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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Ttaskmaster


    But... but.... it's a...... Suzuki??!!
  2. Couldn't be bothered. Reviews say it's amusing for an hour or two, but I'm not wasting a tenner on just that. I got Dead Space for free instead!
  3. Once you've done this, it's easy as pie: - Take off the fairing intake guards (unclip). - Take off the fairing intakes (3 screws each). - Remove the inner fairing (3 screws, I think). - Remove the 4 large bolts (2 side, 2 top)*. - Pull back the entire front end, cage and all. - Remember to unscrew the speedo cable and unclip any cables. - Remove entire front end and place somewhere padded, where you can easily work on it. - Gently ease each rubber lamp holder out from the back of the instrument panel. - Replace bulb. Rinse, repeat. Reconnect and check electrics. Reassemble bike in reverse order. Check electrics once more, then go for a ride!! FJ Owners Club tip: Might as well replace all the instrument bulbs while you're there, as it's a bitch to keep doing this. You'll need 10 bulbs in total. *These should be obvious - The front end is held on by a big boxy cage, with 4 arms that can be clearly seen and traced to the bolts. Any questions, I am here all week. PM me, post here or whatever. If needs be, I will get out and take you some photos!
  4. I meant get CB on yer bikes...
  5. Get it on yer bikes, people!!
  6. For reals??!! Cause havoc as a goat? C'mon, this is April 1st you're talking here... however, if it DOES happen, I'm there!!
  7. Then upgrade to something with +100BHP and come make fun of all the Drag Queens on here... it's kinda like being one of *those* ex-smokers!!
  8. Riding with the choke on? Have you balanced the carbs and gotten the mixture OK?
  9. Just set a 1 minute timer (wristwatch, mobile phone, kitchen timer, whatever) and count the number of flashes. So long as it's between 60 and 120 flashes per minute, you're fine. Here's the official line on it: http://www.motuk.co.uk/mcmanual_150.htm
  10. £320, actually and that includes some of the fancier mods I've done, as well. You have to buy smart and not just go for a one-stop-shop deal, though.
  11. Yes, very much so. Actually, I didn't think there was any point in the illegal ones, especially since they scrapped the licence. Only folk I know using illegal ones are DXing and even then they do it via the computer at home, rather than hiking up a mountain with amps and stuff. I have a Midland 42 rig that used to live on my Dragstar. I'm still fiddling with the FJ, but will end up transferring that over once I figure out the luggage setup. Best thing about that (aside from the price) is the ability to switch between mobile and vehicle mode - There are 2 battery boxes (1 regular, one rechargable) and a 12v car kit all included in the box. Rubber duck clips off, main antenna lead is already on the 12v, just swap and go. Decent amount of power, too. 2-pin socket for a standard bike headset. http://www.thunderpole.co.uk/handheld-cbs/midland-42.html I also have one of the last 1st generation Midland/Alan 48 Plus Multi rigs set up at home. Just like the 42, it has 40 Mid, 40 Muppet and a load of Euro freeqs that have people jabbering in forin languages. The new ones are slightly better: http://www.thunderpole.co.uk/mobile-cbs/midland-48-plus-multi-b.html Plenty of folk around still got ears on, but fewer twats keying up and all that, especially outside of 14 and 19. I loved it on the bike as you get an easy 8-10 mile Tx/Rx over the 1.4km from PMR446 (if you're very lucky and the sun is shining and you're not moving and you're within 3 feet of the other bike, that is...) Was never any good at the Foxhunts, though. Plenty of places still selling kit, but Thunderpole is always a favourite!!
  12. Actually, before you go buying loads of shit - it depends how fast they flash. The aftermarket indicators my FJ came with flashed at around 110bpm and I *believe* the range for passing MoT is between 60 and 120bpm. I since put original FJ ones on and it went straight back to a comfortable 80bpm.
  13. Bigger is better. The bikes doesn't let me download porn, watch movies or anything my PC can. Also, I can't ride the bike if I've had a few beers... But I *can* still go jack an artic, gun down a drug gang and beat hookers to death with a 3-foot purple dildo in Saints Row III...!!
  14. Well.... yeah. Bikes are supposed to go fast....!!
  15. Olive: Part of a compression joint. Looks like a wedding band, hence the term.
  16. Wedding Ring? Is that like an olive in plumbing, then?
  17. 60mpg IN TOWN??!! Oh no, you poor boy.... how *do* you cope? Fuck, man, I got 48 on my 650 Drag and the FJ gets 28 on average!!
  18. Not picking holes in yer spelling, bud... but did you mean Arma II? That requires a 2.8 GHz CPU, 2GB RAM, an AMD 4850 and Windows XP or Vista... Even my very low-end gaming rig (4.5GHz, 8GB, 6950, Win-7-64) blows the living fuck out of that spec, like trying to race my FJ1200 on a 125 Dragstar!! This is why PC gaming is so much better than consoles. Yes it costs a bit more and you have to learn a little about what you're doing - But hey, I managed it!! My cheap, crappy monitor here is 27" and has FAR better resolution than the Mrs's TV downstairs!!
  19. Wow... gone through nine bikes and you're still only 20?
  20. What services are you offering, exactly... ?
  21. Every time I see this thread in the New Posts list, I keep misreading it as "PANTS needed fast!!"
  22. If you're keeping the bike forever, do what you like with it. If you're planning on selling it when you get a bigger one, leave it alone. Bikes always fetch more money if you haven't fucked about with it, as modded bikes are limited by the specific taste of each individual buyer.
  23. I might be about this coming weekend (22nd-23rd). Depends what goes wrong at work this week.
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