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Everything posted by Ttaskmaster

  1. Step 1: Get it fully serviced. Have your guys look over it completely, checking everything. Drain and replace all the fluids - Brake, fuel, oil sump, final drive etc. Replace filters and spark plugs, too. Check tuning, grease all the greasy bits - The whole sha-bang!! Once she's all checked out, then we start seeing if she has a real problem!!
  2. Sing A Song For Heaven's Sake
  3. No I haven't. It should top out around 92mph. Have you had it serviced recently?
  4. The Girl Who Could Run 600 Miles Per Hour (2006 flick, apparently)
  5. You want to take the chance that Royal Fail won't lose it? Yeah, it could be resolved in writing, but Failure To Display is still a crime. You get ample notification for when it expires, so you should never be without it. You can drop into a Post Office or DVLA office and get it there and then. Takes an average of 4 minutes, plus queueing time. But hey - Your choice, peeps.
  6. In The Name Of The Father I might have to include the rule banning use of a word if it's already been used... at least in the same page. Otherwise everything will just use 'the'.
  7. Pushing it a bit... need a word within a word, really. Down With Love
  8. Properly tuned, your engine should kick it all the way up to the top of 4th, leaving you 5th to change into and drop the revs while cruising. While in 5th, a slow, steady increase on the throttle will gradually bring you up just past 70mph. It's not a performance bike, but it is pretty well suited to blasting around town!! Anything else, I'd really recommend trading up to a 250, 400 or even a proper 650 Dragstar. Buggering about with the engine and stuff can really kill your resale value.
  9. Me Without You I'm actually IN this one!!
  10. How odd... TBH, mate - I just kept at it and learned to not stall. If the biting point of your clutch is difficult, then adjust the cable so it sits somewhere more natural. This thing looks like a pseudo-solution to a problem that doesn't really exist. For the record I have 5 friends who all ride 1100 Drags/V-stars, one of which is an '09, two are '08s and the other two are older. None have this issue. Have you been riding long? I ride every single day and even I still stall every once in a blue moon. Confuses the hell out of me when it happens
  11. Have you got it in writing? If not, then that argument ain't worth the line rental it was spoken on. Failure to display. SLAM. Regardless of this - There's doubt over the issue. Do you want to risk it, or play it safe and be assured of pleasant riding time? Wait until you have the damn thing in your hand. I always go to the local DVLA office itself and walk out with it there and then.
  12. Lucy Westenra was blonde, IIRC...
  13. National Lampoons Animal House To-GA... To-GA... To-GA...
  14. "Who Finds A Friend, Finds A Treaure" Some weird Cheech & Chong style flick that there's a trailer for on one of my own straight-to-DVDs. Think it's still on IMDB, though...
  15. The Empire Strikes Back!! Dahn dahn dahn, dahn da-dahn dahn da-dahn......
  16. The film's just called Blade Runner anyway, mate - No 'the' in it (I know this, coz I'm a geek ). Neeeeevermoind, eh! Sister Act
  17. Errr.... www.wemoto.com Box on the right, says "Search for model:". Whack in Dragstar or Wildstar, select the one you want and find the part categories.
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