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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Here's another one to the list: Woman I know of, from a forum I no longer frequent, came off whilst wearing jeans. We'd all hammered those who don't wear kit, her included. She still chose to rode this way. Her leg was 'de-gloved'. In short, the skin all around it was stripped off, as if it were a glove she'd been wearing. This was a good while ago and I still don't believe she's back on her feet. By comparison, a friend of mine came off at a mere 15mph. Due to the circumstances, he lost his leg. He went on to become one of Essex's best Advanced Riding Instructors.
  2. When sliding down the 'cheesegrater' surface of tarmac, there is still nothing better than leather. However, there are other options... Vented leathers are my choice. I have a Frank Thomas Tourino leather jacket with perforated panels that allow so much airflow that you forget you're wearing it. It also has full armour. FT make a set of trousers that match. I got mine brand new at a show for £30 (it retailed for £180), because it was "last season's stock". Another fantastic option is Draggin Jeans. Kevlar lined, they make trousers, jackets and other stuff, most with provision for armour too.
  3. My OH has her bars swivelled quite low, if that helps. If I ride her bike, I'm slouched down quite a bit. It does change the cant of how you sit and might help your feet to reach a bit better. Incidentally, her legs are comparatively straight, but she can use the foot controls quite happily. Her size 5 feet look cute as she rests her heel on the peg, whereas with my size 11s I can just about get the balls of my feet on before my toes press the brake pedal down
  4. Yep, single disc. Personally, I don't think the front 1100 wheel would fit the 650.
  5. There's only so much that can be included in the film, though. Take LOTR - Three massive books. Personally, I'm glad they excluded Tom Bombadil, but he's just as much an integral part. The only other option would have been to make a mini-series, like they did with Band Of Brothers.
  6. Rear wheel, probably. Both models take a 170/80-15 tyre. For the front, the 650 takes a 160/90-16, whereas the 1100 takes a 130/90-16. Don't think any came in Cast form as standard, either. I've only ever seen Drags with spoked wheels unless it was a customised job.
  7. Hey, no worries. I get the same about films!!
  8. My other half is only 5' 4" and she manages fine enough. I'm guessing her inside leg is shorter than yours, since I'm 5' 11" and mine is a 32" inside. Have you considered playing about with the handlebar adjustment? That can make all the difference. Having said that, Bike Magazine did an analysis on bikes vs riders not so long ago. The conclusion was that Cruisers are a popular choice for short peeps because of the low seat height, yet at the same time they're very unsuited to shorties because of the long limb-to-controls distances.
  9. WARNING - This post contains spoilers!!!!! 1/. Film is a very different storytelling media to the written word. Certain changes have to happen for teh film to be effective. 2/. Film is controlled by both standards agencies and the investors' market researchers. In order to be commercially viable, it must meet certain standards and requirements (not all of which are sensical or faithful to the original source information). IMDB and Wiki have some insight, such as "Ewan McGregor's character in the book was Italian. the name was changed to Camerlengo Patrick McKenna for the movie to reflect McGregor's obvious lack of Italian heritage" Five minutes were cut after the film received an R rating As for the ending - "In the novel, Langdon accompanied the Camerlengo on the helicopter. Also, the Camerlengo's relationship with the Pope (being the biological son of the Pope) was omitted." Sounds like it'd be an overly complex plot and many people would be confused - The aim here is to sell tickets, remember...
  10. I believe 'Afghan' is the correct term for... well, an Afghan! Same goes for Kazakh, Mongol, Turk, Uzbek and some others. The derogatory form of Pakistani is just one of those things. Similarly, many 'African-Americans' use the N-Word amongst themselves, but consider it an insult if someone outside their culture uses it. Brit is more a nicknamey term, with very little insult inferred and a tone of informal familiarity. It can be an insult to those of Anglo-Saxon heritage, rather than Briton. Taff, Mick and Jock are similar ones used for Welsh, Irish and Scots people respectively. They can occasionally cause offense. Gringo is another similar term, except the tone and context decides whether it's an insult. "Fecking bastard Gringo" is probably not meant to sound nice, whereas, "Come drink with me, my Gringo friend!!" is more likely what you want to hear. Oh - Forgot one from earlier - Pommie comes from Whinging Pom, short for Pomegranate which was Aussie rhyimg slang for Immigrant.
