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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Ttaskmaster

    Virago 535

    Could be the way it's tuned. My 650 Drag tops out at a theoretical 92mph, like most Cruisers. Under the right conditions, with good maintenance and the right fuel, I have hit an indicated 107. Ask your local mechanic to have a look during it's next service.
  2. Try a Cardo system... I have one for my TomTom, but they do inter-bike comms, with Bluetooth for phones and all that gubbins. Batteries are brilliant and the comms are very clear. Almost as good as a CB!!
  3. Sounds like a stolen bike. What is that number, anyway? Is that supposed to be the frame, or are we supposed to text you on that?
  4. Sigh..... civilians, eh! I love whenever something 'new', 'innovative' and 'amazing' comes on the civvy market. Guaranteed, the military have had it for decades. SatNav? Issued to the boys in Iraq. GoreTex? Issued to the troops in The Falklands. Shotgun Blank Alarms? We get given Claymores!!
  5. News for ya - If they be on their mobile, they won't be paying attention anyway. My OH's car stereo is usually loud enough to drown out Police sirens and Harley pipes, so a noisy 125 won't make a damn bit of difference. My ex keeps crashing (thrice in the last year) because she believes "Loud Pipes Save Lives". Woody's Tip: Learn to ride so you will be seen. Read through a copy of Roadcraft: The Police Rider's Handbook. It works for me.
  6. Does it not have a sight glass with an oil level indicator?
  7. WHY? Same old question. And all you will manage is a 125 that sounds like a wasp on crack. Louder pipes? Get a bigger bike. Until then, deal with teh fact that you're a learner and will sound like an insect with a volume control wherever you go. It's all part of the experience. Friday rant over.
  8. Might want to get a new missus. This thing doesn't leave the system - It takes over!!
  9. South Coast? Not so much. Try Cornwall. Ride the routes into Boscastle and watch out for the hairpin as you come into town!!
  10. Any shop that sells bar risers.
  11. If your sprockets are OK, then keep it simple: Get the bike upright, with the rear wheel off the deck. Loosen the adjusters and move the rear wheel forward towards the frame again, slackening the chain. Split the old chain near the back and connect the new chain to it. Slowly pull the old chain out, allowing it to drag the new one into place. Close up the new chain, adjust for free play as normal, lube up and go for a ride!!
  12. Go out and ride, maybe?
  13. As mentioned - You may have too much oil in the sump. Point of interest - Did you know bikes have a wet clutch? One of the big differences against cars. As for being warm - Yes, always warm the bike up for a good minute before riding. Especially these old-fashioned types that don't have all the fancy stuff cars do. Use this time to go round and do your daily POWER checks: Petrol Oil Water Electrics Rubber Obviously, Drags don't use water but they are Cruisers, so substitute Weather instead
  14. When? You mean IF it breaks down... For all their quirks, Hondas are bulletproof. Respect where due.
  15. Ttaskmaster


    Hippy Bathday, mate!!!
  16. These are real people here, not just some automated computer response. Bursting on with a statement of problems - You wouldn't do that at Kwik Fit, would you? Well, you might, but the response will be just as terse as mine... if not more so
  17. If the starter motor is turning over, then it's something else. If the battery was that flat then it wouldn't turn over. You definitely getting fuel? Have you primed the fuel? Are the plugs OK?
  18. You checked the cut-out switch?
  19. That's nice. Are you asking a question, stating a fact, requesting help or just not even bothering to say hello and introduce yourself? Not caring if I sound rude or not, the Forum is essentially the same as walking into a pub. What you've done is just walk in as a complete stranger and make a statement. No polite hello, no introduction... As for the answer - Clean everything out and service it. Job done.
  20. LAST JUNE??!! OK, so it was changed, ridden a bit and has been left standing for 5 MONTHS.... What happens to a cup of coffee if you leave it standing for 5 months? Trust me - Change the oil.
  21. Season is that brief period when all the butterflies appear in their immaculate racey leathers, with shiny bikes, to go tearing down the road at speed, thinking they're better than you because they managed to overtake, or something.
  22. June??!! That's mid-season, mate. Rallies alone continue for the most until end of September, at least!!
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