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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. It wasn't the plug, it was the gasket around the oil filter. It melted and split, leaving oil to piss out the gap so fast that the level light never even came on. If the bike is very well maintained, it should be OK, but these things are susceptible to issues and certain spares are a real pain in the arse. It's certainly not intended to be a daily ride, though... least not in this country!
  2. The shelf life is around 5 years. Call it 4 to be safe.
  3. The rest of the money was spent on high end PC components. I could buy a second bike, but the insurance would be a killer!
  4. "I'd rather sweat than bleed".
  5. It's also quite tall, though. By comparison, you feel like you're belly-surfing on a Busa! This was one of the first official Sports Tourer bikes... perhaps THE first ever, but don't quote me on that. The 1100 was designed as a race bike and did nicely, but was way too heavy to flick around in the corners. So Yammie added another 100cc, enlarged everything and made it into a comfy mile muncher. Two further revisions saw numerous innovative concepts, many of which are now standard on bike builds (pivoting engine mounts, lateral frame). This is the final model and the best IMO!! The 'independent' assessor appointed by the 3rd party insurance valued repairs at £3200. This was basically to fix every dent, ding, scratch and pit in every panel, part and screw, Because of that and because they're lazy wankers, they wrote my bike off and offered £900 for the scrap. I told them to fuck off and they relented to £1800 (twice what I paid for it), minus £270 to buy back the salvage. I've fixed this up for probably less that £300, including the MoT fee! There are a few more touches, tweaks and cosmetic repairs needed (you haven't seen the left side yet), but this bike is running smooth, riding safe and fully roadworthy.
  6. Much as I love them, I'd have to say no. Draggies are cheap Cruisers. They're hardy as fuck and will take a LOT of abuse... but eventually they will die. 40,000 miles seems to be the average before things start to give out. Perhaps in 40 or so years they may have some nostalgic value, but they'll not be highly sought collectors items.
  7. Despite advances in technology, leather is still the best protection if you slide down the road.
  8. Keep an eye out at your local shops for sales anyway, but head out to a couple of shows and things. Also, we have numerous May Day runs going on soon, especially the London to Hastings one - 50,000+ bikers packing the streets of Hastings!! A while back, on one such run, I got two Frank Thomas jackets for £30 each, brand new, unused. They retail for £180 normally. The shop was selling off loads of clothing dirt cheap simply because they were "last season's kit"!!!
  9. Custom and Classic ones are the same thing, aren't they...?
  10. THE BATTLE-BITCH IS BACK!!!!! Up the MoT centre, check over, test stuff, laser-alignment thingumies out and a thorough examination top to tail... I have a pass certificate, no advisories and a MASSIVE grin on my face!!! As is the custom, I have a couple of photos to show - Here's what is left of the damaged parts. You may notice stator rotor and pickup, stator cover, entire back end and rear light assembly, indicators, number plate, footpeg, mudguard and the rear wheel: The crash bar bore so much impact that it bent in and shattered the thick metal stator cover... ...and actually bent the stator rotor (which was subsequently used for a spot of welding practice): Needed a new number plate, so am now proudly sporting this one:
  11. I try not to read the comments on such things, as I'm tempted to track the retards down and show them what the real world is about...
  12. Blimey... http://home.bt.com/lifestyle/motoring/motoringnews/biker-survives-headon-collision-with-truck-11363871648307 Well... When the 2nd bike appears, he was *just* outside the apex of the corner. He then swings wide and leans hard over, which is something I see a lot of Thames Valley IAM riders doing. Something about maximising visibility round the bend... Never been a fan of it myself. It looks like he then got a bit of target lock, either on the "Lorryist*" or that 'pothole' and as he's already leaning hard as he hits it, utterly loses the bike. Very hard luck, but I can't believe he'd try and sue the driver. The poor chap wasn't doing anything wrong, that I could tell. Incidentally, that is not a 'pothole', that's wider than our sewer manholes!! *Lorryist? Never heard that one before... Sounds like someone who discriminates against heavy goods vehicle drivers solely on the basis of their chosen profession!! Your thoughts, gals and guys?
  13. Do people *really* have that much trouble with these??!! I must have scraped my Draggie pegs less than half a dozen times (both sides, that is) in all the years I had her... I'd advise ditching the boards for pegs, if that's the case!! Does this mod affect the foot controls at all, Bob?
  14. If the Molex blocks are ANYTHING like the 4-pin Molex connectors for computers, you'd be more productive trying brain surgery after chopping both your thumbs off!! Stupid pieces of shite, these Molex things... I'm currently looking at replacing all my PC connectors with the 'Motorcycle Electrical Mini - Connectors' type things you see on that same page!!
  15. Sounds so ridiculous, I'm not even going to click the link!!
  16. Reading online Newbies guides to crimping and soldering is probably a good start. For most minor bits, I'd normally nip up Maplins or Halfords, really. Can be pricey if you need more than just a couple of bits though and the staff seem either the types who know everything and are full of helpful advice... or the morons that know feck all and will tell you they don't stock batteries, while standing right by the BIG battery display!!
  17. Want to look as gorgeous as Marie Fredriksen from Roxette does in the picture above? Then buy the 'L-Plates With Fittings' kit for a few squid here: http://www.whitedogbikes.com/item--Screenflow-Rigid-Motorcycle-Scooter-L-Plates-with-Fittings--Rigid_L_Plates_And_Fittings.html
  18. And both of them were born in the same place as me (Glenfinnan)!! Nobody's tried lopping my head off yet, but it would be nice if I were immortal...
  19. Voted. Also, how long did it take you to Photoshop those different colours in?
  20. WOW.... Do me a favour - Paint it black, put some fancy electronics on it, change your name to Jesse Mach and then go fight crime on it!! I really do love the look of that!!
  21. A new thread perhaps, but there's not really any restriction on what we can talk about here. That's why it's one of the best forums (biking or otherwise) in the whole universe... that, and they actually let me in to this one!! But nah, chat about whatever you feel like, chap - Non-bike talk goes in the relevant chat forum and that's all there is to it, really. It's a very friendly place!!
  22. Heya PKD and welcome to the forum. I absolutely LOVED your works, especially A Scanner Darkly and Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep!!
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