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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Candidates for Prime Minister: Goff Jeremy Clarkson Capt. Richard Burton (need a time machine for that one)
  2. Again, this sort of thing happens because we, the people, do nothing to stop it. Jobless, having been here since 1991? This country is a laughing stock, sponged off by everyone and the world knows it. That's why they come here - Because they know neither we, nor our government will do anything to stop it. So you, yes you - All you're gonna do is sit there and grumble about it, right? You're not actually gonna get off your backside and do anything about it. Neither is anyone else. Made yer bed, now lie in it.
  3. Listen to the bike. Simple as. The Drag has 3 sounds... 1/. Rumble grumble, you changed up too early. You might even find a slight juddering. 2/. Revvy revvy, I'm nicely in the powerband. Bike feels charged and powerful. 3/. Screamy screamy, feckin' change up!! Bike starts to struggle. Sit there in Neutral and rev the bike up slowly a few times. Slowly roll the throttle and hear what the different rev ranges sound like. They will be about the same sounds, but quieter when you're moving along. Now go out and ride some. Listen closely to and try to feel what the bike is doing. When accelerating, you want to change up just before you reach the upper end of 2/. above. When slowing, drop when it reaches the burbly 1/. sound. Eventually, you'll know what gear you're in by your speed and engine sound. Every bike is tuned slightly differently, but you will eventually find the speed range where the powerband works best. My up-shift points are generally: 0, 20, 35, 45, 60, 70. I may shift up sooner, such as to 3rd at 30, if I am to remain at that speed for a while, but I may stay in 2nd to get more power for building speed further.
  4. Find the Lockie first as that'll be the cheapest and easiest remedy. They can impression and cut you a 3-set of keys for a lot less than a new lock set. I've already put the feelers out for reputable chaps in Buckinghamshire (PM me a more exact location and I shall find someone close by).
  5. A 125 Drag is unlikely to have an Immob. But even if it does, a decent auto Lockie will carry a VAG66 or similar that can obtain the code to program in. Unfortunately, I can't help you with that one as it's professional kit, rather than hobbyist stuff
  6. Who is taxing us? March on them and physically remove them. History has shown that this does work, so long as people follow it through and don't back down like they did during teh Dissolution Of The Monasteries. While you're there, replace them with a government who will implement things like Hydrogen powered engine technology (which is already available in California).
  7. Check the exhaust, too. You might have a hole developing somewhere.
  8. Viragoes are fairly small Cruisers, good for shorter riders. Dragstars are long and low, best suited for taller riders (like meeeeeeeeeee). Very different vehicles. Parts are not interchangable. Get one - They are cool!!!
  9. A decent auto locksmith (car specialist) will be able to impression the lock and cut a set of keys from that. Hell, even I could impression the lock for you. Shop around and find a local independent Lockie (stay away from the big national companies). If you have trouble, I can find you one. Job done. As for the unknowns, at 800 squid you'll have money left for any repairs. A second-hand bike like this in reasonable nick would normally cost £1500 - £2000+
  10. Cannae see eBay - Can ye copy piccies here. please?
  11. Rah rah rah, rah rah rah, rah rah rah, rah rah rah, rah rah rah......... Ranty bollocks...... Who is actually going to DO something, then? Everyone complains. No-one DOES anything to stop it. Will you?
  12. Can you not adjust the aim manually? Should be two screws, each one controlling up/down or left/right... Failing that, swap the reflector for a UK spec one. Failing that, get the stick-on reflector that does the same job.
  13. Not good, mate.... We're having our own battle - My company handles the water utilities for much of Southern England. While some places are fine, others are awful and the Regulator keeps cutting our budgets. Ya know... Yamaha do make Jet-Skis....
  14. Ttaskmaster

    eye test

    And here was me thinking she'd missed bits when dyeing her hair...
  15. Of late, I was wondering why my riding was a bit shit... And I do mean 'a bit' - Slightly off-line, a touch more effort controlling the bike, stuff like that. I suspected I was just tired, or hadn't properly woken up yet... Until I remembered this thread and realised it was just the high winds
  16. Pisspots are illegal in the UK and most coppers know that.
  17. Umm...... YES!!! That's what they're for. Forgive the sarcasm, but if you have a s/bag and you take a corner, that bag will follow gravity into the wheel. What happens if you lock up your back wheel in a corner? I had the same discussion with my other half, albeit far more scathing and sarcastic. She ended up buying the s/bag supports!!
  18. Or it could be that the liner has compressed (over a period of years) and is now loose. If it's less that 2 years old, there's probably a fault. But if the problem is just that the correct size makes your head looks big, either live with it or try a different brand/model of helmet. That's the way the cookie crumbles, I'm afraid. Me, I don't have to see myself riding, so I just wear what's comfy. Happens to be a Caberg 104-V2
  19. If the helmet fits your head, then that's how it goes. Any smaller than what you require and you'll have problems. I'm 5' 11" and I wear an L-size Caberg V2. It makes everyone look like a Spaceman. But then, it does have all that protective padding, which is kind of the point, really..... I say bollocks to it - Either you have the wrong size helmet or, if it fits and is comfy, you don't. Who cares what it looks like? It's there to save your life and the Cabergs are very good lids.
  20. I'd not worry about the Police Riders' handbook quite yet. Give it a couple of years, get a full licence and get some miles under your belt first.
  21. To be honest, I see no reason why we can't send other 'fringe interest' magazines and things. I bet some of them would love copies of Fishing Weekly (senior officer), Model Collector Monthly (RSM), Flower Pressing Review (2nd Lt.), Guns And Ammo (Staff Sergeant), Penthouse (NCOs)or Readers Wives (squaddie). Send lots of mags!!!
  22. You can do that..... But you've just taken the price of a new exhaust set off your resale value if you do. Or, you can get some Highway Hawk straight-through pipes and have your bike sound like a Spitfire when it goes past!!!
  23. So why do they call you 'Cynic', then?
  24. OK, Immob is a big difference. Realistically, it's best to get it checked and/or uninstalled by a pro. But you're doing well by checking earthing and so on first. Always check and replace the cheapest parts first!!
  25. Ah.... you didn't mention the alarm.... It is indeed quite possible that your alarm is fecking with your battery. Mine does. Is it an alarm or an immobiliser? BIG difference. If it's an alarm, you should be able to just trace the wires, cut it out and chuck it away. I'm also guessing that it was an aftermarket/DIY installation and isn't properly earthed. An alarm only does one thing anyway - Alerts you to someone fecking with your bike. Neighbours won't care, but at least you will know. Immobilisers will not stop a pro thief, as they just lift the bike into a van. It just stops someone riding off if they don't have the key. I've known several to fail mid-ride, as well. Get a chain and secure the bike to something immovable. Make sure the chain is well off the ground, so they can't brace bolt-cutters on the floor as leverage.
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