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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Loud pops, yep. Geminis will do that, more so if you shut the throttle from wide open and/or yank the clutch in. The Highway Hawks on the 2001 Drag are worse for that. Neither bike got rejetted in the end..
  2. Shrooz-bree, huh? Great intro and one seriously clean looking bike. I am impressed!! Welcome to the forum, Damon!
  3. Well beyond my spannering know-how, but intriguing stuff to follow!! Have you spoken with the insurance guys about how this will affect the premium, or anything?
  4. Even off the road, you're still insured against theft. Taxed implies you're riding it, or keeping it on-road, for which you require at least 3rd party insurance. Fairly straighforward and makes sense, given how easily people can sue you these days...
  5. Ya know ya want toooooooooo........!!
  6. "Nah, I got this large knoife 'ere fer doin' that..." To which she ought to respond, "That's not a knoife... THAT's a knoife!!". If she does not, get her some beers, sit her down and crack out the Laptop!
  7. Have you got too much oil in the sump? Also, re-check the timing exactly as per the manual.
  8. I thought he was the Gangster of Love? Only found out Kentucky has Gangsters, anyway...
  9. Despite those who take the piss out of Viggies and Dragstars, the sheer number of their owners here does testify that they're popular bikes, nonetheless... Unlike moronic iPhone owners who queue up for three days to buy the newest one, just because it's an iPhone, us bikers are bloody picky about our rides. Must be a good reason for this popularity...! Far as I can figure, the only actual change to the 535 after '89 was they seat height is slightly different. Fuel tank went up by 1.1gal (15-19l) in '86. There's a rumour that some years' Viragoes suffer dodgy starter clutches, but I believe it's not year specific. The 1100 Dragstars have a similar issue. Just keep an eye on it.
  10. Yeah, do the whole 'stand up and tell us about yourself' thing. It honestly is welcomed, although you've already made the effort of an intro which is more than some people! Seriously the more we know, like age, town, experience, what bikes you have and so on, the more people have to work with both when writing helpful guides and chatting generally. We're a friendly bunch and love people who get stuck in!!
  11. Fuse locations should be shown in your Owners Manual. I might be able to find it, but I'd only be downloading the free manual from Yamaha's website anyway, so you might as well get yourself a copy yerself. Plus you'll know better which year you need: http://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/services/owner-manuals/index.aspx
  12. Yamasuki? Actually that's kinda catchy... Actually round here it's the BMW blokes that do most of the prick-driving, particularly weaving, undercutting and general bullying. Girls will be too close behind and are more likely to pull out on you from roundabouts and side junctions. Girls in 4x4s (real or pretend) are the main reason I want to drive a tank. Self-drive hire vans are fucking' lethal. Considering borrowing a still-kitted ex-Police bike and seeing if they fecking behave when THAT shows up next to 'em... Looking forward to your progress thread!
  13. Welcome AYF!!! Cannae help with the specifics myself, but everyone's here to chat with and bounce ideas off. Impressive list of bike, by the way!
  14. Running is good... very good.
  15. You can ask, by all means. That's what we're here for. But sarky comments about how no-one has commented within 24 hours of your post does not inspire us to respond, especially as many of us are just as busy with real life as you and none of us do this for a living. Be patient.
  16. Check out some of these, then: http://www.viragoownersclub.org/feature.htm
  17. Google is your friend: http://www.viragoownersclub.org/Viragoesby%20the%20numbers.htm http://www.viragoownersclub.org/vhistory.htm
  18. After balancing, did you put the vacuum covers back on? Got the needles in right and everything? Have the carb boots splut open, perhaps? Have you got the carb screws out far enough? Turn them all the way in then bring each one out by EXACTLY 3½ turns... and I really do mean EXACTLY 3½ turns. If that makes starting easier, adjust them in/out to suit, but do all the screws the EXACT same.
  19. Ignore the Laptop. Get a PC - You can upgrade easier (and cheaper), it will last longer and accomodate more future-proof components, as well as doing more at faster speeds with better performance. My comparatively old PC is a midi-tower, not even a dedicated gaming rig and yet it has specs that equal the new XBox One! Dragon Age and Dragon Age: Awakenings are fantastic. I've played both about seven times, now! DA2, not so popular, although fans of Mass Effect seem to get on with it well enough. Both Bioware, so similar interfaces in DA2. However, DA is of similar ilk to Baldur's Gate, ie a combination of action/adventure and strategy roleplay, so there's lots of pointing and clicking at icons, tactics sets, opponents and things, kinda like Warcraft. Real Mouse & Keyboard stuff. This means it fuggin' SUCKS on a console.
  20. Welcome!! Gamerz!! I'm messing around with a load of 'em myself. Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Freelancer, Thief, Tomb Raider, A:CM & AVP, Diaspora ... mostly singleplayer stuff, but I occasionally go online. Console only, or do you go for the PC ones as well?
  21. I'm betting this 3-lane roundabout has white lines, right? The lines from your entry lanes curve round and merge with those on the roundabout, to direct vehicles toward the correct lane? The inability of cagers to follow these simple lines is getting worse... We have that on our big roundabouts. Almost daily, some prick will be in the wrong one and cut across up to 4 other lanes at once to get where they're going. My thumb is permanently covering the horn and my left foot cocked to kick the inevitable car that tries to side-swipe me. Booted four (that I remember) so far this year. Also noticed a worrying trend lately, of people driving with white earphones (of the iPhone/iPod kind) in - Do cars not come with radios/CD/MP3 devices now?
  22. I and twenty-odd of my biker brethren have been in full-on, road-stained leather kit and trooped into a fairly posh Hungerford high street restaurant for a meal, without so much as a second glance from anyone. I therefore believe she was joking. You're quite a serious lad, aren't you?
  23. Other possible responses: "No, but I am going to run with them!". "Depends how much my bill comes to..." "Only a little bit!".
  24. They say that if you step away from a ride, concert or any other loud noise and can hear a quiet, high-pitched "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" sound in the background, that this is a frequency you'll never hear again. Dunno if it's true, but still kinda worrying.
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