottoiler Universal Spigot, according to their webshite.
  11. There are enough cunts doing stupid shit out there to fuck us up without our own doing it too. If we can make ours safer and so save other lives, then I'd have you puking your own colon up in order to make it happen!! Actually, you keep scoffing Mickey D's, you'll likely puke your colon up anyway... at least go to Buggery King, man!!
  12. Err, that's exactly what a proper bike jack does. One of these:
  13. £1,000 fine and the DVLA can revoke your registration, making it illegal for road use... Pretty hefty.
  14. Bike jack/scissor lift. Can get a pretty decent one from Busters, for about £60.
  15. If only all help questions were like this!!
  16. Just hammering home the point, both to him and anyone else reading. Running red lights is possibly one of the most dangerous things you can do. The obvious is getting splatted by an oncoming truck. But for a reality check - You run the red light, crossing traffic includes a mother and three kids in her car. She doesn't even get a chance to brake before you're slamming right into the wing of her car. As your bike hits, it catches on the bodywork and the whole thing flips up, taking you with it. You and the bike plough in through her windscreen and into the cockpit. As a result, you are severely disabled, quadriplegic, as all the cervicals in your neck were damaged when the bike rolled you up the bonnet. You are missing the left arm and foot that were pulverised in the roll, your pelvis is shattered, your genitalia and right leg have been mashed, you have a punctured lung from multiple broken ribs and your vocal chords are damaged, so you won't even get to speak again. You will need someone with you 24/7... that's if you even qualify for donor organs. Chances are you'll live... if you wanna call that living. In addition, the bike catching on the bodywork miraculously sent it spinning around the driver, yet planted it solidly into the back seat. All three kids are as smashed up as you. They will live, but only with permanent care and they will never look anything beyond vaguely human. A mother all but loses all three children and you end up fucked as well... Witnesses are traumatised, family members are devastated, more people learn to hate bikers and the insurance goes up for the rest of us. All because you did something pretty fucking illegal over a £20 cable. The description of the accident is taken from an actual, genuine, real life incident, by the way. It was witnessed by a paramedic who was stopped and watching from the opposite red light at the crossroads. This is a dangerous game. THINK next time!!!
  17. Don't worry - Everyone starts knowing nothing, or at best, precious little. We'll help wherever we can!
  18. NO it's not!!! "From 1st September 2001 a new set of laws came into force for UK motorcycle number plates, which are quite specific in listing the exact dimensions of the letters, spacing, height - even the margins around them to the edge of the plate ( which must be 11mm, by the way )". More info: http://www.motuk.com/Motorbike-registration-plates.asp
  19. Haven't got sound here, but description reads: "The rider was not speeding & riding fine until he hit his foot and stood the bike up causing the bike to go wide. He then 'target-fixated' on the cyclist".
  20. Welcome - Bloody marvellous here, innit!!
  21. Ttaskmaster


    Fucking hell, fella... It'll be tough, I know, but you CAN do this. Anything that doesn't kill ya... A very good friend of mine went through something similar, but refused to give up and ended up becoming THE top Advanced Riding Instructor throughout Essex, so there is always a way. You CAN do this and we will be here to help in any way we can!! Look forward to hearing about your progress!!
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