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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Would you believe it... NO, they aren't!! The 650, 650A and Wildy ALL have unique levers.... Bastards that Yam were for doing this. Wemoto have big pictures on their webshite, along with good prices.
  2. Oh nice one, Pepperami!! Harry And The Hendersons.
  3. If you find a word within a word, maybe... though ARS isn't a word on it's own. Single letters wouldn't count, except for A and I, one of which we've already had. So... from Space Odysey, we cannot have ACEs High because there's no 's' on the end of Space. But we can get: ACE Ventura Pet Detective.
  4. Errr.... No, I think you've got it right, I'm afraid. I believe it's one of the 'design features' of the 1100. A couple of friends complain about it regularly. However, there is an aftermarket kit you can get that relocates the various bits to more accessible places on the bike. I think it's essentially extensions, so you don't have to keep taking the pipes off. You'll have to Google, but I've heard it mentioned a few times.
  5. Aww...... I know it's almost a cop-out as you've kinda used 10, but I'm gonna have to get creative again. Technically it's a different number 10,000 Years BC
  6. YAY, that's the way the money goes!!!! Force 10 From Navarone.
  7. Yep - Very slow since the upgrade and new forum. It looks nice, but it lags, like there's a lot of code being processed in the background, or it's loading a page with lots of hi-res pics...
  8. Yeah, I'll allow that. Technically 'a' is not a word in your reply, though. Something like View To A Kill would have been better. He-Man and She-Ra: The Secret of the Sword
  9. Flags Of Our Fathers See how this works?
  10. If smacking her is your first resort, then I'd not be surprised if she did sleep with someone else.
  11. Yeah, this has become a cluster fuck. Take one word from the previous movie title. Use that word to make the next movie title. This is not word association...
  12. I concur. The 650 will cope, but it won't be as 'performancey' as when you ride solo.
  13. If you are always unreliable, then you are unreliable in all ways and therefore cannot even be relied upon to be unreliable. You still cannot sue.
  14. To Wong Foo Thanks For Everything
  15. Doesn't look like this one has been played here before, so.... First poster names a movie title. Second poster names a movie that shares a word from the first movie. Third poster names a movie that shares a word from the second movie. And so on... So: Star Wars Starman Man On Fire Reign Of Fire Make sense? Please try and keep posts to just the following title, rather than pages of commentary on whether or not such-and-such was a good film. OK, starting with: The Neverending Story...
  16. £80 for pads???!!! Mine were about a tenner a pair, I think. For all weathers, try organic.
  17. Political Correctness? You mean, "Spastic Gay talk"? I don't care what the correct term is and a growing number of people feel the same way. I probably feel stronger than most because my family history is one awesome long line of Angeln, right the way back to the town they originally settled in, which still bears the same Anglo-Saxon name (also my surname) today. We're English. Come and have a go... The biggest issue is that more people would recognise their Englishness, if only they knew what being English meant in a modern context. You can define any other nation by their icons - Characteristics, cooking, reputation, fashions, business and products, film styles, legends... we have a language that's been adopted and bastardised world-wide and that's about it. The rest is some leftover from foreign rule. Even the flag of St. George commemorates a Turkish knight. Are we, now? It's true that the English love a fight. They were reknowned for it. But they kept to themselves for the most part. When they came to the British Isles, they were employed by Vortigern to protect the Roman Empire's citizens while the Romans themselves returned to bolster their falling empire. Once they'd done that, the Anglo-Saxons came to collect their payment off Vortigern, but were basically told, "Sorry - Empire collapsed, no money left". As compensation, the AS people relocated to what became England. There is no evidence of invasion either, as mis-told by schoolboy history. They travelled in parties of 3 boats, with about 40 to a boat. Can you really conquer a country 120 people at a time? Also, AS language, customs, currency, systems and culture spread across the Britons way faster than any army could manage, strongly suggesting peaceful migration. From there, it was mostly setting up kingdoms and doing their own thing, until the Vikings and the Normans came to have a go. It's a little acknowledged perspective that the English have been slaves to foreign power since 1066. A lot of the sins committed by "the English" and later the British Empire were at the behest of foreign rulers and have now been laid on the heads of the English, forcing shame to discourage national pride. The choice was basically - Invade Scotland or be put to death. Invade India or be put to death. People were press-ganged into the military. This is not a rant about foreigners, either - The English do have a reputation for being xenophobic. Not the 'phobia' part - Fear. That's because every time we met a foreign power, they tried to invade us!! Scots, Picts, Danes, Normans... We just wanted to be left alone to get on with our island
  18. What, you pay someone else to change the pads for you? DIY, mate. Cheap and easy!! As mentioned, Pads are much of a muchness. Sintered stop a little better than Organic pads in the dry, but are comparatively crap in the wet. How you ride and what you ride makes more of a difference.
  19. See that YamaHead guy there, kiddies? Mark him well. THAT is a proper Biker.
  20. Really?? Strange boy..... Cornish too, to be fair (which I believe encompasses part of Devon, historically anyway). They have their own language too and a few other aspects that make them a seperate cultural nation. And they make lovely pasties First one - Yeah, if you like.... Don't see why not. We'll probably lose anyway The second one - Drink what you like, mate.
  21. Coz it means I'm not British. What, Cudgel fighting? Nowt wrong with smacking someone round the head with a stick Oh, you mean Morris Dancing? Pah - Earliest claimed record of that is 1448, but there are no historical references proven before the very late 15th century. Supposedly, it comes from the term Moorish and the 'Moresca' pageant which celebrates the driving out of the Moors from Spanish lands. In short, it's a foreign thing which was imported into our culture long after the cessation of English rule in 1066 and thus not our responsibility. That's the distinction. Being of a nationality (Irish, Scottish, Spanish or whatever nationality) means having a shared heritage, language, history, set of customs and beliefs with that nation and being accepted by that nation as one of them. That's why I'm English, not anything else. Being part of a State just means either being born there, or filling out the right forms and being admitted by the government. That's why I'm English and neither Scottish or British.
  22. Born in Scotland, but an Angeln all the way! Nothing patriotic about it, aside from the fact that NO other nation is discouraged from celebrating their heritage. British doesn't apply either as that's just a state, not a nation and you're only considered 'British' because some government says so.
  23. Then he probably wasn't. If he has a shop then he likely won't be. If he's self-employed and has a van full of kit, mobile cutting machine, tools, spare blanks, spare locks etc then maybe. Just check through the Yellow Pages and find ones with smaller ads. Stay away from the big National companies as you'll be seriously overcharged.
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