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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. OK... With regard to the letter - This was a piss-take, written specifically to satirise one aspect of policy. Basically, farmers are paid on the basis of what land they own, NOT what they do with it (be it farm livestock, crops or whatever). The letter is not real. For the rest - Can't comment. Talk to the other half, although being a PA she won't be able (or possibly allowed) to make an official comment. Personally, I think it's just another mess caused by the current Government and the sooner we get to elect them out, the better. Don't ask me about hospitals and MRSA, either - Same thing.
  2. AFAIK, the different engine size Uprights are NOT interchangable. You will have to get an Upright sized specifically for the 650. Also, was this bike customised from a Custom or a Classic (650 or 650A)? These too are different sizes and you'll need to know. You can get them from most good custom shops, either OEM or Aftermarket.
  3. Beers and cheers, young'un!!
  4. One-sided perspective, here. OK, so it's a payment for not rearing pigs. So what do they do instead? Think you'll find they get paid for ignoring whichever aspect of farming they specialise in and instead turn their hand to whatever aspect the Government insists on them doing. Probably done to eliminate competition between British products and cheaper imported stuff. I'll ask the Mrs - She works at the RPA.
  5. "How DARE you post about a bike that you don't own....... " Nah, only joking, mate - No rules about that. Good thinking with the 100, actually. Personally, I don't believe the 1100 final drive would fit, but it's worth checking out. I'd do it myself for you, but I'm off to a funeral at 12. Check the dimensions in the manuals. £1200 is a fecking lot of money Start with part finder, who will ring round loads of breakers for you.
  6. I usually get my ACF50 online from Busters or something. They typically have 2 for 1 deals.
  7. An easy one, but not so obvious - Are there any stickers, panels, plaques or even manuals with a foreign language written in/on them? If you can't ID the words, post 'em here and we'll help. My ex had a 125 Drag which she and the dealwer swore was a UK model, despite my insistence that the 'Only Use Unleaded Fuel' sticker was in Deutsch, meaning it was a German import. Turns out I was right (shock, gasp!!)
  8. Then he should know better then, shouldn't he!! In order of cunning wit - There is God, Oscar Wilde, Stephen Fry, Bill Hicks, George Bernard Shaw and then the rest of the mortals. Dan le sac vs Scroobius Pip certifies that he is the 11th Commandment - "Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry".
  9. AND THE REST OF YOU...... Lay off Miss Goff's anatomy!!!
  10. As a newcomer to this forum, you don't seem to get it. As a moderator, it is indeed Goff's right to have unrestricted say over everything. Her forum, her rules. So far, those rules have proven to be extremely lenient compared to most forums. I guarantee she will say or do nothing online that she'd not immediately do in person and this place is one of the friendliest forums going. The site doesn't bother posting objections to her foul language, because no-one cares. We are grown-ups here and, as Stephen Fry once said, "There is nothing wrong with a well-placed "FUCK....."" We are nice and polite here, but realistic too - If you cannot handle the adult world of the biking community, I suggest you join somewhere else. We know Goff well enough to vouch for her good character and in general, she is the most polite, caring, honest, accepting, helpful, fair, encouraging and lovable moderator on any forum I've known. She is still human and will behave as such. If something pisses her off, she will say so and as a Mod, her say is final. That's the way it goes and we will defend her to the end....
  11. The other option is to shop around with some Locksmiths who specialise in vehicles. Most will be able to either read the chip details and cut/programme a new key for you, or can do it using a VAG and the key code. They will be cheaper than Yamaha, or will offer you 2nd and 3rd spare keys in a deal that works out cheaper. That's how they maintain their business. Try and stay away from the big national companies, though - They will rip you off. If you need help finding a good local Auto-Lockie, give me a shout.
  12. No real tricks, no. Just unbolt and unplug everything. Look at it first, remember where everything goes and don't lose any bits.
  13. Each silencer has two holes, yes? If so, leave them. They're supposed to be there!! They help condensation drain out If you mean other holes that have rusted through or something, yes, weld 'em up and all will be fine.
  14. Oh, he got one.... I replied to the PM
  15. What are other people selling theirs for? Look up Bike Trader or the MCN webshite and use that as a guide.
  16. Try an SG. It's what Angus uses Seriously, no it won't. The Classic has a fat bastard front wheel, whereas the Custom has a slim, svelte one However, you can get a 'Fenda Extenda' sort of thing that extends the mudguard further round the back of the wheel, much like a hugger does. Probably comes in various colours too, although being plastic you can always paint it.
  17. Front: Undo the bolts and remove. Rear: Take off rear seat, front seat, any accessories, unplug electrics, unbolt mudguard, remove electrics (unless they can paint around 'em).
  18. I'd have happily joined as one of their admins.... And then wrecked everything within my power, deleted all their members, removed topics, changed styles.....
  19. Errr..... I don't recall there being any sponge inside my panel. If it's dead square and dead straight, it's likely OEM. If not..... I see no reason not to rip it off. So long as the panel re-attaches snugly. I can't recall - Do you have custom pipes? That could be yer problem......
  20. I was going to post something sarky about Nigella..... but since discovering she has a degree in medieval languages, she just became a whole lot sexier in my eyes!!!
  21. Yep, got the same one. Fuck 'em. If they need members so badly that they have to beg off other forums, perhaps they'd be better off trying the MP community. Plenty of 'members' there.....
  22. I'm borrowing them off her, for a small fee
  23. Letching comes second, I'm afraid. The girl is still a twat and will one day really regret being such a fecking idiot...
  24. Tuning might be off. Rip the carbs open, clean them and then check the tuning.
  25. I'd wire them so they can be on with headlight. To avoid confusion of terms - Three stages of light: Sidelight Headlight Fog light Side and Head are controlled with the switch on your right control cluster. Switch between Head and Fog using the switch on the left. Normally in the UK, you'd ride with Headlight on.
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