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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Do you race then, Tom?
  2. Ttaskmaster


    Same as my other half.
  3. Shift light? Whassat for, then?
  4. As said - Go to bike shop, try on boots, find ones that fit and that you like, seek cheaper suppliers online. Job done. Or, be like me and wear combat boots.
  5. Ttaskmaster


    That's what I associate the Garmins with.... He showed me the thing and it was all, "It does this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and that... oh and it can do all these things too........" My one and only thought was - "When in the name of Holy Mary and all of her whacky nephews will I actually use any of this shite???!!!". In truth, I've never needed it, either. All I wanted was a magic box that tells me where to go.
  6. Ttaskmaster


    Bluetooth headset? Everyone I know has had to buy one seperately. I know about 17 people who've tried the Garmins. All have had problems. Few are stupid enough to not follow instructions properly.... Two are, though Apparently, it's the waterproofing that's the biggest problem. For the bike, yes. It's a bike satnav. If you want car satnav, you ought to spend lots of money on buying a completely new unit.... if you believe the companies' Marketing departments, that is. It's designed by riders, for riders - Cars are just those boxy things that we ride around, the moving hazzards, so no wonder the in-car adapter was an afterthought. Because I am crap at map-reading and prefer to just get audio instructions as I go, leaving me free to watch what I'm doing. I have also always wanted a computer thingy that navigates for me - Ever since the SciFi shows and films of the 80s Yes, I really am crap at map reading!! Nor a Cruiser, for that matter.... As Gas Up says - The right tool for the job. I usually only use the SatNav for parts of the journey where I've never been - Built-up areas, back roads and so on - to reduce the chances of getting stupidly lost. I don't need fancy things like a fuel gauge or sunset times (I work that out for myself), but I will occasionally need to know where the nearest fuel is (which the Tom does), where I am and the few other things mine does. The Tom suits my purposes (and budget) just fine. My mate with a VFR800 likes his gadgets (computer game developer) so the Zumo is his fancy toy of choice.
  7. Another tip with seized bolts is to try tapping them clockwise a touch. Use a hex head and a ratchet attachment, rather than an allen key as the latter flexes too much. Insert and make sure you have the ratchet set the right way (ie to tighten the bolt). Try turning by hand first, but be reasonable - not gentle but not overly forceful either. If this fails, crack out the rubber mallet and use a few strong taps. If you really whack it you may shear off the bolt head.
  8. Ttaskmaster


    There ya go - Both I and Lady Goff have one, so it must be good!!! The Tom Rider2 comes with everything you need in the box. Garmin requires you to buy several bits seperately, which works out to be more expensive. Garmins have more fancy aspects - Google Earth compatible, plays music etc. Toms are easier to read and use without a lot of fiddling about. I've seen most people have problems with Garmin Zumo's mount. Yes, they replace busted bits very quick, but that's because they keep busting. Toms are now about £250 if you buy online (I got mine for "280 from eBuyer). Both have a car use adapter, sold seperately. If you prefer audio directions so you can watch the road, get a bike SatNav. If you prefer screen only, get any old cheap one and chuck it in a tank bag.
  9. Yes, I do. I have a full Cassock outfit, myself...
  10. Probably somewhere along the underside of the bike. Have you tried Googling it?
  11. I mostly travel alone, so the Tom works best for my needs. I still meet plenty of people, but I have no sense of direction (unlike the other half) and I prefer voice instruction so I can still watch the road. The Tom is the best 'simple' option and value for money (£250 or less, these days). The improved Rider 2 mount works perfectly well. It was the old cage-cradle versions that randomly fell apart. End of the day , it's what works for you. Same as using the cheapy bits to make up the hella socket. I personally used a 5-pin relay because I have a built in charger that runs when the ignition is off.
  12. Shoot them all, along with most of the large corporation heads... Then put Jeremy Clarkson in charge!!!
  13. Fake - The bike is being towed on a Dolly for filming purposes.
  14. Looks like the '78 XS 250/400s continued production right into '82. Click ye here This also; YAMAHA XS250/400 1978-82, 248/392cc OHC twin, 30/36hp 85/100mph 70/55mpg Gutless but simple motor combined with quick rust cycle parts. Crankshaft and gearbox problems after 30k when the head gasket often blows, motors could do 40k when they weren’t worth trying to fix. Chronic starting hassles, usually from a combination of hard to trace problems (killswitch, carbs, rotted wiring, dying ignition, etc) Rare DOHC, spine frame XS400.
  15. Fit what the feck ya like, chap!!! If it's a tall screen, I recommend being able to see through it, of course. Either that, or learn to use The Force
  16. Ttaskmaster


    Let me introduce you my other half... She does all her own tinkering while I merely sit to one side, offer helpful advice and make fun when she forgets which way to turn bolts!! If that's all you need a man for, come visit me. If you want a man for more than just that, maybe Foamy can help.
  17. More likely a medical thing, like Vibration White Finger, pins & needles etc. Do you wear a ring on that finger? Do you grip the bars tightly? Do you have any kind of medical history or previous similar experiences?
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