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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. I had similar plans, but have not tried it yet myself. I know others have done it, but have not seen the results up close. Perhaps a milder paint-stripper?
  2. *kicks the pair of you in the nads!!
  3. Ttaskmaster

    The Gay KK

    What? You're a member of the KKK? And you're actually *admitting* to it on a public forum? Surely you jest, sir?
  4. Silkolene 10w40 here, too. Can't actually recall, but I think it's also semi-synth. Use OEM Yammie spares wherever possible. I also don't trust aftermarket consumables.
  5. Always get lessons. My ex tried it without and despite several years of 125ing around, she kept failing. I was taught by an ex-police instructor and learned so many little tips and things that you'd never learn without training. Passed my test in the heavy rain, during the busy traffic of an insane student town. Lifesavers are just that. When you move out for the parked car, there may well be something about to overtake. It can and does happen and I was surprised when I experienced this first-hand. Never saw the bike as he'd come blazing up in my rear blind spot. He'd seen the parked cars and had moved out well before me. As I made my right Lifesaver, he chose that moment to race past and overtake. First I even knew of it was when I heard the "HHOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNnnnnnnnn" as he went past!!! You'll find riding in Central London, usually at slower speeds, that a LOT more people sneak around in yoru blind spots. From cyclists to office girlie pink 'Ped riders, even to Scooterman drivers and bike couriers all nip in wherever there's a gap, usually where you can't see them until it's too late.
  6. Regardless of your own personal ability, THE LAW states that all new riders are restricted as described. The 'quite rightly so' is to prevent many new riders from thinking that just because they've ridden an RS125, they can go out and hoon around on an R1. There are bikes out there that will do 0-60 in less than THREE SECONDS!! You offer even the notion that a few goes on a mate's 125 means someone can handle that and kids will be blazing off and crashing out like there's no tomorrow. That would be a tragic waste of many beautiful bikes! Credit where due, you have some experience, but not everyone who comes to the forum asking such questions will be like you. Most are NOT, in fact, so based on the initial information you gave, this is why people have been so.... harsh. Either way, from 350cc to a 650 weighing 37 stone *is* quite a hefty jump and even after you get your full licence, it will a bit of getting used to. Besides, UK roads are very different - In countries where people drive like loonies all the time you expect stupidly dangerous stuff to happen. Here, it will happen when you *least* expect it!!
  7. If you're painting over it - Genklene or Nitro Mors on the plasti-chrome to strip it, scrub it down and rinse the stuff off (for God's sake, wear rubber gloves), then paint as desired. That's what I'd do. Probably quite dangerous, given the chemicals you're working with, so take all precautions.
  8. The forum is experiencing a lot of feck-ups in the software at the minute. It's being looked into by the host company...
  9. Short answer - Yes it could. Any of the above. Alternate answer - Check the cheapest parts first. Check tyre tread and wear pattern, as this seems to be the most common cause in my experience. Sometimes there are nicks and bulges almost imperceptible that will cause wobbles.
  10. Eck... might need to re-jet, too. No idea what the hoses are. Hyperchargers don't really make much difference on a 650...
  11. Expect 120 miles before hitting reserve. Probably more if you don't rag it like a twat (as I do ). Full tank, including reserve should get you 175 miles or thereabouts. If you're planning this all in one hit, as in touring or somesuch, keep a little spare fuel can to hand. Also good for getting the evening campfire blazing Upright bike on your own - Get a proper bike jack. This will prove very useful for later maintenance. Failing that, ask a neighbour or bump the bike nose-first onto the kerb and whack a block of wood under the sidestand. This last option is dangerous though and not an official YOC Forum endorsed method...
  12. Excellent... my Dragstar Army is steadily growing!! Welcome to the forum!!
  13. Personally, I'd flood the thing with graphite grease spray and try to wash out the crap that's probably sticking it up. Then look at disassembly as a second option.
  14. Ttaskmaster

    The Gay KK

    Is pisstake, designed to upset the real KKK.
  15. What is up? Either the opposite of down, or a quark, depending on whether you have a simple and straightforward,or a quantuum physics and complicated mindset. Why do you ask? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... Thank-you. I'm here all week. Welcome to the madhouse!!
  16. Do I really have 2,222 posts??!!
  17. OK, making a post seems to resolve/recall most things on yer Profile.
  18. I think Tiny just became the official YOC Virago God!!
  19. Cap doesn't unlock?? How did the previous owner fill up, then? Original toolkit - No idea. Probably a few spanners and a screwdriver. Maybe a spark plug wrench. I keep a motorcycle multi-tool to hand with allen keys, 8-18mm socket heads (plus a long 18mm one for the plugs), mini-pliers, cable ties and a tyre gauge.
  20. Need - Damn straight. Too many Newbies and rude people with attitude, but I don't have the temperament to deal politely with them. It needs the Goddess's touch!! Miss - You bet your ass!! You were always one of THE forum voices here. This place is seriously quieter and duller without you. You'd be surprised!! Want - For sure. It's nice to be needed, but even better to be wanted and you are top of our most wanted list!! And we'll happily feed you biccies, Lady Goff!!
  21. If your bike is only supposed to have one key for every lock, you could probably get a locksmith to re-pin them to match the one key.
  22. The air/fuel mixture can usually be adjusted via a small screw on the carb somewhere. Your Owners Manual should show where that is (unfortunately I don't know the Virago that well). Oil on plugs - First check you don't have too much oil in the sump. If you do, just drain some out and re-level the oil in your sight glass. Try those and then go for another test ride. Let us know how it's going.
  23. I buy a lot of stuff from Canada and the States. Most (but not all) of my sellers find sensible postage costs. The killer is the bloody Customs and import charges!!
  24. Bring Herslef along and do what the other guys do - You explore the boys toys and leave her to drool over the men in uniform
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