  11. There's no harm in understanding why something is an insult. It's an insight into the past and understanding our culture, with the opportunity for us to progress and evolve. Rosbif = Roast Beef (said with a French accent), because it was a favourite dish of the Brits. Limey - From Brit Navy's use of limes to prevent scurvy John Bull - Another Yank term for a Brit Welsh is actually an Old English word for Foreigner. Pork And Cheese has always been a favourite term for Portugese - I have a Porky chap at work who in turn happily calls me "Inglese". The Pakistani one is offensive if used by a non-Asian in the UK. List Of Ethnic Slurs Yank and Yankee are also explained here. Q:, when does a remark become 'racist'? A: When the remark is used to imply someone is a lesser human based solely on their race. This is NOT to be confused with Discrimination and Prejudice. Discrimination means to identify a difference - A perfectly acceptable human trait. Technically, you're discriminating if you point out someone is wearing a different coloured shirt, or in fact is doing anything different to those around them. Prejudice is again an acceptable human trait. It's how we learn to tell friend from foe, based on previous experience. if, for example, all people you've ever met who wore a red shirt were nasty to you, that forms a prejudice and you'll be apprehensive of those you meet in future. It's psychologically unavoidable, but can be changed by contrary experiences. Racism is where you actively expound the inferiority of a race or it's individual members, based solely on their race. The first can lead to the second and third in a progressive process, which is where stereotyping comes from. Racism, however, can be instilled by an individuals environment, which happened during things like Apartheid. Myself, I was prejudiced against some Asian minorities, because every time we met them at school they were in gangs and armed with knives. Fortunately, I have worked in a multi-cultural environment for many years and no longer need the psychological caution behind that prejudice.
  12. Aye - Strange how the ramblings of this woman remarkably resemble an internet malcontent... There are no rules in war. If it bothers you that they're not 'fighting fair' then maybe you should pick up a rifle and go do something about it, eh? What, ever ever ever? I'm sure I recall a large contingent of French and Dutch people dying for us in WWII. Canadians, Brits, Americans and A&NZers too.... in fact, the soldiers of most nations have done exactly that.
  13. It's their own fault, but also their right... much as I grumble about it. Great that you're here to tell the tale, Fahren. You get any witnesses to him admitting liability? Hope it goes well and you get back on the road with a nice big payout very soon, mate!!!
  14. Hey, I was up in the lakes 2 weeks ago.... Pissed it down!!! As for the scoot - Try putting your feet as far rearward as you can manage, leaning forward over the bars, pulling your hoodie down over your eyes and revving the nuts off it, while texting your mate
  15. Check it out... Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. VWWAPP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles... phased plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic EE-lectronic BALL BREAKERS! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...
  16. Then you should adjust your riding accordingly, shouldn't you, sonny... I haven't ridden a 'Ped yet, but I have ridden a Honda M50 copy (Jin Cheng) at 45mph(I) on the road. THAT was seriously worrying - Being sat atop a child-sized bike made from the cheapest parts to an old design and bombing along, knowing that any incident will likely have me somersaulting down the road
  17. Ooh, uncommon paint job... Kewl!!!
  18. Good choice!!! Classic or Custom model?
  19. Rocks get guns and missiles and nukes and knives and sharp sticks.....
  20. 'Kin ell..... I actually like that!! I'd do the same if I had a couple of Drags to play with.
  21. Doesn't sound right to me - Get it looked at, if I were you.
  22. LO Goff, M8!!! Hw r u? Hee hee.... I like to play with danger As for the Grammar Nazi up there..... Try this one - LEAD BY EXAMPLE. I learned decent English from reading and following the writings of those better than me. Others learn from me by my own reasonable standard of writing. Do the same and lead them forward. As for those advocating text speak and begging indulgence for 'modern' forms of communication - Absolute bollocks. "Modern Slang" comes and goes, like ever-changing fashion, but the core of (mostly) gramatically correct language has always remained. The most commonly spoken language here is English and our non-English-speaking forum-dwellers have gone to great lengths to learn a high standard of English, that they might communicate with us. Please do not insult them by pissing about with lazy TXT TLK and whatever other shite you have up your sleeves. Lack of spelling doesn't hamper communication so much. I understand the majority of you perfectly (Barwell ).
  23. Get it done by the dealer. If you fuck it up, you'll feel stupid and it'll cost more. If they fuck it up, they have to fix it for free!!!
  24. They play 1920s-1940s music, mostly the latter - sort of stuff you Lindy Hop to. Charleston is more 30s, I thought?
  25. I haven't got a feckin' clue... 13V sounds OK. Personally, I'd check all the connections haven't come loose. Couple of times I've done some work that required disconnecting the battery or some lead or other and not securely connected 'em back up again.
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