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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Ttaskmaster


    Consider a pocket phrase book. Not everyone will (or will choose to) speak English.
  2. That's Neve Campbell!!!! The ONLY celebrity I'd actually go crazy for. Only cause her hair is a bit manic. Among her many talents, she's a professional dancer of various styles, hence the figure. Here; That's a better one.
  3. OMG!!!!!!!!! Errr....... I'll be in my bunk
  4. In which case ANY picture with Neve Campbell beats whatever anyone else cares to throw at me. I don't vote for someone on the basis that they have tits and I don't care who gets upset by this principle.
  5. Cottoned on before the 3rd line!! Will have to try it on my boss
  6. Oh good. People should never have to deal with such shite and dealers have never filled me with particular confidence.
  7. I still say the Yamaha Maple Stage Custom drum kit beats the pants off all the above!!
  8. Not every girl looks good in leather trews. Part of it is whether she's comfortable in them. Part of it is whether they're cut to fit the individual. Part is a size factor as well. Interestingly enough, the exact same applies to blokes. I'm told I look great in mine by every female who's cared to comment. I personally feel very happy and comfortable in them, but also think they just highlight how long and scrawny my legs are.
  9. Some say you should re-jet, some not. I have standard pipes, SWMBO has Highway Hawk Straight-throughs, I think. Mine does ride better than the other half's, but I'm not so sure if that's down to the rider or the bike. Whenever I've given hers a blatt, I just enjoy the Spitfire Engine sound they make.
  10. Ebay, breakers yards, partfinder.....
  11. I had an '02 in the same colour scheme!! Pretty, ain't they
  12. Yes, it is comparatively expensive. Do they really need re-chroming, or is it just a case of some serious polishing?
  13. Awwww....... I was gearing up for one of my articulate rants about how smacking round the head is how every parent throughout Nature disciplines their children!!!!
  14. As Goff explained - NO woman worth her salt rides on the back..... unless she's manning the shotgun
  15. Nope. Seen an unlicenced girl in jeans, high heels and no helmet do exactly the same thing outside the Ace Cafe a few years back. She was fairly pretty too, from what I recall. Admittedly, she dumped the clutch from 3rd when approaching the roundabout, dumped the bike and looked a complete twat in front of........1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...... EVERYBODY!! Beauty is only skin deep - Gravel Rash to the bone. How well can you ride?
  16. Welcome!! Your name is familiar... Not a Gary Numan fan, are you?
  17. What's a chimney? What's soot? Is the first one like that hole in our Mud Hut roof to let the smoke out?
  18. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn how gorgeous you may be...... ..... how well can you ride?
  19. Insert screwdriver, turn anti-clockwise, usually. No offense, but which of the 1.6 million bikes in the UK is your one? You haven't specified Photos would be good if you have any. Then we could see what you mean.
  20. Oil shouldn't be an issue for about another 1500 miles. 3K per oil change is the rule of thumb, unless your owners manual says otherwise. If by 'konked out' you mean the engine stopped running, as well as having had it smacked into twice, then you should definitely be having it checked by a mechanic, dude..... Heaven knows what might be wrong with it. Those things are quite delicate, ya know. The only plus is that they're usually cheaper to fix.
  21. Low gears at top end? You mean, like in 3rd gear and going as fast as you can? If this is the case, then you need to shift up a gear. The sound and especially the slight jerking is the engine BURSTING IT'S FUCKING SCROTUM trying to keep up with the excessive demands. Seriously, it's having a hernia!! SHIFT UP A GEAR!!!!!!!!! If you don't, your engine will explode. However, if this is not the case; The whistling is either your helmet vents (mine does this at higher speeds), some other part of your kit (probably something with a hole in) or a problem with a component. Have a good mechanic check out the replacement parts. You *may* also have a tiny hole in the exhaust as, IIRC, you have custom exhausts, do you not? However, if the whistling is more like a whine that alters pitch and frequency depending on engine revs, then this is normal. My bike does it and so does the wife's, although she can't hear hers over the BLATTABLATTABLATTA of her own custom pipes!! The jerky movement is likely an engine problem, ie something too tight, clogged, fouled with foreign particles or not conected properly (maybe related to the whining/whistling too).
  22. Not too sure what 'Overdrives' are exactly, but yes - Your gear is too low for the revs you are asking. After a while you should 'feel' the bike starting to 'strain' at higher revs, which will occur just after your revs pass the Upshift point. The inverse of this is a 'feeling' of the engine getting effortless, perhaps a bit 'limp'. The lack of throttle will be more evident. This happens after you pass the Downshift point.
  23. Some versions will automatically switch off when teh voltage drops below something like 11.6V, too. Don't think the Cruiser models do that, though. At least, mine doesn't. Either way - If you do this, wire it via a relay through a switched live!!
  24. If that is the case, you only need the red key and the new key. Any Auto Lockie worth his salt should be able to do it.
  25. Some bikes have stickers, warning you to use unleaded, check the owners manual before riding and all that. If they're in a Forin Langwidge, it could be an import
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